How to make a faster comp.sources.unix
John F. Haugh II
jfh at
Sat Dec 1 01:29:49 AEST 1990
In article <10770:Nov3009:18:4790 at> brnstnd at (Dan Bernstein) writes:
>You want comp.sources.unix to produce software faster? You want to
>contribute some effort? Stop whining and start beta testing!
This is a fantastic idea.
>I'd like to help. If Rich sends me each comp.sources.unix submission at
>some stage of editing, I'll do my best to look at and test at least half
>the packages in each volume. I'll tell Rich what I think about each
>package, and I'll follow any guidelines he sets on things to look for.
>I'll tell him if I ever find I no longer have the time or resources to
>keep up with his schedule.
I think a better idea would be a list of volunteers whom Rick distributes
a list of packages amongst. The volunteers then request the packages they
are able to/interested in testing. This way people who have resources
to spare can sign up for more work than those people without. Anyone
who gets burnt out naturally fades into the woodwork.
John F. Haugh II UUCP: ...!!rpp386!jfh
Ma Bell: (512) 832-8832 Domain: jfh at
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