imagetomat -- writes a matrix matlab can read
Edward Vielmetti
emv at
Fri Dec 29 13:33:24 AEST 1989
Archive-name: imagetomat/release
[ Found this hiding in of all places. --Ed ]
Date: Fri, 8 Dec 89 15:03:17 PST
From: ramin at scotty.Stanford.EDU (Ramin Samadani)
Subject: raster to matlab
Regarding raster to matlab conversion. I've taken some licensed stuff out of
the code we use and came up with the following which has the main parts
for converting a file containing unsigned chars (rows*cols of them) to a
matlab readable format. It is currently hardwired for a vax but could
easily be modified for suns and macs, etc. Also, since I took the licensed
stuff out, the rows and cols are hardwired right now but that should be
easy to fix. The code follows, with no guarantees at all!
Ramin Samadani
/* imagetomat.c - writes a matrix matlab can
* read. Double format output,byte
* format input for now.
* usage: matrix-name <in.hpl >out.mat
* to load: cc -o name name.c -O
* Ramin Samadani - 6 May 88
int rows = 128;
int cols = 128;
#include <stdio.h>
typedef struct {
long type; /*type*/
long mrows; /* row dimension */
long ncols; /* column dimension */
long imagf; /* flag indicating imag part */
long namlen; /* name length (including NULL) */
} Fmatrix;
char *prog;
int argc;
char *argv[];
int rows,cols, i,j;
unsigned char *ifr;
double *ofr;
* Matlab declarations
char *pname; /* pointer to matrix name */
float *pr; /* pointer to real data */
FILE *fp;
Fmatrix x;
int mn;
prog = argv[0];
* check passed parameters
if (argc < 2) {
fprintf(stderr,"use: %s matrix name <filein >fileout\n",prog);
if ((pname = (char *) calloc(80,sizeof(char))) == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr,"%s: can't allocate matrix name\n",prog);
pname = argv[1];
x.type = 2000;
x.mrows = (long) cols;
x.ncols = (long) rows;
x.imagf = 0;
x.namlen = strlen(pname) + 1;
fprintf(stderr,"matrix %s has %ld rows, %ld cols, double precision\n",
pname, x.mrows,x.ncols);
rows = rows; cols = cols;
if ((ifr = (unsigned char *) calloc(rows*cols,sizeof(char))) == NULL){
fprintf(stderr,"%s: can't allocate input frame\n",prog);
if ((ofr = (double *) calloc(rows*cols,sizeof(double))) == NULL){
fprintf(stderr,"%s: can't allocate output frame\n",prog);
if (read(0,ifr,rows*cols*sizeof(char)) == -1) {
fprintf(stderr,"%s: can't read frame\n",prog);
mn = x.mrows*x.ncols;
for (i = 0; i < mn; i++) {
ofr[i] = (double) (ifr[i]&0377);
* write the matrix
if(write(1,&x,sizeof(Fmatrix)) != sizeof(Fmatrix)) {
fprintf(stderr,"%s: can't write matrix header\n",prog);
if(write(1,pname,(int)x.namlen*sizeof(char)) !=
(int)x.namlen*sizeof(char)) {
fprintf(stderr,"%s: can't write name of matrix\n",prog);
if (write(1,ofr,mn*sizeof(double)) != mn*sizeof(double)){
fprintf(stderr,"%s: can't write matrix data\n",prog);
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