Program to set clock to NBS time

Ed Braaten ed at
Sat Dec 29 10:35:23 AEST 1990

jmc at teqsoft.UUCP (Jack Cloninger) writes:

>I am posting this for a friend from the SCO Mailing List who does not
>have access to this newsgroup (Joe Huffman). Joe was responding to the
>following request from another party on the mailing list.  The
>following is the text of Joe's original posting and the uuencoded and
>compressed source for nbs_time.c which sets the local computer time to
>the time supplied by a dial-up connection to a Time Standards system.

Out of curiosity, I dialed the number (+1 202 653 0351) contained
in the source and got the following sent to my terminal at 1200 bps:

     48253 362 214838 UTC
     48253 362 214839 UTC
     48253 362 214840 UTC

   [... etc. at one second intervals ]

The question is:  does anyone know of a comparable service here on 
the European continent?  Maybe even here in Germany?

I know there are radio receivers which do the same, but you need 
extra equipment.  nbs_time.c just requires a modem which we have 

Thanks in advance,


      Ed Braaten           |  "... Man looks at the outward appearance, 
Work: ed at      |  but the Lord looks at the heart."              
Home: ed at  |                        1 Samuel 16:7b

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