AAL sources (7 of 8)
Jonathan Amsterdam
jba at wheaties.ai.mit.edu
Sun Jun 11 07:33:16 AEST 1989
;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: Common-lisp; Package: USER; Base: 10 -*-
;;; Interpreter for AAL.
;;; Copyright 1988 by Jonathan Amsterdam. All Rights Reserved.
(provide 'interp)
(require 'initial "initial.lisp")
(require 'streams "streams.lisp")
;;; The main loop of the adventure system:
;;; 1. Run all expired BEFORE-TICK timers.
;;; 2. If between turns, run all expired BEFORE-TURN timers.
;;; 3. If between turns, prompt for command and parse input.
;;; 4. Do the requested command.
;;; 5. Increment TICK.
;;; 6. Run all expired AFTER-TICK timers.
;;; 7. If the command's duration has not expired, goto step 1.
;;; 8. Increment TURN.
;;; 9. Run all expired AFTER-TURN timers.
;;; Ticks measure time passage in the game. Turns just measure the player's
;;; inputs; a turn may take 0, 1 or several ticks. For zero-tick turns, the
;;; tick timers are not run, but the turn timers are.
;;; NOTE: This whole turn/tick distinction and its implementation needs to be
;;; rethought. It theory it's a nice idea to be able to have turns take longer
;;; than one time unit. You might want to have a walk down a long hall to take
;;; longer than just going through a doorway, or have filling a gallon jug from
;;; a spigot take longer than filling a cup. The problem is that it's hard to
;;; actually spread out the execution of a command over an extended amount of
;;; time. Instead, it's modelled here by doing the action all at once, then
;;; counting off the time. This can differ from the "right" way when timers go
;;; off during the time of the action. Take the spigot case: say a timer goes
;;; off at some point, shutting off the supply to the spigot. If the shutoff
;;; occurs in the middle of an action, the player should get an amount of
;;; liquid proportional to the portion of the action completed; but in this
;;; implementation, the player would get the full amount of liquid.
;;; Another problem, easier to solve, is that in this implementation
;;; durations are numbers associated with commands; so the "n" command can only
;;; have one duration. As the above examples make clear, the duration should
;;; be a function of all the things involved in the command.
(defun run ()
(let ((action-duration 1)
(tick-to-resume 0))
(catch 'end-game
(unless (= action-duration 0)
(run-expired-timers :before :tick))
(when (or *abort-action* (>= *tick* tick-to-resume))
(setq *abort-action* nil)
(run-expired-timers :before :turn)
(setq action-duration (input-and-act))
(setq tick-to-resume (+ action-duration *tick*)))
(unless (= action-duration 0)
(run-expired-timers :after :tick)
(when (>= *tick* tick-to-resume)
(run-expired-timers :after :turn)))))))
(defun inc-tick ()
;; We keep the actual tick count (in lisp variable *tick*) separate from the
;; AAL global *tick so that the AAL program can't alter the real value. (And
;; similarly for turn.)
(incf *tick*)
(set-global '*tick *tick*))
(defun inc-turn ()
(incf *turn*)
(set-global '*turn *turn*))
(defun input-and-act ()
(if (not (prompt-and-parse))
(initiate-command (global-value '*command))))
(defun end-game ()
(format t "~2%The game is over.~%")
(throw 'end-game nil))
;;; Scoring is simple: just ask every object for its maximum score and the
;;; current score. The problem is that scores must be associated with objects
;;; (including locations); you can't easily arrange to get points for, say,
;;; surviving past the 30th turn.
(defun display-score ()
(let ((score (compute-score))
(max-score (compute-max-score)))
(format t "Your score is ~d out of a possible ~d " score max-score)
(format t "(that's ~d%).~%"
(round (* (/ score (if (zerop max-score) 1 (float max-score)))
(format t "You've taken ~d turns in ~d ticks.~%" *turn* *tick*)
(defun compute-score ()
(sum-action-results 'score))
(defun compute-max-score ()
(sum-action-results 'max-score))
(defun sum-action-results (prop)
;; For every object that has property prop, run the action, and accumulate
;; the results.
(let ((sum 0))
(dolist (obj *objects*)
(let ((action (get obj prop)))
(if action
(incf sum (or (execute-action-in-object obj action) 0)))))
;;; Timers.
(defun run-expired-timers (before-after turn-tick)
(let ((timer-list (get-headed-timer-list before-after turn-tick))
(time (if (eq turn-tick :turn) *turn* *tick*)))
(dolist (ti (cdr timer-list))
(if (> time (timer-time-to-run ti))
(error "time ~a > timer ~a time" time ti)
(when (= time (timer-time-to-run ti))
(report "~&Running timer ~a~%" ti)
(execute-action (timer-action ti) *globals*)
(if (> (timer-renew-time ti) 0)
(setf (timer-time-to-run ti) (+ time (timer-renew-time ti)))))))
;; purge expired timers
(setf (cdr timer-list)
(delete-if #'(lambda (ti) (= time (timer-time-to-run ti))) (cdr timer-list)))))
(defun get-headed-timer-list (before-after turn-tick)
(assoc turn-tick (cdr (assoc before-after *timers*))))
(defun add-timer (timer)
(push timer (cdr (get-headed-timer-list (timer-before-after timer)
(timer-turn-tick timer)))))
;;; Global and local variables.
(defun global-value (var)
(alist-var-value var *globals*))
(defun alist-var-value (var alist)
;; This is simpler than var-value: it doesn't have to deal with variables
;; bound to other variables.
(let ((pair (assoc var alist)))
(if pair
(cdr pair)
(error "The variable ~a is unbound" var))))
(defun set-global (var value)
(set-var var value *globals*))
(defun set-var (var value alist)
;; You can't set variables that don't exist. That's why globals have to be
;; declared.
(let ((pair (assoc var alist)))
(if pair
(setf (cdr pair) value)
(error "Attempt to set unbound AAL variable ~a" var))))
;;; Parsing the player's input.
;;; The syntax of a command is: [agent,] verb ... where "..." is specified by
;;; the SYNTAX property of the verb. There are several weaknesses in the
;;; parsing method: commands are tied too closely to their syntax (the first
;;; word of the command line must be the name of the command); commands can
;;; have only one syntax (so you can't have both "give the bone to the dog" and
;;; "give the dog the bone") and each thing (command or object) mentioned must
;;; be one word long.
(defun prompt-and-parse ()
;; Returns T if successful.
(format t "~d> " (1+ *turn*))
(let* ((string-input (read-line))
(input (string->list string-input))
(comma-list (member :comma input))
(agent-list (ldiff input comma-list))
(verb-list (or (cdr comma-list) input)))
((null comma-list)
(set-global '*agent 'player))
((not (singleton? agent-list))
(format t "~&Syntax is: <agent>, ...~%")
(return-from prompt-and-parse nil))
(set-global '*agent (car agent-list))))
(let* ((verb (car verb-list))
(command (get-command-name verb))
(syntax (get command 'syntax)))
(when (null command)
(format t "~&I don't know the word ~a.~%" verb)
(return-from prompt-and-parse nil))
(set-global '*verb verb)
(set-global '*command command)
(parse-by-syntax (cdr verb-list) syntax))))
(defun parse-by-syntax (input-list syntax-list)
;; Returns T iff successful.
;; This is basically like unification: the input list contains symbols, and
;; the syntax list contains symbols and possibly variables. We set the
;; global values of the variables to what they match, and confirm that the
;; symbols match.
;; If the input list is shorter, error. Ideally, the program would figure
;; out reasonable values for the missing variables. But not now.
;; If the syntax list is shorter, that's OK.
((null input-list)
((null syntax-list)
(format t "~&I need more info~%")
((null syntax-list)
((var? (car syntax-list))
(set-global (car syntax-list) (car input-list))
(parse-by-syntax (cdr input-list) (cdr syntax-list)))
((eql (car input-list) (car syntax-list))
(parse-by-syntax (cdr input-list) (cdr syntax-list)))
(format t "~&The word ~a should be ~a~%" (car input-list)
(car syntax-list))
;;; Reading a string into a list without character-by-character parsing: it's
;;; easy using read-from-string, except that we have to watch out for commas,
;;; which are the only legal punctuation. Other punctuation might cause
;;; problems too, but this implementation doesn't worry about that. (We have
;;; to watch out for commas because in Common Lisp, they're illegal outside a
;;; backquote.)
(defvar *hacked-readtable* (copy-readtable))
(defun comma-reader-func (stream char)
(declare (ignore stream char))
(set-macro-character #\, #'comma-reader-func nil *hacked-readtable*)
(defun string->list (string)
;; Temporarily rebind the readtable to my own version, put parens around the
;; string, and read it.
(let ((*readtable* *hacked-readtable*))
(read-from-string (string-append "(" string ")"))))
;;; Doing a command:
;;; 1. Check the REQUIRES conditions in the order specified by the
;;; REQUIREMENTS-ORDER property of the command. If one is not satisfied,
;;; print a message and return 0 duration.
;;; 2. Begin executing the first of the actions found in the order specified by
;;; the ACTIONS-ORDER property of the command. If that action returns
;;; :CONTINUE (by the use of the (continue) action) then keep going.
;;; This is a generalization of what was presented in the article; there, the
;;; requirements order was fixed as (*command *agent *obj *instr) and the
;;; actions order as (*agent *obj *instr *command). Those are still basically
;;; the default, except that the location (*loc) has been added to allow rooms
;;; to have a say in what goes on. It is also possible for a command to
;;; override the default order. See the "command" macro in comp.lisp.
(defun initiate-command (command)
;;Returns the duration of the action in ticks.
((not (satisfies-requirements command (get command 'requirements-order)))
(execute-command command (get command 'actions-order))
(or (get command 'duration) 1))))
;;; Requirements.
(defun satisfies-requirements (command req-order)
(every #'(lambda (var) (check-requirements command var))
(defun check-requirements (command case)
(let* ((obj (global-value case))
(reqs (get-requirements obj command case)))
(dolist (req reqs)
(setf (requirement-succeeded? req) nil))
(let ((result (call-function-in-object #'(lambda (bindings)
(check-reqs reqs bindings))
(if (not (eq result t))
(execute-action-in-object obj result))
(eq result t))))
;;; Checking requirements: the failure message is printed only if the pattern
;;; never succeeds. Once a pattern succeeds, its message will not be printed.
(defun check-reqs (reqs bindings)
;; Returns either T if all requirements can be satisfied, or the action to
;; be done if they can't.
(if (null reqs)
(let* ((req (car reqs))
(binding-stream (deduce (requirement-pattern req) bindings))
(f-action nil))
((stream-empty? binding-stream)
(return-from check-reqs (if (requirement-succeeded? req)
(requirement-failure-action req))))
(setf (requirement-succeeded? req) t)
(dostream (binds binding-stream)
(let ((result (check-reqs (cdr reqs) binds)))
(if (eq result t)
(return-from check-reqs t)
(if result
(setq f-action result)))))
;;; Executing user commands.
(defun execute-command (command actions-order)
;; The variables in actions-order are checked in order for actions pertaining
;; to this command. When an action is found, it is executed. If the rules
;; of the action actually fired, then execute-command returns, unless the
;; result of the rules was :continue. If no rules fired, execute-command
;; continues looking. The result of the action is returned, or NIL if no
;; action fired.
(dolist (case actions-order)
(let* ((obj (global-value case))
(action (get-action obj command case)))
(if action
(let ((result (execute-action*-in-object obj action)))
(if (not (member result '(:did-not-fire :continue)))
(return result)))))))
;;; Executing actions.
(defun execute-action (action bindings)
;; Returns two values. The first is the result of the action, or NIL if no
;; rule in the action fired. The second is the new bindings (this would only
;; be used internally.) You can't distinguish between an action consisting
;; of rules returning NIL as a result of one of its rules firing, vs. having
;; none of its rules fire.
(multiple-value-bind (result new-bindings)
(execute-action* action bindings)
(values (if (eq result :did-not-fire) nil result) new-bindings)))
(defun execute-action* (action bindings)
;; Differs from execute-action only in that it returns :DID-NOT-FIRE instead
;; of NIL when appropriate.
(funcall (get (car action) 'action) action bindings))
(defun execute-action-in-object (obj action)
;; This makes sure that the object's local variables are accessible.
(call-function-in-object #'(lambda (bindings)
(execute-action action bindings))
(defun execute-action*-in-object (obj action)
(call-function-in-object #'(lambda (bindings)
(execute-action* action bindings))
(defunp (action block) (block bindings)
;; (block <action>*). Does all the actions one after the other.
;; Returns the value of the last action, like PROGN. Accumulates bindings.
(let (result)
(dolist (action (cdr block))
(multiple-value-setq (result bindings) (execute-action action bindings)))
(values result bindings)))
;;; A rule-list is a list of forward rules. The first rule whose pattern is
;;; satisfied is executed, and the value of the action of that rule is
;;; returned. :DID-NOT-FIRE is returned if no rules in the list match. The
;;; bindings are consulted to obtain values for free variables in the rules.
;;; Bindings are not accumulated from rule to rule; the top-level bindings are
;;; used throughout.
(defunp (action rule-list) (rule-list bindings)
(dolist (rule (cdr rule-list))
(let ((result (action-rule-func rule bindings)))
(if (not (eq result :did-not-fire))
(return-from action-rule-list-func (values result bindings)))))
(values :did-not-fire bindings))
(defunp (action rule) (rule bindings)
;; (rule <pattern> <action>)
(let ((bindings-stream (deduce (pattern-of rule) bindings)))
(if (stream-empty? bindings-stream)
(values :did-not-fire bindings)
;; It's crucial here that execute-action does *not* return
;; :did-not-fire; if it did, then the rule-list function might think
;; this rule didn't fire, when at this point we know it did.
(execute-action (action-of rule) (stream-car bindings-stream)))))
(defunp (action every) (every bindings)
;; (every <var> <pattern> <action>)
;; Get a list of bindings for the variable, using the pattern; then execute
;; the action for each binding. Return the value of the last action; but do
;; not alter the bindings. NOTE: we should really add the bindings of all
;; the variables in the pattern.
(let* ((var (var-of every))
(action (action-of every))
(var-values (unique-values var (pattern-of every) bindings))
(new-bindings-list (mapcar #'(lambda (val) (add-binding var val bindings))
(dolist (new-bindings new-bindings-list)
(setq result (execute-action action new-bindings)))
(values result bindings)))
(defun unique-values (var pattern bindings)
;; Returns a list of values of var satisfying pattern, with no duplicate
;; values.
(let* (;;get the stream of bindings satisfying pattern...
(bindings-stream (deduce pattern bindings))
;;turn it into a list...
(bindings-list (stream->list bindings-stream))
;;remove the values for var...
(values-list (mapcar #'(lambda (b) (var-value var b))
;; return the values with duplicates deleted.
(delete-duplicates values-list)))
(defunp (action let) (let bindings)
;; (let <var> <action>)
;; Execute the action and bind the result to the variable; return the result
;; of the action, and the new bindings.
(let ((result (execute-action (action-of let) bindings)))
(values result (add-binding (var-of let) result bindings))))
(defunp (action choose) (choose bindings)
;; (choose <var> <pattern>)
;; This is like a let, except the value for the variable is chosen randomly
;; from those that match the pattern. The result of choose is the value, and
;; it also augments the bindings.
(let ((result (randomly-choose-from-list
(unique-values (var-of choose)
(pattern-of choose) bindings))))
(values result (add-binding (var-of choose) result bindings))))
(defun randomly-choose-from-list (list)
(let ((n (random (length list))))
(nth n list)))
(defunp (action lisp) (lisp-action bindings)
;; Returns the result of applying the car of lisp expression to its cdr, and
;; the same bindings. (If the expression is an atom, it's just returned.) We
;; have to go through the expression replacing AAL variables with their
;; values. Note that we are not evaluating the expression; the difference is
;; that our way, the arguments are not evaluated.
(let ((expr (instantiate (expression-of lisp-action) bindings)))
(if (atom (expression-of lisp-action))
(values expr bindings)
(values (apply (car expr) (cdr expr)) bindings))))
(defunp (action assert) (assert bindings)
;; Get the pattern and instantiate it. It must be simple and contain no
;; unbound variables.
(let ((pattern (second assert)))
(if (not (simple-pattern? pattern))
(error "Cannot assert the pattern ~a because it is not simple"
(values (assert (instantiate pattern bindings))
(defunp (action retract) (retract bindings)
;; This is similar to assert
(let ((pattern (pattern-of retract)))
(if (not (simple-pattern? pattern))
(error "Cannot retract the pattern ~a because it is not simple"
(values (retract (instantiate pattern bindings))
;;; (query <pattern>)
(defunp (action query) (query bindings)
;; Calls the deducer on the pattern. Returns what the deducer returns, and
;; augments the bindings by returning the first binding-list in the stream
;; returned by the deducer, if any.
(let ((result (deduce (pattern-of query) bindings)))
(values result (if (stream-empty? result)
(stream-car result)))))
;;; (continue)
(defunp (action continue) (continue bindings)
(declare (ignore continue))
(values :continue bindings))
;;; (end-game)
(defunp (action end-game) (form bindings)
(declare (ignore form bindings))
;;; (display-score)
(defunp (action display-score) (form bindings)
(declare (ignore form))
(values (display-score) bindings))
(defmacro with-instantiated-arg (&body body)
;; This simplifies the expression of simple actions that take only one
;; argument and instantiate it.
`(let ((arg (instantiate (second form) bindings)))
(values (progn , at body) bindings)))
;;; (destroy <obj>)
(defunp (action destroy) (form bindings)
;; (destroy obj) removes all facts in the database that mention obj.
;; We can't use the deducer directly to do this because we have to handle
;; assertions of all arities.
(with-instantiated-arg (destroy arg)))
(defun destroy (obj)
(dolist (stmt *db*)
(when (and (null (antecedent-of stmt)) ;it's a fact
(member obj (consequent-of stmt)))
(retract (consequent-of stmt))))
;;; (value <obj> <var>) For local variables of an object that the code is not
;;; executing within.
(defunp (action value) (form bindings)
(alist-var-value (third form) (get arg 'vars))))
;;; (set <var> <value>) sets globals.
;;; (set (<obj> <var>) <value>) sets locals.
(defunp (action set) (form bindings)
(if (not (= (length form) 3))
(error "In ~a: wrong number of args" form)
(multiple-value-bind (obj var value)
(parse-modify-form form)
(let ((alist (if obj (get (instantiate obj bindings) 'vars) bindings)))
(if (not (var? var))
(error "In ~a: ~a is not a variable" form var)
(values (set-var var (instantiate value bindings) alist)
(defun parse-modify-form (form)
;; form is either (<name> (<obj> <var>) [<value>]) or (<name> <var>
;; [<value>]). Return three values: obj, var, value.
(let ((varspec (second form)))
(if (listp varspec)
(if (not (= (length varspec) 2))
(error "In ~a: illegal var: ~a" form (second form))
(values (first varspec) (second varspec) (third form)))
(values nil varspec (third form)))))
;;; (inc <var> [<amount>]) for globals
;;; (inc (<obj> <var>) [<amount>]) for locals
(defunp (action inc) (form bindings)
(values (modify-var form bindings #'+) bindings))
;;; Same as inc
(defunp (action dec) (form bindings)
(values (modify-var form bindings #'-) bindings))
(defun modify-var (form bindings func)
;; Form should be (name (obj var) [amount]) or (name var [amount])
(multiple-value-bind (obj var amount-form)
(parse-modify-form form)
(if (not (var? var))
(error "In ~a: ~a is not a variable" form var)
(let* ((alist (if obj (get (instantiate obj bindings) 'vars) bindings))
(amount (if amount-form (instantiate amount-form bindings) 1))
(value (var-value var alist)))
((eq value :unbound)
(error "In ~a: variable ~a is unbound" form var))
((not (numberp value))
(error "In ~a: variable ~a's value, ~a, is not a number"
form var value))
((not (numberp amount))
(error "In ~a: the argument, ~a, is not a number"
form amount-form))
(set-var var (funcall func value amount) alist)))))))
;;; (display <action>)
(defunp (action display) (form bindings)
(let ((pr (printed-rep arg)))
(format t "~&~a~%" pr)
(defun printed-rep (thing)
(if (symbolp thing)
(or (get thing 'desc) (string-downcase thing))
;;; Miscellaneous.
(defun call-function-in-object (func obj)
;; The main thing here is handling the object's local variables correctly.
;; They must be added to the bindings so that their values will be found, and
;; we also have to handle setting them. This is what we do: we nconc the
;; list of locals onto the bindings, first keeping the last cons of the
;; locals. Accessing will work as usual. Set will destructively modify the
;; binding--new ones can't be created. When execution is done, we restore
;; the locals to their former state.
;; This can only be called at top-level. It doesn't return bindings,
;; just a result. The function to be called must take one argument, the
;; bindings.
(let ((locals (get obj 'vars)))
(if (null locals)
;; This is the easy case.
;; We use values to assure that we're only returning one value.
(values (funcall func *globals*))
(let* ((last-cons (last locals))
(*protected-vars* (nconc locals *globals*))
(result (funcall func *protected-vars*)))
(setf (cdr last-cons) nil)
(defun instantiate (pattern bindings)
;; Create a copy of the pattern with variables replaced by their values. It
;; is an error if there is an unbound variable in the pattern.
(labels ((instantiate-1 (pat bindings)
((null pat)
((atom pat)
(if (not (var? pat))
(let ((value (var-value pat bindings)))
(if (eq value :unbound)
(error "Pattern ~a contains unbound variable ~a"
pattern pat)
(cons (instantiate-1 (car pat) bindings)
(instantiate-1 (cdr pat) bindings))))))
(instantiate-1 pattern bindings)))
;;; End interp.lisp.
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