SC 1040, Sch A, C, SE template

Scot E. Wilcoxon sewilco at datapg.DataPg.MN.ORG
Tue Feb 2 15:36:20 AEST 1988

This is a 1040 template (1987 Federal taxes) for the SC spreadsheet
program.  No tax tables or any cleverness, but it may be a starting
point for others.

I posted this on January 2nd with only 1040 and Schedule A.  This version
also includes Schedules C and SE.  I'm posting this enhanced version due
to continuing interest (I'd mention a national debt, but that would be
reaching for a pun).

One useful enhancement is to have a space to enter info for several W2s
for both spouses.  It is not in this version, but I "scribbled" a version
in a scratchpad area when actually doing my taxes.  The separate totals are
needed for the Child Care form and possibly for Schedules C and SE.

It is based on last year's <976 at ihlpf.UUCP> by Steve Spearman.  Thanks to
"tax reform" this year there's no Schedule W.  I acknowledge the efforts
by decwrl!esunix!rushfort in <643 at esunix.UUCP>, although I had already
done the same and thus did not use it.

There are no guarantees of correctness - use at your own risk, etc..  Cut
below and feed to the sc spreadsheet program.

Scot E. Wilcoxon	sewilco at DataPg.MN.ORG	ihnp4!meccts!datapg!sewilco
Data Progress		C and UNIX consulting	+1 612-825-2607

First,, a little System V sh script to help print a "W" file...
--------cut here----------
( for i in $*
	cut  -c1-60 $i
	echo "\014\c"
	cut -c61-120 $i
	echo "\014\c"
	cut -c121-180 $i
	echo "\014\c"
	cut -c181-240 $i
	echo "\014\c"
	cut -c241-300 $i
	echo "\014\c"
done ) | lp
--------cut here----------
# This data file was generated by the Spreadsheet Calculator.
# You almost certainly shouldn't edit it.

format A 30 2
format B 30 2
format C 30 2
format D 30 2
format E 30 2
format F 30 2
format G 30 2
format H 30 2
format I 30 2
format J 30 2
leftstring A0 = " 1040 TAX FORM SHEET 1987"
leftstring B0 = " 1040 TAX FORM SHEET 1987"
leftstring C0 = " 1040 TAX FORM SHEET 1987"
leftstring D0 = " 1040 TAX FORM SHEET 1987"
leftstring E0 = " SCHEDULE A- ITEMIZED"
leftstring F0 = " DEDUCTIONS"
leftstring G0 = " SCHEDULE C - PROFIT (OR LOSS)"
leftstring J0 = " SELF-EMPLOYMENT TAX"
leftstring B1 = " 6e. Total Exemptions"
let B1 = 0
leftstring B2 = " 7. Wages, etc."
let B2 = 0
leftstring D2 = " 31. Gross (L.30)"
let D2 = B28
leftstring B3 = " 8. TAX. Interest"
let B3 = 0
rightstring C3 = "enter only 33a or 33b  "
leftstring D3 = " 33a. Sch.A L.26"
let D3 = F33
leftstring E3 = " 1a. Drug,Med,Dental"
let E3 = 0
leftstring G3 = "    Part I    Income"
leftstring H3 = "    Part III    Cost of Goods"
leftstring I3 = "    Part I    Regular Computat"
leftstring J3 = "ion of Net Earnings"
leftstring A4 = " 9. TAX-EXEMPT Interest"
let A4 = 0
leftstring D4 = " 33b. Standard ded."
let D4 = 0
leftstring E4 = " 1b. transport/lodge"
let E4 = 0
leftstring G4 = " 1a. Gross Receipts"
let G4 = 0
leftstring H4 = " 1. Inv at start"
let H4 = 0
leftstring J4 = " 1. Farm profit"
let J4 = 0
leftstring B5 = " 10. Dividend Income"
let B5 = 0
leftstring D5 = " 34. 31-(33a or 33b)"
let D5 = D2-D3-D4
leftstring E5 = " 1c. other"
let E5 = 0
leftstring G5 = " 1b. Returns+Allow"
let G5 = 0
leftstring H5 = " 2. Purch-personal"
let H5 = 0
leftstring J5 = " 2. Sch C,L.31"
let J5 = H36
leftstring B6 = " 11. Taxable refunds"
let B6 = 0
leftstring D6 = " 35. Exemptions*1900"
let D6 = B1*1900
leftstring E6 = " 2. Total"
let E6 = @sum(E3:E5)
leftstring G6 = " 1c.  L.1a-L.1b"
let G6 = G4-G5
leftstring H6 = " 3. Labor"
let H6 = 0
leftstring B7 = " 12. Alimony"
let B7 = 0
leftstring D7 = " 36. Taxable Income"
let D7 = D5-D6
leftstring E7 = " 3. F.1040 L.31 * .075"
let E7 = D2*0.075
leftstring G7 = " 2.   part III, L.8"
let G7 = H11
leftstring H7 = " 4. Materials"
let H7 = 0
leftstring I7 = "    Part II   Optional Computa"
leftstring J7 = "tion of Net Earnings"
leftstring B8 = " 13. Business income"
let B8 = H36
leftstring F8 = " 4. L2 - L3 or 0"
let F8 = E6-E7>0?E6-E7:0
leftstring G8 = " 3.   Gross profit"
let G8 = G6-G7
leftstring H8 = " 5. Other costs"
let H8 = 0
leftstring J8 = " 3. Max optional"
let J8 = 1600
leftstring B9 = " 14. Capital gain"
let B9 = 0
leftstring D9 = " 37. ENTER TAX"
leftstring E9 = " 5. State/local tax"
let E9 = 0
leftstring G9 = " 4. Other income"
let G9 = 0
leftstring H9 = " 6. Total L.1-L.5"
let H9 = @sum(H4:H8)
leftstring J9 = " 4. Farm Optional"
let J9 = 0
leftstring B10 = " 15. Other gains"
let B10 = 0
leftstring D10 = " 38. Addit. Taxes"
let D10 = 0
leftstring E10 = " 6. Real estate tax"
let E10 = 0
leftstring G10 = " 5.   Gross income"
let G10 = G8+G9
leftstring H10 = " 7. Inv at end"
let H10 = 0
leftstring J10 = " 5. L.3-L.4"
let J10 = J8-J9
leftstring D11 = " 39. Total Taxes"
let D11 = D9+D10
leftstring E11 = " 7. Other taxes"
let E11 = 0
leftstring H11 = " 8. Cost of Goods"
let H11 = H9-H10
leftstring J11 = " 6. Nonfarm Optional"
let J11 = H36<1600&H36<G10*0.67?(H36*0.67>J8?(J10>J8?J8:J10):H36*0.67):0
leftstring A12 = " 16a. Pension total"
let A12 = 0
leftstring B12 = " 16b. Taxable pension"
let B12 = 0
leftstring F12 = " 8. Total taxes"
let F12 = @sum(E9:E11)
leftstring B13 = " 17. Rents, etc."
let B13 = 0
leftstring E13 = " 9a. Mortgage int"
let E13 = 0
leftstring G13 = "    Part II    Deductions"
leftstring I13 = "    Part III  Computation of S"
leftstring J13 = ".S. Self-Employment Tax"
leftstring B14 = " 18. Farm income"
let B14 = 0
leftstring C14 = " 40. Child care"
let C14 = 0
leftstring E14 = " 9b. Indiv. mortgage"
let E14 = 0
leftstring G14 = " 6. Advertising"
let G14 = 0
leftstring H14 = " 23. Repairs"
let H14 = 0
leftstring J14 = " 7. P1L.1 or P2L.4"
let J14 = J4>J9?J4:J9
leftstring B15 = " 19. Unemployment"
let B15 = 0
leftstring C15 = " 41. Elderly credit"
let C15 = 0
leftstring E15 = " 10. Points"
let E15 = 0
leftstring G15 = " 7. Bad debts"
let G15 = 0
leftstring H15 = " 24. Supplies"
let H15 = 0
leftstring J15 = " 8. P1L.2 or P2L.6"
let J15 = J5>J11?J5:J11
leftstring A16 = " 20a. Social Security"
let A16 = 0
leftstring B16 = " 20b. Taxable amount"
let B16 = 0
leftstring D16 = " 42. Total personal"
let D16 = @sum(C14:C15)
leftstring E16 = " 11. Invest. int"
let E16 = 0
leftstring G16 = " 8. Bank charges"
let G16 = 0
leftstring H16 = " 25. Taxes"
let H16 = 0
leftstring J16 = " 9. L.7+L.8 (>$399!)"
let J16 = 400>J14+J15?0:J14+J15
leftstring B17 = " 21. Other Income"
let B17 = 0
leftstring D17 = " 43. L.39 - L.42"
let D17 = D11-D16>0?D11-D16:0
leftstring E17 = " 12a. Personal int"
let E17 = 0
leftstring G17 = " 9. Car expense"
let G17 = 0
leftstring H17 = " 26."
leftstring J17 = " 10. Upper limit"
let J17 = 43800
leftstring B18 = " 22. Total Income"
let B18 = @sum(B2:B17)
leftstring C18 = " 44. Foreign tax"
let C18 = 0
leftstring E18 = " 12b. L.12a * .65"
let E18 = E17*0.65
leftstring G18 = " 10. Commissions"
let G18 = 0
leftstring H18 = "   a. Travel"
let H18 = 0
leftstring I18 = " 11a. W-2 SS total"
let I18 = 0
leftstring C19 = " 45. Business credit"
let C19 = 0
leftstring D19 = " 46. L.44 + L.45"
let D19 = C18+C19
leftstring F19 = " 13. Total interest"
let F19 = @sum(E13:E16)+E18
leftstring G19 = " 11. Depletion"
let G19 = 0
leftstring H19 = "   b. Meals+Ent."
let H19 = 0
leftstring I19 = " 11b. Tips"
let I19 = 0
leftstring A20 = " 23. Business Expense"
let A20 = 0
leftstring D20 = " 47. L.43 - L.46"
let D20 = D17-D19>0?D17-D19:0
leftstring E20 = " 14a. Cash"
let E20 = 0
leftstring G20 = " 12. Form 4562"
let G20 = 0
leftstring H20 = "   c. 20% of L.26b"
let H20 = 0.2*H19
leftstring J20 = " 11c. L.11a+L.11b"
let J20 = I18+I19
leftstring A21 = " 24a. Your IRA ded."
let A21 = 0
leftstring E21 = " 14b. Cash > 3000"
let E21 = 0
leftstring G21 = " 13. Dues and pub"
let G21 = 0
leftstring H21 = "   d. L.26b-L.26c"
let H21 = H19-H20
leftstring J21 = " 12a. L.10-L.11c"
let J21 = J17-J20>0?J17-J20:0
leftstring A22 = " 24b. Spouse IRA ded."
let A22 = 0
leftstring D22 = " 48. Self-empl. tax"
let D22 = J27
leftstring E22 = " 15. Non-cash"
let E22 = 0
leftstring G22 = " 14. Empl benefits"
let G22 = 0
leftstring H22 = " 27. Utilities"
let H22 = 0
leftstring I22 = " 12b. Medicare wages"
let I22 = 0
leftstring A23 = " 25. Self health ins"
let A23 = 0
leftstring D23 = " 49. Minimum tax"
let D23 = 0
leftstring E23 = " 16. Carryover"
let E23 = 0
leftstring G23 = " 15. Freight"
let G23 = 0
leftstring H23 = " 28a. Wages"
let H23 = 0
leftstring I23 = " 12c. Church wages"
let I23 = 0
leftstring A24 = " 26. Keogh deduction"
let A24 = 0
leftstring D24 = " 50. Invest. tax"
let D24 = 0
leftstring F24 = " 17. Total Contrib."
let F24 = @sum(E20:E23)
leftstring G24 = " 16. Insurance"
let G24 = 0
leftstring H24 = " 28b. Jobs credit"
let H24 = 0
leftstring J24 = " 12d. L.9+L.12c"
let J24 = J16+I23
leftstring A25 = " 27. Savings penalty"
let A25 = 0
leftstring D25 = " 51. SS on tips"
let D25 = 0
leftstring F25 = " 18. Theft loss"
let F25 = 0
leftstring G25 = " 17. Interest:"
leftstring H25 = " 28c. L.28a-L.28b"
let H25 = H23-H24
leftstring J25 = " 13. L.12a or L.12d"
let J25 = J21>J24?J24:J21
leftstring A26 = " 28. Alimony"
let A26 = 0
leftstring D26 = " 52. IRA tax"
let D26 = 0
leftstring F26 = " 19. Moving expenses"
let F26 = 0
leftstring G26 = "   a. Mortgage"
let G26 = 0
leftstring B27 = " 29. Total Adj."
let B27 = @sum(A20:A26)
leftstring D27 = " 53. Total Tax"
let D27 = D20+ at sum(D22:D26)
leftstring E27 = " 20. Employee exp"
let E27 = 0
leftstring G27 = "   b. Other"
let G27 = 0
leftstring H27 = " 29. Other expenses"
leftstring J27 = " 14. SE Tax"
let J27 = J25<J17?J25*0.123:J17
leftstring B28 = " 30. Adjusted Gross"
let B28 = B18-B27
leftstring C28 = " 54. Tax withheld"
let C28 = 0
leftstring E28 = " 21. Other expense"
let E28 = 0
leftstring G28 = " 18. Cleaning"
let G28 = 0
leftstring H28 = "      ______________"
let H28 = 0
leftstring C29 = " 55. Est. tax"
let C29 = 0
leftstring E29 = " 22. Total misc"
let E29 = E27+E28
leftstring G29 = " 19. Legal+prof."
let G29 = 0
leftstring H29 = "      ______________"
let H29 = 0
leftstring C30 = " 56. Earned income"
let C30 = 0
leftstring E30 = " 23. 1040 L.31 * .02"
let E30 = D2*0.02
leftstring G30 = " 20. Office expense"
let G30 = 0
leftstring H30 = "      ______________"
let H30 = 0
leftstring C31 = " 57. Form 4868"
let C31 = 0
leftstring F31 = " 24. L.22 - L.23 or 0"
let F31 = E29-E30>0?E29-E30:0
leftstring G31 = " 21. Pension"
let G31 = 0
leftstring H31 = "      ______________"
let H31 = 0
leftstring C32 = " 58. Excess SS"
let C32 = 0
leftstring F32 = " 25. Other misc"
let F32 = 0
leftstring G32 = " 22. Property Rent"
let G32 = 0
leftstring H32 = "    total exp."
let H32 = @sum(H28:H31)
leftstring C33 = " 59. Fuel tax credit"
let C33 = 0
leftstring F33 = " 26. Total deduct"
let F33 = F8+F12+F19+F24+F25+F26+F31+F32
leftstring C34 = " 60. Reg. Invest. Co."
let C34 = 0
leftstring D34 = " 61. Total Payments"
let D34 = @sum(C28:C34)
leftstring H34 = " 30. Total Ded."
let H34 = @sum(G14:G32)+ at sum(H14:H18)+H21+H22+H25+H32
leftstring D35 = " 62. Amount overpaid"
let D35 = D34>D27?D34-D27:0
leftstring D36 = " 63. Amount of Refund"
let D36 = D35-C37
leftstring H36 = " 31. Net profit"
let H36 = G10-H34
leftstring C37 = " 64. apply est. tax"
let C37 = 0
leftstring D38 = " 65. Amount you owe"
let D38 = D27>D34?D27-D34:0
Scot E. Wilcoxon	sewilco at DataPg.MN.ORG	ihnp4!meccts!datapg!sewilco
Data Progress		C and UNIX consulting	+1 612-825-2607
	Laws are society's common sense, recorded for the stupid.
	The alert question everything anyway.

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