why - your helpful confidant
Rolf Howarth
rolf at warwick.UUCP
Tue Jul 25 21:29:02 AEST 1989
Another quickie. With all the commands like `who', `where', and `what' that
abound on the system, there would appear to be a major omission...
----------------------------- cut here ---------------------------------------
#!/bin/csh -f
# why - Rolf Howarth 27/5/87
if $#argv then
echo "I don't know, why" $argv \?
else if ($$ % 2 == 0) then
echo "Why not?"
echo "Just because."
Rolf Howarth, Tel: +44 203 523523 ext.2485
Dept. of Computer Science, Fax: 203 525714
University of Warwick, JANET: rolf at uk.ac.warwick.flame
Coventry, CV4 7AL, England. UUCP: {uunet,mcvax}!ukc!warwick!rolf
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