another 'su encancer'

Tom Christiansen tchrist at convex.COM
Sat Apr 27 00:27:36 AEST 1991

>From the keyboard of muts at (Peter Mutsaers):
:Now that we are discussing a su encancer etc., here is a 'root' program that
:I've been using the last 1.5 year.
:The syntax is 'root command [args]' and runs one command with su privilege.
:It is quite safe, and checks if the uid is right. (only works for one user).

I think you guys are missing the point.  Any command that grants 
unrestricted privilege to even one user without confronting them
with a password is a security hole.  All I have to do is be that 
user, through Trojan horses, people absent from their offices, 
TIOCSTI usurpation, etc.  


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