Neat utility to convert uppercase filenames
Randal L. Schwartz
merlyn at
Tue Dec 11 15:25:30 AEST 1990
In article <PINARD.90Dec10184326 at kovic.IRO.UMontreal.CA>, pinard at IRO (Francois Pinard) writes:
| I use this:
| #!/bin/sh
| # Convert upper case in file names to lower case.
| # Copyright (C) 1990 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
| # Francois Pinard <pinard at>, October 1990.
| echo $* \
| | tr " " "\012" \
| | gawk '{ if ($1 != tolower($1)) { print "mv", $1, tolower($1) } }' \
| | sh
| I'm sure there is a one-liner in Perl to do the same :-).
perl 'for (@ARGV) {($n = $_) =~ y/A-Z/a-z/; rename($_,$n) unless -e $n;}' *
Just another Perl hacker,
/=Randal L. Schwartz, Stonehenge Consulting Services (503)777-0095 ==========\
| on contract to Intel's iWarp project, Beaverton, Oregon, USA, Sol III |
| merlyn at ...!any-MX-mailer-like-uunet!!merlyn |
\=Cute Quote: "Intel: putting the 'backward' in 'backward compatible'..."====/
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