Qtime ... yet again

Ade Lovett ade at cs.warwick.ac.uk
Mon Sep 18 17:55:11 AEST 1989

Something silly happened in the last posting, and the wrong version got sent
out somehow. There was another bug in qtime (pointed out locally and also
by Ian Feldman <ianf at se.kth.nada>) that wierd things start to happen as
you approach midnight.

Anyway, this is definitely the fixed version, if you're interested, I could
snail mail you the line printer test output whcih tested it for every second
of the day :-) :-)


/* qtime.c	Displays time in real English, also chimes
** This version current from 18/9/89
** 09/89	Ade Lovett	Complete rewrite
** 04/86	Mark Dapoz	Converted to C for UNIX
** 12/79-12/82	Mike Cowlishaw
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <time.h>

char *minutesaying[] = {
    "","just after ","a little after ","nearly ","almost "
char *fiveminsaying[] = {
    "","five past ","ten past ","a quarter past ","twenty past ",
    "twenty-five past ","half past ","twenty-five to ","twenty to ",
    "a quarter to ","ten to ","five to ",""
char *hoursaying[] = {

void main()
    char qtime[200];
    int i, hr, mn;
    time_t clock, time();
    struct tm *tm, *localtime();

    tm = localtime(&clock);
    mn = tm->tm_min+(tm->tm_sec>29);
    hr = tm->tm_hour+(mn>32);

    strcpy(qtime, "It's ");
    strcat(qtime, minutesaying[mn%5]);
    strcat(qtime, fiveminsaying[mn/5+(mn%5>2)]);
    if (hr%12) {
	strcat(qtime, hoursaying[(hr -= (hr>12)*12+1)]);
	strcat(qtime, (mn%60) ? "." : " o'clock.");
    } else {
	strcat(qtime, (hr == 12) ? "Noon." : "Midnight.");
	hr = 12;
    if (!(mn%15))
	if (mn%60)
	else {
	    for (i=hr; i>=0; i--)
		printf("Bong%s",(i==0 ? "!)\n\n" : ","));
+--- Ade Lovett --------+- ade at cs.warwick.ac.uk ------ +44 932 842478 -------+
| Computer Science      |  INTERNET: ade%cs.warwick.ac.uk at nsfnet-relay.ac.uk |
| Warwick University    |  UUCP    : ...!mcvax!ukc!warwick!ade               |
| Coventry CV4 7AL, UK  |  BITNET  : ade%uk.ac.warwick.cs at ukacrl             |

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