By Popular Request
Stephen K Mulrine
smulrine at
Fri Dec 22 02:05:24 AEST 1989
This is a shar'ed file containing two programs which "translate" English
into "Geordie" English and "Finnish" English.
(For eunet.jokes readers - the 'biffa' program has been updated)
# This is a shell archive.
# Remove everything above and including the cut line.
# Then run the rest of the file through sh.
#-----cut here-----cut here-----cut here-----cut here-----
# shar: Shell Archiver
# Run the following text with /bin/sh to create:
# Makefile
# biffa.l
# fin.l
# Advert
# This archive created: Thu Dec 21 14:56:08 1989
# By: Stephen K Mulrine (Strathclyde University CS Dept)
echo shar: extracting README '(713 characters)'
sed 's/^X//' << \ALEXEI_SAYLE > README
XBoth these programs should work on any flavour of UNIX which has 'lex'.
Xwill turn English into bad English, such as one sees written by certain
Xfinnish persons.
Xwill turn English into Geordie, such as one hears spoken by Tynesiders.
XNB It contains rather a lot of bad language, for realism's sake.
XTo create them in the current directory, type
Xmake all
Xcat [file_of_text] | biffa | more
Xcat [file_of_text] | fin | more
Xfor endless hours of fun.
XWritten by Stephen K Mulrine <smulrine at>
XMake copies if you want, I don't mind.
XExtra Biffa words added by loki at moncam.uucp
Xbiffa is named after Biffa Bacon, a character in the Viz Comic (tm), who
Xspeaks somewhat like that.
if test 713 -ne "`wc -c README`"
echo shar: error transmitting README '(should have been 713 characters)'
echo shar: extracting Makefile '(395 characters)'
sed 's/^X//' << \ALEXEI_SAYLE > Makefile
X#Makefile for biffa and fin
X#Makefile by Graeme Mullin <dmullin at>, 21/12/89
X#Put in your favourite lex or C compiler here
XLEX = lex
XCC = cc
XCLIBS = -ll
XRM = /bin/rm
Xall: biffa fin
Xbiffa: biffa.l
X $(LEX) biffa.l
X $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o biffa lex.yy.c $(CLIBS)
X $(RM) -f lex.yy.c
Xfin: fin.l
X $(LEX) fin.l
X $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o fin lex.yy.c $(CLIBS)
X $(RM) -f lex.yy.c
if test 395 -ne "`wc -c Makefile`"
echo shar: error transmitting Makefile '(should have been 395 characters)'
echo shar: extracting biffa.l '(6916 characters)'
sed 's/^X//' << \ALEXEI_SAYLE > biffa.l
X%e 3000
X%p 6000
X%n 1000
X%k 500
X%a 4000
X%o 2000
XBW [ ]
XEW [ .,;!?]
X char buf[128];
Xead printf("eed");
Xote printf("urte");
Xoad printf("urd");
Xode printf("urde");
Xoke printf("urke");
Xolk printf("urk");
Xone printf("urn");
Xal printf("aal");
XOK printf("aal reyt");
X"O.K." printf("all reyt");
Xokay printf("aal reyt");
XOkay printf("Aal reyt");
Xmother printf("mutha");
Xmummy printf("mutha");
Xma{EW} printf("mutha ");
Xfather printf("fatha");
Xdad printf("fatha");
Xpa{EW} printf("fatha ");
Xtelephone printf("furn");
Xph printf("f");
Xand printf("un'");
XAnd printf("Un'");
Xonly printf("urnly");
Xover printf("urva");
Xwill printf("'ll");
X"You are" printf("Y'a fuckin'");
X"you are" printf("y'a fuckin'");
X"I am" printf("A'm fuckin'");
X"I'm" printf("A'm fuckin'");
XMost printf("Murst");
Xmost printf("murst");
Xmurder printf("knack");
Xshatter printf("knack");
Xdamage printf("knack");
XMurder printf("Knack");
XShatter printf("Knack");
XDamage printf("Knack");
X"Oh yes?" printf("Did yee spill wor pint?");
X[Cc]hinese printf("Chinky");
X"no it isn't" printf("Is it shite");
X"No it is not" printf("Is it shite");
X"It is not" printf("Is it fuck");
X"it is not" printf("is it fuck");
X"It isn't" printf("Is it fuck");
X"it isn't" printf("is it fuck");
Xidle printf("ardle");
Xrubbish printf("gobshite");
Xuseless printf("shite");
X"no good" printf("shite");
Xshit printf("shite");
Xmuck printf("shite");
Xmouth printf("gob");
XMouth printf("Gob");
Xsomeone printf("some fukka");
XSomeone printf("Some fukka");
Xanyone printf("any fukka");
XAnyone printf("Any fukka");
Xnobody printf("neewun");
XNobody printf("Neewun");
Xnoone printf("neewun");
XNoone printf("Neewun");
X"who is" printf("who tha fuck's");
X"Who is" printf("Who tha fuck's");
X"who are" printf("who tha fuck'a'");
X"Who are" printf("Who tha fuck'a'");
X"Why is" printf("Why tha fuck's");
X"Why is" printf("Why tha fuck's");
X"why are" printf("why tha fuck'a'");
X"Why are" printf("Why tha fuck'a'");
X"when is" printf("when tha fuck's");
X"When is" printf("When tha fuck's");
X"when are" printf("when tha fuck'a'");
X"When are" printf("When tha fuck'a'");
Xtough printf("fuckin' hard");
Xstrong printf("fuckin' hard");
X"! " printf(", ya fuckin' puff! ");
Xnothing printf("bugga aal");
XNothing printf("Bugga aal");
Xfood printf("grub");
XFood printf("Grub");
XMy printf("Ma fuckin'");
XYour printf("Y' fuckin'");
XOur printf("Wor fuckin'");
Xthrow printf("hoy");
XThrow printf("Hoy");
Xlots printf("lurds");
XLots printf("Lurds");
X" have" printf("'ve");
XHave printf("Hev");
X"don't" printf("divvn't");
X"Don't" printf("Divvn't");
X"isn't" printf("in't");
X"Isn't" printf("In't");
X."self " printf("ssel ");
Xgirls printf("lasses");
Xgirl printf("lass");
Xboy printf("lad");
Xknow printf("knaa");
Xmake printf("maak");
Xtake printf("tek");
XTake printf("Tek");
Xtak printf("tek");
Xth[eo]se printf("them");
Xbroken printf("brerken");
XBroken printf("Brerken");
Xbroke printf("brerk");
X" tired" printf(" fuckin' knackered");
Xgives printf("giz");
Xgive printf("giz");
XGive printf("Giz");
Xgiv printf("gizz");
Xgave printf("gav");
XTV printf("telly");
X[Ww]ill printf("'ll");
X[Ss]hall printf("'ll");
Xmore printf("more fuckin'");
Xthan printf("than fuckin'");
X"can " printf("kin ");
X"Can " printf("Kin ");
Xbad printf("bastaad");
XBad printf("Bastaad");
Xnasty printf("bastaad");
Xgood printf("magic");
XGood printf("Magic");
Xgreat printf("magic");
XGreat printf("Magic");
Xhuman printf("yooman");
Xwoman printf("wumman");
Xwomen printf("wummen");
X" man " printf(" bastaad ");
Xfootball printf("futbaal");
Xall printf("aal");
XAll printf("Aal");
X"the " printf("the fuckin' ");
X"what is" printf("what the fuck is");
X"What is" printf("What the fuck is");
X"what are" printf("what the fuck are");
X"What are" printf("What the fuck are");
X"The " printf("The fuckin' ");
X"That " printf("That fuckin' ");
X" any" printf(" onny fuckin'");
Xpoof printf("puff");
Xhomosexual printf("puff");
Xgay printf("puff");
Xbisexual printf("semi-puff");
X[Mm]iddlesbrough printf("Boro");
X[Mm]iddlesborough printf("Boro");
X[Gg]ateshead printf("Gaatsed");
X[Nn]ewcastle printf("Neecassl");
X"South Shields" printf("Saath Sheels");
X[Ss]cotland printf("Jock");
X[Ss]cotsman printf("Jocko bastaad");
X[Ss]cottish printf("Jock");
X[Ss]paniard printf("Wop");
X[Ss]panish printf("Wop");
X[Ii]talian printf("Wop");
X[Ss]pain printf("Wopland");
X[Ii]taly printf("Wopland");
Xthem printf("'em");
Xhome printf("yem");
X" go " printf(" gaan ");
Xgoing printf("gannin'");
X" gone " printf(" went ");
Xtrousers printf("kex");
Xburnt printf("bornt");
Xbecause printf("cos");
XBecause printf("Cos");
Xboth printf("burth");
XBoth printf("Burth");
X" yes " printf(" aye ");
X"Yes " printf("Aye ");
X" no " printf(" ney ");
X"No " printf("Ney ");
X"with " printf("wi' ");
Xwrong printf("wrang");
Xtold printf("telt");
X"bit of a " printf("birruva ");
X"bit of " printf("birra ");
X"You're a" printf("Yorra");
X"You are a" printf("Yorra");
X"you're a" printf("yorra");
X"you are a" printf("yorra");
X"We are" printf("Wur");
X" we are" printf(" wur");
X"What a" printf("Worra");
X"what a" printf("worra");
Xyour printf("y'");
X"you're" printf("yer");
Xyou printf("ya");
X" him" printf("'m");
XYour printf("Y'");
X"You're" printf("Yer");
XYou printf("Ya");
X" our" printf(" wur");
X"Our" printf("Wur");
X"I won't" printf("Will Ah fuck");
X"I refuse to" printf("Will Ah fuck");
X"I will not" printf("Will Ah fuck");
X"I don't" printf("Do Ah fuck");
X"I do not " printf("Do Ah fuck ");
X"I didn't" printf("Did Ah fuck");
X"I did not " printf("Did Ah fuck ");
X"No." printf("Ney chance.");
X"No!" printf("Ney chance!");
X"I'" printf("Ah'");
X"I " printf("Ah ");
X" my" printf(" ma");
X" me " printf("'us ");
X"We " printf("Wu ");
X" we " printf(" wu ");
X"were " printf("wus ");
X"Were " printf("Wus ");
Xbastard printf("bastaad");
Xinto printf("inter");
X" on " printf("'an ");
X" for " printf(" f' ");
Xbeer printf("brown");
X" of " printf(" a'");
X[Gg]erman printf("Jorman");
X[Ss]wiss printf("Jorman");
X[Au]strian printf("Jorman");
Xright printf("reyt");
XRight printf("Reyt");
X" to " printf(" ter ");
X" hit by " printf(" chinned off ");
X" kill" printf(" fuck");
X" hitt" printf(" fuck");
X" hit " printf(" fucked ");
X" hit" printf(" fuck");
Xbreast printf("tit");
Xbosom printf("tit");
Xscrewing printf("shaggin'");
XScrewing printf("Shaggin'");
Xscrew printf("shag");
Xkick printf("fuck");
XKick printf("Fuck");
X"ing " printf("in' ");
Xou printf("er");
X"? " printf(", ya bastaad? ");
X", sir" printf(", pal");
X", dear" printf(", pet");
X[a-m]", " {ECHO;printf("fuck, ");}
X[n-z]", " {ECHO;printf("like, ");}
X. printf(yytext);
X\n printf("\n");
X yylex();
if test 6916 -ne "`wc -c biffa.l`"
echo shar: error transmitting biffa.l '(should have been 6916 characters)'
echo shar: extracting fin.l '(1390 characters)'
sed 's/^X//' << \ALEXEI_SAYLE > fin.l
XT [" .!?,"]*
Xlook printf("watch");
Xwatch printf("look");
Xhear printf("listen");
Xlisten printf("hear");
Xgood printf("well");
Xwell printf("good");
Xsay printf("speaks");
Xsaid printf("speaked");
Xbeing printf("be");
Xck printf("kk");
Xnn printf("n");
Xmm printf("m");
Xtt printf("t");
Xss printf("s");
Xdd printf("d");
X" had " printf(" have ");
X" than " printf(" to ");
X" was " printf(" were ");
X" can " printf(" be able to ");
X" do " printf(" doing ");
X" does " printf(" doings ");
X" see " printf(" be seeing ");
X" be " printf(" being ");
X" am " printf(" do be ");
X" as " printf(" so ");
X" so " printf(" as ");
X" is " printf(" does be ");
X" my " printf(" the of me ");
X"My " printf("The of me ");
X" his " printf(" the of him ");
X"His " printf("The of him ");
X[Yy]our printf("the of you");
X" a " printf(" ");
X" the " printf(" ");
X"A " printf("One ");
X"ts " printf("t's ");
X"t's " printf("ts ");
X[Tt]hat printf("this");
X[Tt]his printf("that");
Xinto printf("in");
X" in " printf(" into ");
Xonto printf("on");
X" on " printf(" onto ");
Xnever printf("not once");
X[Oo]nce printf("one time");
X[Tt]wice printf("two times");
Xabout printf("by");
X[Ww]hy printf("how");
X" by " printf(" from ");
X" to " printf(" for ");
X" for " printf(" to ");
X"ing " printf("ed ");
X srand(getpid());
X yylex();
if test 1390 -ne "`wc -c fin.l`"
echo shar: error transmitting fin.l '(should have been 1390 characters)'
echo shar: extracting Advert '(72 characters)'
sed 's/^X//' << \ALEXEI_SAYLE > Advert
XComing soon to a newsgroup near you:
Xthe Chirpy Cockney Converter
if test 72 -ne "`wc -c Advert`"
echo shar: error transmitting Advert '(should have been 72 characters)'
# End of shell archive
exit 0
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