News Traffic Generator reports
David C Lawrence
tale at
Thu Dec 14 18:31:34 AEST 1989
In article <9A~{L|> tale at (David C Lawrence) writes:
> I made a few changes to Erik Fair's NNTP syslog summarizer; it's
> available to anyone that wants it. I run it as part of my localdaily
> script invoked by cron every morning at 7am.
Well, I've received eleven requests for this today, so I'll post. The
only site configuration that should need to be changed is the ``local''
array defined in the BEGIN block.
People who like time/cpu information are advised to use the original
version of this script, with perhaps the addition of domain summary
for readers. "polled" still uses the time/cpu format, so you can
convert this back from there if you don't have access to the original.
# an awk script
# an NNTP log summary report generator
# NOTE: for systems that are not as yet using the new 4.3 BSD syslog
# (and therefore have nntp messages lumped with everything else), it
# would be best to invoke this script thusly:
# egrep nntp syslog.old | awk -f nntp_awk > report_of_the_week
# because this script will include in the report all messages in the log
# that it does not recognize (on the assumption that they are errors to
# be dealt with by a human).
# Erik E. Fair <fair at>
# May 17, 1986 - Norwegian Independence Day
# Recognize some new things - February 22, 1987
# Erik E. Fair <fair at>
# fix "xmt is not an array" bug - March 11, 1987
# Change Elapsed/CPU fields to break out time values, HH:MM:SS
# Erik E. Fair <fair at>
# Add reporting for newnews commands - August 27, 1987
# Erik E. Fair <fair at>
# Add nntpxmit connection attempt counting/reporting - December 7, 1987
# Erik E. Fair <fair at>
# Some hacking on 11 Nov 89, tale. Deal with newsxd and change output
# format a little. Left the output for pollers alone.
# More whacking early December, to stop listing readers on individual machines
# but instead summarize the domain.
# set up an array to use for summarizing domains
local[""] = 0;
local[""] = 0;
local[""] = 0;
local[""] = 0;
local[""] = 0;
local[""] = 0;
local[""] = 0;
local[""] = 0;
local[""] = 0;
### Skip stderr reports from rnews
n = split($6, path, "/");
if (path[n] == "rnews:") next;
n = split($7, path, "/");
if (path[n] == "rnews") next;
host = $6;
$5 ~ /^newsxd\[[0-9]+\]:$/ {
newsxds = 1;
if ($6 == "shut" && $7 == "down")
else if ($6 == "starting")
else if ($6 == "reinitializing")
else print;
$7 == "group" {
readers = 1;
$7 == "ihave" {
receive = 1;
if ($9 == "accepted") {
if ($10 == "failed") rec_failed[host]++;
} else if ($9 == "rejected") rec_refuse[host]++;
# this is from version 1.4 of nntpd
$7 == "ihave_stats" {
receive = 1;
rec[host] += $9 + $11 + $13;
rec_accept[host] += $9;
rec_refuse[host] += $11;
rec_failed[host] += $13;
$7 == "connect" {
# nntpxmit connection errors
# Ooooh! I *wish* awk had N dimensional arrays,
# so I wouldn't have to throw away the error message here!
$7 == "hello:" {
if ($8 == "Connection" && $9 == "refused")
# we'll get stats from this, don't count conn[]
$7 == "xfer:" {
# since these are expected to be few in number, we still print
# the exact error (no "next;" statement here).
$7 == "greeted" {
$7 == "host" && $8 == "unknown" {
# nntpd connection abort - all "broken pipe" right now
$7 == "disconnect:" { next }
# syslogd shit
$7 == "repeated" { next }
# inews shit
$11 == "spooled" { next }
$7 == "exit" {
if ($8 > 0) readers = 1;
articles[host] += $8;
groups[host] += $10;
$7 == "xmit" {
xmt_cpu[host] += $9 + $11;
xmt_ela[host] += $13;
$7 == "times" {
cpu[host] += $9 + $11;
ela[host] += $13;
$7 == "stats" {
transmit = 1;
xmt[host] += $8;
xmt_accept[host] += $10;
xmt_refuse[host] += $12;
xmt_failed[host] += $14;
# For the Nth time, I wish awk had two dimensional associative
# arrays. I assume that the last request is the same as all the
# others in this section of logfile.
$7 == "newnews" {
polled = 1;
poll[host] ++;
poll_asked[host] = $8;
$7 == "newnews_stats" {
poll_offered[host] += $9;
poll_took[host] += $11;
$7 == "post" {
readers = 1;
$7 == "timeout" {
timeouts = 1;
$7 == "unrecognized" {
# curious = 1; # originally by Erik. I'll see it at the top of
# report anyway without it being an Unknown Explorer
print $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8 # just print the first word,
next; # which is really the unrecognised part.
$7 == "refused" {
### Print anything that we don't recognize in the report
if (newsxds) {
printf("News Transmission Daemon Activity:\n");
for (s in newsxd) {
if (s == "start") printf("newsxd starts: %d\n",newsxd["start"]);
else if (s== "reinit")
printf("newsxd reinitialisations: %d\n",newsxd["reinit"]);
else printf("newsxd shut downs by signal %d: %d\n",s,newsxd[s]);
### Article Exchange With Peers (other servers) Statistics
if (polled) for(s in poll) servers[s]++;
if (receive) for(s in rec) servers[s]++;
if (transmit) for(s in xmt) servers[s]++;
if (receive) {
printf("Article Reception Offered Took Toss Fail\n");
printf("Contacting Host To Us Total Pct Total Pct Total Pct\n");
for(s in rec) {
nrec += rec[s];
nrec_accept += rec_accept[s];
nrec_refuse += rec_refuse[s];
nrec_failed += rec_failed[s];
they_offered = rec[s];
if (they_offered == 0) they_offered = 1;
we_toss = (rec_refuse[s] / they_offered) * 100 + 0.5;
we_took = (rec_accept[s] / they_offered) * 100 + 0.5;
we_fail = (rec_failed[s] / they_offered) * 100 + 0.5;
printf("%-25s %5d %5d %3d%% %5d %3d%% %5d %3d%%\n", s, rec[s], rec_accept[s], we_took, rec_refuse[s], we_toss, rec_failed[s], we_fail);
they_offered = nrec;
if (they_offered == 0) they_offered = 1;
we_toss = (nrec_refuse / they_offered) * 100 + 0.5;
we_took = (nrec_accept / they_offered) * 100 + 0.5;
we_fail = (nrec_failed / they_offered) * 100 + 0.5;
printf("------------------------- ----- ---------- ---------- ----------\n");
printf("%-25s %5d %5d %3d%% %5d %3d%% %5d %3d%%\n\n", "TOTALS", nrec, nrec_accept, we_took, nrec_refuse, we_toss, nrec_failed, we_fail);
if (polled) {
printf("Article Transmission (they poll us)\n");
printf("System Conn Offrd Took Elapsed CPU Pct Groups\n");
npoll = 0;
npoll_offered = 0;
npoll_took = 0;
npoll_cpu = 0;
npoll_ela = 0;
for(s in poll) {
npoll += poll[s];
npoll_offered += poll_offered[s];
npoll_took += poll_took[s];
if (rec[s]) {
printf("%-25s %5d %5d %5d (see Article Reception) %s\n", s, poll[s], poll_offered[s], poll_took[s], poll_asked[s]);
} else {
npoll_ela += ela[s];
npoll_cpu += cpu[s];
e_hours = ela[s] / 3600;
e_sec = ela[s] % 3600;
e_min = e_sec / 60;
e_sec %= 60;
c_hours = cpu[s] / 3600;
c_sec = cpu[s] % 3600;
c_min = c_sec / 60;
c_sec %= 60;
tmp = ela[s];
if (tmp == 0) tmp = 1;
pct = ((cpu[s] / tmp) * 100.0 + 0.5);
printf("%-25s %5d %5d %5d %3d:%02d:%02d %3d:%02d:%02d %3d%% %s\n", s, poll[s], poll_offered[s], poll_took[s], e_hours, e_min, e_sec, c_hours, c_min, c_sec, pct, poll_asked[s]);
printf("\n%-25s %5d %5d %5d", "TOTALS", npoll, npoll_offered, npoll_took);
if (npoll_ela > 0 && npoll_cpu > 0) {
e_hours = npoll_ela / 3600;
e_sec = npoll_ela % 3600;
e_min = e_sec / 60;
e_sec %= 60;
c_hours = npoll_cpu / 3600;
c_sec = npoll_cpu % 3600;
c_min = c_sec / 60;
c_sec %= 60;
tmp = npoll_ela;
if (tmp == 0) tmp = 1;
pct = ((npoll_cpu / tmp) * 100.0 + 0.5);
printf(" %3d:%02d:%02d %3d:%02d:%02d %3d%%\n\n", e_hours, e_min, e_sec, c_hours, c_min, c_sec, pct);
} else
if (transmit) {
printf("Article Transmission Offered Took Toss Fail\n");
printf("Host Contacted To Them Total Pct Total Pct Total Pct\n");
for(s in xmt) {
we_offered = xmt[s];
if (we_offered == 0) we_offered = 1;
they_toss = (xmt_refuse[s] / we_offered) * 100 + 0.5;
they_took = (xmt_accept[s] / we_offered) * 100 + 0.5;
they_fail = (xmt_failed[s] / we_offered) * 100 + 0.5;
printf("%-25s %5d %5d %3d%% %5d %3d%% %5d %3d%%\n", s, xmt[s], xmt_accept[s], they_took, xmt_refuse[s], they_toss, xmt_failed[s], they_fail);
nxmt += xmt[s];
nxmt_accept += xmt_accept[s];
nxmt_refuse += xmt_refuse[s];
nxmt_failed += xmt_failed[s];
we_offered = nxmt;
if (we_offered == 0) we_offered = 1;
they_toss = (nxmt_refuse / we_offered) * 100 + 0.5;
they_took = (nxmt_accept / we_offered) * 100 + 0.5;
they_fail = (nxmt_failed / we_offered) * 100 + 0.5;
printf("------------------------- ----- ---------- ---------- ----------\n");
printf("%-25s %5d %5d %3d%% %5d %3d%% %5d %3d%%\n\n", "TOTALS", nxmt, nxmt_accept, they_took, nxmt_refuse, they_toss, nxmt_failed, they_fail);
printf("Outgoing Transmission Connexions ------errors-------\n");
printf("System Conn OK NS Net Rmt Pct\n");
for(s in xmt) {
tot = conn[s];
if (tot == 0) tot = 1;
errs = rmt_fail[s] + ns_fail[s] + open_fail[s];
ok = (conn[s] - errs);
printf("%-25s %5d %5d %5d %5d %5d %3d%%\n", s, conn[s], ok, ns_fail[s], open_fail[s], rmt_fail[s], (100.0 * errs / tot + 0.5));
ct_tot += conn[s];
ct_ok += ok;
ct_ns += ns_fail[s];
ct_net += open_fail[s];
ct_rmt += rmt_fail[s];
tot = ct_tot;
if (tot == 0) tot = 1;
errs = ct_ns + ct_net + ct_rmt;
printf("------------------------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----\n");
printf("%-25s %5d %5d %5d %5d %5d %3d%%\n\n", "TOTALS", ct_tot, ct_ok, ct_ns, ct_net, ct_rmt, (100.0 * errs / tot + 0.5));
### Article Readership Statistics
if (readers) {
printf("NNTP readership statistics\n");
printf("System Conn Articles Groups Post\n");
for(s in systems) {
### servers are different animals; they don't belong in this part of the report
if (servers[s] > 0 && groups[s] == 0 && articles[s] == 0)
### report the curious server pokers elsewhere
if (groups[s] == 0 && articles[s] == 0 && post[s] == 0 && refused[s] != systems[s]) {
unknown[s] += systems[s];
curious = 1;
nconn += systems[s];
nart += articles[s];
ngrp += groups[s];
npost += post[s];
# V7 awk is so damn annoying. Can't match against variable patterns.
# so instead i break apart host name and compare elements from the rear
domain = "";
nso = split(s, sp, ".");
for (l in local) {
nl = split(l, lp, ".");
ns = nso;
found = 1;
while ( nl > 0 ) {
if ( lp[nl--] != sp[ns--] ) {
found = 0; nl=0;
if (found) domain = "*." l;
# special-case f*cked up cs dept machines that won't tell me their names
if (!domain && sp[1] == "128" && sp[2] == "213") domain = "*";
if (domain) {
rep_sys[domain] += systems[s];
rep_art[domain] += articles[s];
rep_grp[domain] += groups[s];
rep_pst[domain] += post[s];
} else {
rep_sys[s] = systems[s];
rep_art[s] = articles[s];
rep_grp[s] = groups[s];
rep_pst[s] = post[s];
for (r in rep_sys) {
printf("%-25s %5d %8d %6d %4d\n", r, rep_sys[r], rep_art[r], rep_grp[r], rep_pst[r]);
printf("------------------------- ----- -------- ------ ----\n");
printf("%-25s %5d %8d %6d %4d\n\n", "TOTALS", nconn, nart, ngrp, npost);
if (curious) {
printf("Unknown NNTP server explorers\n\n");
printf("System Conn\n");
for(s in unknown) {
printf("%-25s %5d\n", s, unknown[s]);
if (timeouts) {
printf("nntpd timeouts\n");
for(s in timeout) {
printf("%-25s %5d\n", s, timeout[s]);
if (splut) {
printf("Refused connexions\n");
for(s in refused) {
if (refused[s] > 0)
printf("%-25s %5d\n", s, refused[s]);
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