lload for xenix
Adri Verhoef
ccea3 at rivm.UUCP
Tue May 30 04:52:27 AEST 1989
I tried to compile the Load Average Daemon on UNIQ (UNIX) System V.3.0,
but at first it wouldn't let me. I removed two includes:
/* #include <sys/immu.h> NON-EXISTENT */
/* #include <sys/region.h> SYNTAX ERROR (pte_t) */
Then I compiled: "cc lload.c -lm -o lload".
I ran "lload -v". It stopped after ten seconds, saying
Could not get address for _buf
I compiled with -DM_I386, although the machine is a microVAX,
as to use _pbuf instead of _buf, and I got
lseek v: Invalid argument
The belonging call is:
lseek(kmem, v_p->n_value, 0)
Printing v_p->n_value yields -2147211432.
Any ideas? Thanks.
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