(various) changes to NNTP 1.5.7 [news.software.nntp]

Eric P. Scott eps at toaster.SFSU.EDU
Fri Dec 22 14:53:22 AEST 1989

Archive-name: nntp-1.5.7/eps
Original-posting-by: eps at toaster.SFSU.EDU (Eric P. Scott)
Original-subject: Various unofficial patches to 1.5.7 for your consideration
Reposted-by: emv at math.lsa.umich.edu (Edward Vielmetti)

[This is a patch to  from news.software.nntp.]

This article documents significant changes to NNTP 1.5.7 at SFSU.
The actual code we're running includes additional "screwup"
monitoring deemed not of general interest.

	Mandatory fix: NeXTs are 4.3 systems, not 4.2 systems!!
	Local hack: We run clusters where all machines are
	"equivalent" and a "server" handles all mail.  The
	local hostname is the WRONG thing to use; the name of
	the server machine must be inserted.  To maximize
	portability I pick it out of the Pnews script.  This also
	deals with "I don't have a domain in my name" problems.
	It just parallels what's already there; a good rewrite
	wouldn't hurt!
	Recommended enhancement: if NOLOGIN is defined, nntpd
	will quit with 400 reply if that file exists.  NOLOGIN
	would presumably be defined as "/etc/nologin" on BSD
	systems, "/nologin" on USG systems.
	Grab bag: index() wasn't declared (oops), and DBM wasn't
	being used if the conf.h file specified NDBM.  DBM has
	to be defined as something (just #define DBM isn't good
	enough) because of the way that ndbm masquerades as dbm.
	Feeding RNEWS to popen() really loses--you get all these
	useless shell processes.  You want an "exec" in there.
	"Integrating" nntpxfer with everything else is one of
	those ideas that "looks good on paper" but caused many
	more headaches than the 1.5.6 version did.  I've also
	added some sanity checking and fixed one really heinous
	typo. (edito?)
	Welcome to the wonderful world of NeXT!  signal() can be
	a floor wax AND a dessert topping!  Is it int or void?

And no, it still doesn't compile without warnings.

*** common/conf.h.dist.orig	Fri Nov 10 23:42:19 1989
--- common/conf.h.dist	Tue Dec 19 22:17:14 1989
*** 122,129 ****
  #ifdef BSD_43		/* And now more assumptions! */
  #   ifndef sun
! #	ifndef READ_SUPER
  #		define READ_SUPER
  #	endif
  #   endif
  #	ifndef NDBM
--- 122,131 ----
  #ifdef BSD_43		/* And now more assumptions! */
  #   ifndef sun
! #	ifndef NeXT /* not a NeXT */
! #	    ifndef READ_SUPER
  #		define READ_SUPER
+ #	    endif
  #	endif
  #   endif
  #	ifndef NDBM
*** inews/uname.c.orig	Fri Dec 18 15:16:45 1987
--- inews/uname.c	Tue Dec 19 22:04:28 1989
*** 27,32 ****
--- 27,62 ----
  #include <stdio.h>
  #include "../common/conf.h"
+ #ifdef PNNAME
+ #define	HDRFILE "/usr/local/bin/Pnews"
+ uname(uptr)
+ char *uptr;
+ {
+ 	char buf[BUFSIZ];
+ 	FILE *fd;
+ 	fd = fopen(HDRFILE, "r");
+ 	if (fd == NULL) {
+ 		fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open %s\n", HDRFILE);
+ 		exit(1);
+ 	}
+ 	for (;;) {	/* each line in the file */
+ 		if (fgets(buf, sizeof buf, fd) == NULL) {
+ 			fprintf(stderr, "no sysname in %s\n", HDRFILE);
+ 			fclose(fd);
+ 			exit(2);
+ 		}
+ 		if (sscanf(buf, "sitename=\"%[^\"]\"", uptr) == 1) {
+ 			fclose(fd);
+ 			return;
+ 		}
+ 	}
+ }
+ # define DONE
+ #endif
  #ifdef UNAME
  # define DONE
  #endif /* UNAME */
*** server/serve.c.orig	Mon Aug 28 00:22:58 1989
--- server/serve.c.Tue Dec 19 22:08:12 1989
*** 149,154 ****
--- 149,167 ----
+ #ifdef NOLOGIN
+ 	if (access(NOLOGIN, 0)>=0) {
+ 		printf(
+ "%d %s NNTP server host logins disabled.  Try later.\r\n",
+ 			ERR_GOODBYE, host);
+ 		(void) fflush(stdout);
+ #ifdef LOG
+ 		syslog(LOG_INFO, "%s host logins disabled", hostname);
+ #endif
+ 		exit(1);
+ 	}
+ #endif
  	/* If we can talk, proceed with initialization */
  	ngpermcount = get_nglist(&ngpermlist, gdbuf);
*** xfer/nntpxfer.c.orig	Fri Nov 10 23:58:45 1989
--- xfer/nntpxfer.c	Tue Dec 19 22:24:55 1989
*** 20,25 ****
--- 20,30 ----
  #include "../common/conf.h"
+ #ifdef NDBM
+ #endif
+ #undef RNEWS
+ #define RNEWS "exec /usr/bin/rnews"
  #include <sys/types.h>
  #ifdef NDIR
*** 48,53 ****
--- 53,59 ----
  char	*malloc();
  char	*strcpy();
  char	*strcat();
+ char	*index();
  char	*rindex();
  long	time();
  u_long	inet_addr();
*** 228,233 ****
--- 234,245 ----
  			artlist[newart] = malloc((unsigned)(strlen(buf)+1));
+ 			if (!(artlist[newart] =
+ 				malloc((unsigned)(strlen(buf)+1)))) {
+ 				fputs("malloc failure!\n", stderr);
+ 				omitupdate++;
+ 				continue;
+ 			}
  			(void) strcpy(artlist[newart], buf);
*** 361,367 ****
  #ifdef BSD43
  		FD_SET(server, &rf);
! 		r = select(20, (fd_set *)&rf, (fd_set *)0, (fd_set *)&rf, &tv);#else BSD43
  		rf = 1 << server;
  		r = select(20, (int *)&rf, (int *)0, (int *)&rf, &tv);
  #endif BSD43
--- 373,380 ----
  #ifdef BSD43
  		FD_SET(server, &rf);
! 		r = select(20, (fd_set *)&rf, (fd_set *)0, (fd_set *)&rf, &tv);
! #else BSD43
  		rf = 1 << server;
  		r = select(20, (int *)&rf, (int *)0, (int *)&rf, &tv);
  #endif BSD43
*** 397,402 ****
--- 410,420 ----
  		j++; p++;
+ 		if (j>=BUFSIZ) {
+ 			fputs("sockread buffer overflow\n", stderr);
+ 			(void)close(server);
+ 			exit(1);
+ 		}
  	(void) close(server);
*** xmit/nntpxmit.h.orig	Sun Oct 29 21:58:32 1989
--- xmit/nntpxmit.h	Tue Dec 19 03:05:24 1989
*** 9,15 ****
--- 9,19 ----
  #ifdef SIGRET
  #undef SIGRET
+ #ifdef __STRICT_BSD__
+ #define SIGRET int	/* NeXT gcc */
+ #else
  #define SIGRET void	/* Newfangled signal() returns void, old returns int */
+ #endif
  typedef	SIGRET	(*ifunp)();	/* pointer to function that returns */
  				/* whatever signal() returns */

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