
Paul Linton pjl at ms.uky.edu
Fri Sep 15 02:48:11 AEST 1989

In article <32114 at cornell.UUCP>, stodghil at sjofn.cs.cornell.edu (Paul Stodghill) writes:
> In article <00000 at starsend.UUPC> floyd at starsend.UUCP writes:
> >The contents of such "active" text files probably contains control
> >characters (probably ANSI) to manipulate the terminal.  I once had
> >a file that when output to a VT100 terminal would draw a picture of
> Since no one else has mentioned it...
> Escape sequences in .plan files may not be a good idea. For example, some
> VT100 excape sequences will hang a VT52. I'm sure that they do unpleasant
> things to other terminals as well. The non-Unix mail and news systems that
> 						-- Paul

As I remember there was a program called dotplan which had some different
formats to store the output so that it did different things.  All of the
formats used ^H so that it was terminal independent.  Some were simply
to move the line back and forth, or scroll different ways, you really
had to see it.  It was interesting. 

I forgot where it was posted, sorry.

Paul Linton      UKCC Consultant.                University of Kentucky.
...!ukma!pjl                Lexington, Kentucky. 
pjl at ms.uky.edu, pjl at ukma.bitnet  or (different machine) plintonl at ukcc
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