Larry A. Shurr shurr at
Sat Jan 19 05:57:11 AEST 1991

Sound FX:    bridge alarm sound

Computer:    Red alert! Red alert!

Capt. Smirk: What is it!

Lt. Lulu:    Captain!  Sensors detect approaching flame war!

Mr. Block:   Correction, Captain.  Mr. Lulu's sensors are misinterpreting
	     a somewhat heated exchange as a full-fledged flame war.

Capt. Smirk: Any danger?

Mr. Block:   In all probability, no sir.  Such exchanges have been known
	     to escalate in intensity, thus possibly becoming a flame war,
	     but they frequently do not, "More light than heat" I believe
	     is the coloquial phrase.  Outbursts of this type are actually
	     quite common in this region of space.

Capt. Smirk: What do you mean?

Mr. Block:   We are currently traversing an unmoderated source quadrant.
	     When new, non-source matter is occasionally introduced, 
	     various reactions ensue.  Without moderation, there is 
	     always some instability.  One could wish for low-key reac-
	     tions in such circumstances, but that is generally not the

Capt. Smirk: Any precautions needed?

Mr. Block:   Unless Engineer Shot has any suggestions...

Mr. Shot:    Get on with 'ee!  Ayem an engineer, not a moderator!

Dr. Decoy:   Hey!  That's my line!

Mr. Block:   ... It might be wise to activate the Korbomite device.

Capt. Smirk: Very well.  If you are all quite ready... proceed Mr. Lulu.

Lt. Lulu:    Aye, Captain!  Pressing 'K' key... NOW!

Sound FX:    Poof!

Larry A. Shurr (cbnmva!las at att.ATT.COM or att!cbnmva!las)
The end of the world has been delayed due to a shortage of trumpet players.
(The above reflects my opinions, not those of AGS or AT&T, but you knew that.)

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