Atari 2600 programming

Harry Dodgson dodgson at
Sat Jan 28 03:12:42 AEST 1989

Wsync	Wait for sync
This address halts microprocessor by clearing RDY latch to zero.  RDY is
set true again by the leading edge of horizontal blank.
	Data bits not used.
Rsync	Reset Sync
This address resets the horizontal sync counter to define the begining of
horizontal blank time, and is used in chip testing.
	Data bits not used.
This address controls vertical sync time by writing D1 into the Vsync latch.
	D1 -	1: start vertical sync
		0: stop vertical sync
This address controls vertical blank and the latches and dumping transistors
on the input ports by writing into bits D7,D6, and D1 of the Vblank register.
	D1 -	1: start vertical blank
		0: stop vertical blank
	D6 -	1: enable I4 and I5 latches
		0: disable latches - also resets latches to logic true
	D7 -	1: Dump I0,I1,I2,I3 ports to ground
		0: Remove dump path to ground
Pf0, Pf1, Pf2
These addresses are used to write into the playfield registers.

			horizontal scan line map
                      (160 clocks, each bit =4 clocks)
								Ctrlpf bit 0
bits		4-7	7-0	0-7  |  4-7	7-0	0-7
register	Pf0	Pf1	Pf2	Pf0	Pf1	Pf2	0

bits		4-7	7-0	0-7  |  7-0	0-7	7-4
register	Pf0	Pf1	Pf2	Pf2	Pf1	Pf0	1
This address is used to write into the playfield control register.
if bit is 1 then:
	D0 -	(REF)	reflect playfield, see above
	D1 -	(SCORE)	left half of playfield gets color of player 0
			right half gets color of player 1
	D2 -	(PFP)	playfield gets priority over players so they move
			behind playfield
	D5,D4 -	Ball Size	if 00,	1 clock wide
				if 01,	2 clocks wide
				if 10,	4 clocks wide
				if 11,	8 clocks wide
Nusiz0, Nusiz1
These addresses control the number and size of players and missles.
	D5,D4 -		Missle Size	see Ball Size above
	D2,D1,D0 -	Player number/size
			if 000,		X		one copy
			if 001,		X X		two copies, close
			if 010,		X   X		two copies, medium
			if 011,		X X X		three copies, close
			if 100,		X       X	Two copies, far
			if 101,		XX		one copy, double width
			if 110,		X   X   X	3 copies, medium
			if 111,		XXXX		one copy, quad width
Resp0, Resp1, Resm0, Resm1, Resbl
These addresses are used to reset players, missles and the ball.  The object
will begin its serial graphics at that time of a horizontal line at which the
reset address occurs.
	Data bits not used.
Resmp0, Resmp1
These addresses are used to reset the horizontal location of a missle to
the center of its corresponding player.  As long as this control bit is
true (1), the misslw will remain locked to the center of its player and the missle graphics will be disabled.  When a zero is written into this location,
the missle is enabled, and can be moved independently from the player.
	D1 -	0: allow missle to move
		1: lock missle to player
This address causes the horizontal motion register values to be acted upon
during the horizontal blank time in which it occurs.  It must occur at the
beginning of horizontal blanking in order to allow time for generation of
extra clock pulses into the horizontal position counters.  If motion is
desired, this command must immediately follow a Wsync command in the program.
	Data bits not used.
This address clears all horizontal motion registers to zero (no motion).
	Data bits not used.
Hmp0, Hmp1, Hmm0, Hmm1, Hmbl
These addresses write data (horizontal motion values) into the horizontal
motion registers.  These registers cause horizontal motion only when commanded
to do so by the horizontal movement command Hmove.  The motion values use the
upper 4 bits of the byte. They are signed numbers with a +7 to -8 range. The
positive numbers indicate left movement, the negative indicate right.
Warning: These registers should not be modified during the 24 computer cycles
following an Hmove command.  Unpredictable motion values may result.
Enam0, Enam1, Enabl
These addresses write into the single bit missle or ball graphics registers.
	D1 -	0: disables object
		1: enables object
Grp0, Grp1
These addresses write data into the player graphics registers

			horizontal scan line map
                          (each bit =1 clock)

bits 7-0	if Refp0 (Refp1) is 0
bits 0-7	if Refp0 (Refp1) is 1 (reflected)
Refp0, Refp1
These addresses write data into the the single bit player reflect registers.
see above.
	D3 -	0: normal
		1: reflected
Vdelp0, Vdelp1, Vdelbl
These addresses write data into the single bit vertical delay registers, to
delay players or the ball by one vertical line.
	D0 -	0: no delay
		1: delayed
This address clears all collision latches to zero (no collision)
	Data bits not used.
Colupb, Colup1, Colupf, Colubk
These addresses write data into the player, playfield, and background
color-luminance registers.
	D3, D2, D1 -	Luminance values 000 is dark, 111 is bright.
	D7,D6,D5,D4 -	Colors	0000	Grey
				0001	Gold
				0010	Orange
				0011	Red orange
				0100	Pink
				0101	Purple
				0110	Blue purple
				0111	Blue
				1000	Blue
				1001	Light blue
				1010	Turquoise
				1011	Green blue
				1100	Green
				1101	Yellow green
				1110	Orange green
				1111	Light orange
Audf0, Audf1
These addresses write data into the audio frequency divider registers.
	D4,D3,D2,D1,D0 -	00000	30KHz divided by 1
				00001	"	       " 2
				11111	"	       " 32
Audc0, Audc1
These addresses write data into the audio control registers which control
the noise content and additional division of the audio output.

		bits		value		noise type	division
	D3, D2, D1, D0 -	0000				set to 1
				0001		4 bit poly
				0010		    /15 into 4 bit poly
				0011		    5 bit poly into 4 bit poly
				0100				divide by 2
				0101				divide by 2
				0110				divide by 31
				0111		    5 bit poly into /2
				1000		9 bit poly
				1001		5 bit poly
				1010				divide by 31
				1011		    set last 4 bits to 1
				1100				divide by 6
				1101				divide by 6
				1110				divide by 93
				1111		    5 bit poly divided by 6
Audv0, Audv1
These addresses write data into the audio volume registers which set the pull
down impedance driving the audio output pads.
	D3, D2, D1, D0 -	0000	no output
				1111	loudest output
Harry Dodgson Jr.               Internet:  dodgson at
Western Michigan University
Computer Science Department        Voice:     (616) 387-5803
Kalamazoo, MI  49008

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