Approximate word matching (fuzzy strcmp) [comp.unix.wizards]
jeff at cdp.UUCP
jeff at cdp.UUCP
Tue Dec 26 08:32:30 AEST 1989
Archive-name: fuzzy-strcmp/jeff-at-cdp
Original-posting-by: jeff at cdp.UUCP
Original-subject: Re: fuzzy strcmp
Reposted-by: emv at (Edward Vielmetti)
[This is an experimental alt.sources re-posting from the newsgroup(s)
comp.unix.wizards. Comments on this service to emv at
(Edward Vielmetti).]
Here's a fuzzy string matching program based on an algorithm
originally published in Dr. Dobbs. The code has been tested in
an MS-DOS environment, but there shouldn't be any problems running
it on Unix.
Jeff Dean
/* Ratcliff/Obershelp pattern matching
* Approximate word matching: takes two words and returns a
* similarity score based on co-occurrence of subpatterns.
* This code appeared in a letter to the editor in DDJ, 11/88.
* The original article on the pattern matching, "Pattern Matching
* by Gestalt" by John Ratcliff, appeared in the July 1988
* issue (#181) but the algorithm was presented in assembly.
* The 11/88 issue also contained another verison in C which was
* a more faithful translation of the original; it has the
* advantage of not being recursive.
* The algorithm seems to work nicely for a variety of test cases.
* The main drawback of the algorithm is the cost of the pairwise
* comparisons. It is significantly more expensive than stemming,
* soundex, and the like. Might consider using this as a second
* phase...
int simil(s1, s2)
char *s1, *s2;
short l1, l2;
l1 = strlen(s1);
l2 = strlen(s2);
/* exact match end-case */
if( l1 == 1 && l2 == 1 && *s1 == *s2 ) return(100);
return(200 * GCsubstr(s1, s1 + l1, s2, s2 + l2) / (l1 + l2));
int GCsubstr(st1, end1, st2, end2)
char *st1, *end1, *st2, *end2;
register char *a1, *a2;
char *b1, *s1, *b2, *s2;
short max, i;
if( end1 <= st1 || end2 <= st2 ) return(0);
if( end1 == st1 + 1 && end2 == st2 + 1 ) return(0);
max = 0;
b1 = end1; b2 = end2;
for( a1 = st1; a1 < b1; a1++ ) {
for( a2 = st2; a2 < b2; a2++ ) {
if( *a1 == *a2 ) {
/* determine length of common substring */
for( i = 1; a1[i] && (a1[i] == a2[i]); i++ )
if( i > max ) {
max = i; s1 = a1; s2 = a2;
b1 = end1 - max; b2 = end2 - max;
if( !max ) return(0);
max += GCsubstr(s1 + max, end1, s2 + max, end2); /* rhs */
max += GCsubstr(st1, s1, st2, s2); /* lhs */
/* test program */
#include <stdio.h>
char *strtok();
char *first, *second;
char buf[128];
for(;;) {
printf("Words: ");
if( buf[0] == '\0' ) break;
first = strtok(buf, " ");
second = strtok(NULL, " ");
printf("Score for %s : %s = %d\n",
first, second, simil(first, second));
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