pbmtopk patch 2

Angus Duggan ajcd at cs.ed.ac.uk
Tue Aug 21 18:50:06 AEST 1990

Here's a (very minor) bug fix for pbmtopk. It only affects the TFM files
created for fonts with no characters in them. Don't bother asking me why I
want to create fonts with no characters!-)

Angus Duggan, Department of Computer Science,	| I'm pink, therefore I'm Spam.
University of Edinburgh, JCMB,			|
The King's Buildings, Mayfield Road,		| JANET:  ajcd at uk.ac.ed.lfcs
Edinburgh, EH9 3JZ, Scotland.	| OR:  ajcd%lfcs.ed.ac.uk at nsfnet-relay.ac.uk

*** pbmtopk.c.~1~	Fri Aug 10 13:08:46 1990
--- pbmtopk.c	Sun Aug 12 11:31:30 1990
*** 382,390 ****
    integer headersize = 17;
    integer i ;
!   if (smallestch < 0 || largestch >= MAXPKCHAR) {
!     fprintf(stderr, " No characters read!\n") ;
!     jumpout() ;
    if (numparam < 7) /* set default parameters */
      switch (numparam) {
--- 382,390 ----
    integer headersize = 17;
    integer i ;
!   if (largestch - smallestch < 0) {
!      largestch = 0;
!      smallestch = 1;
    if (numparam < 7) /* set default parameters */
      switch (numparam) {

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