chmode.c (was Re: chmod args)
michael regoli
regoli at
Sat Jun 3 00:46:39 AEST 1989
In article <1771 at> rsalz at (Rich Salz) writes:
| [ Note the follow-ups.]
| Why hasn't anyone written a chmod(1) that takes a bloody "rwsr-xr-x" string?
| /r$
| --
| Please send comp.sources.unix-related mail to rsalz at
here's something i found lying around that does exactly that (well,
almost--but it's a start).
if an industrious soul wants to make improvements to allow more than
any combination of "rwxrwxrwx" (e.g., "rwsr-xr-x") the patches would
be most appreciated.
please post your patches here. or rewrite the whole damn thing.
michael regoli
regoli at iubacs.bitnet
regoli at
* New version of the chmod program: accepts inputs of the
* same format as given by the ls -l command, ie it can
* be invoked like 'chmode rwxrw-r-- *' to make the modes
* of each file specified match the template!
* If automatic aggregate initialization is available,
* compile with:
* cc -Dauto chmode.c -o chmode
* otherwise use:
* cc chmode.c -o chmode
#include <whoami.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#define ERROR -1
#define O_RD 256 /** 400 octal **/
#define O_WR 128 /** 200 octal **/
#define O_EX 64 /** 100 octal **/
#define G_RD 32 /** 40 octal **/
#define G_WR 16 /** 20 octal **/
#define G_EX 8 /** 10 octal **/
#define E_RD 4
#define E_WR 2
#define E_EX 1
main(argc, argv)
int argc;
char *argv[];
register int newmode;
register int j;
char buffer[16];
if (argc < 3)
exit(printf("Usage: %s <graphic mode> <file(s)>\n",argv[0]));
newmode = 0;
j = 1;
strncpy(buffer,argv[j++], 9);
if (strlen(buffer) != 9)
exit(printf("Usage: %s <9 char graphic mode> <file(s)>\n",argv[0]));
/** lets figure out the graphic mode translation! **/
if ((newmode = translate(buffer)) == ERROR) {
printf("Bad graphic mode designator! Please use 'rwxrwxrwx' as a template, \n");
printf("indicating those accesses that you desire to prevent with a dash\n");
printf(" For example: 'chmode rw-r--r-- test.c'\n");
while (--argc > 0)
chmod(argv[j++], newmode);
char buffer[];
/** translate a graphic representation of file access to
an equivalent number as defined in CHMOD(2) **/
register int loc = 0, sum = 0, val;
#ifdef auto
char type[] = "rwxrwxrwx";
int mode[] = { O_RD, O_WR, O_EX, G_RD, G_WR, G_EX, E_RD, E_WR, E_EX };
char type[9];
int mode[9];
mode[0] = O_RD; mode[1] = O_WR; mode[2] = O_EX;
mode[3] = G_RD; mode[4] = G_WR; mode[5] = G_EX;
mode[6] = E_RD; mode[7] = E_WR; mode[8] = E_EX;
for (loc = 0; loc < 9; loc++)
if ((val = check(buffer[loc], type[loc], mode[loc])) == ERROR)
else sum += val;
check(ch, type, mask)
char ch;
int mask;
/** check to see if ch is either type or '-', returning
either mask or ERROR **/
if (ch == type) return(mask);
else if (ch == '-') return(0);
else return(ERROR);
* CHMODE.C: Finis.
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