How to make a faster comp.sources.unix

Ronald S H Khoo ronald at
Sat Dec 1 13:17:50 AEST 1990

brnstnd at (Dan Bernstein) writes:
> Okay, the exact organization of this thing can be debated (and is really
> up to Rich).

One problem is that r$ doesn't often like to discuss what/why/how he's
managing with c.s.u.  This isn't the first time that people have offered
to help in a public forum, but I don't think r$ has ever taken anyone up
on their offers.  I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing
(at least with r$ we know who we're getting) but it does seem that r$'s
silence does seem to bring out all sorts of nasty comments from some people.

ronald at +44 81 991 1142 (O) +44 71 229 7741 (H)

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