alt.ftp-sites: program announcements & archive site info

T. William Wells bill at
Mon Nov 20 17:51:37 AEST 1989

In article <EMV.89Nov19174333 at> emv at (Edward Vielmetti) writes:
:                        and bad-bad-bad because there's supposed
: to be a comp.archives group for just this purpose but instead it's
: bogged down in a lot of meaningless site entry format claptrap.

Hey, Ed! Send your list to comp.archives; the site entry thing is
only for my database, not for general posting. I already posted
Granrose's list when he sent it to me. I'll be happy to post yours
as well.

: What I propose is a newsgroup (probably an alt group for starters)
: which re-posts news from other groups about where to find things.

You used to send me things and I posted them. What happened?

: Articles would be processed to make sure that headers pointed followup
: and discussion to the right places, to tack on whatever other
: reasonable headers might be easy to do (like archive site name),
: but otherwise there would be minimal effort made to sanitize the
: information.

That can be arranged.

Here's a proposal: for what you are talking about, someone has to
scavenge newsgroups for archive site postings, add the extra
headers, and post them somewhere. Right?

Well, if you can find a victim to do this, let's work it out so
that they can post directly on comp.archives. I don't have any up
front problems with sharing the moderation of the group, should
someone appropriate be found. You'd do. :-)

Bill                    { uunet | novavax | ankh | sunvice } !twwells!bill
bill at

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