Eiffel major mode for Gnu EMACS [comp.lang.eiffel,comp.emacs]

Bob Weiner weiner at novavax.UUCP
Sun Dec 17 08:33:23 AEST 1989

Archive-name: eiffel.el/weiner
Original-posting-by: weiner at novavax.UUCP (Bob Weiner)
Original-subject: Much improved version of GNU Emacs Eiffel editing mode
Original-message-id: <1694 at novavax.UUCP>
Reposted-by: emv at math.lsa.umich.edu (Edward Vielmetti)

[This is an experimental alt.sources announcement from the newsgroup(s)

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Comments to alt.sources.d.  This is an experiment.  --Ed]

ISE, the creators of the object-oriented language Eiffel, recently
posted a very basically modified version of Omohundro's Eiffel mode.
This is a revision that adds a number of interesting features and simply
works a good deal better.  It may no longer conform to ISE's indentation
conventions which are extremely wasteful of whitespace, but it
definitely makes the code easier to read, and of course the basic unit
of indentation is controlled by a variable.  Here's to readable, well
documented code.

How many people would be interested in an efficient, Smalltalk-like
browser (but better) for Eiffel that runs entirely within GNU Emacs  (no
X windows or vt100 necessary)?  Let me know since it's already finished.

			Bob Weiner

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Cut Here ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

[600-odd lines deleted.]

Bob Weiner, Motorola, Inc.,   USENET:  ...!gatech!uflorida!novavax!weiner
(407) 364-2087

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