Help:elvis with Turbo C++ doesn't take args

Roy M. Silvernail cybrspc!roy at
Thu Aug 30 16:06:12 AEST 1990

ssi at ziggy.EDU (Ssi) writes:

>  Has anyone gotten ELVIS to work on a pc (MSDOS) using Turbo C++.
> I did a prjcnvt to update the project file, deleted all the termcap/..
> stuff in elvis.prj, added tinytcap and wildcard to elvis.prj.
>  It compiles but does not take any command line args when run.
> IE: ( vi | elvis ) FILE.NAM   <<-- comes up [NO FILE]

Elvis seems to expect wildcard to be a seperate .exe file. Try compiling
wildcard seperately and see if you get better results.

I got the cue for this from the makefile. Mine works as one would
Roy M. Silvernail |+|  roy%cybrspc at  |+| #define opinions ALL_MINE;
main(){float x=1;x=x/50;printf("It's only $%.2f, but it's my $%.2f!\n",x,x);}
"This is cyberspace." -- Peter da Silva  :--:  "...and I like it here!" -- me

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