Menu software... version 1.35 upgrade to "lush" part 1/1

Pat Myrto pat at rwing.UUCP
Sun Jan 14 07:36:17 AEST 1990

In article <3890 at yunccn.UUCP>, shields at yunccn.UUCP (Paul Shields) writes:
> Note: I haven't compiled lush for MS-DOS in at least a year. You may
> have to work on it.

When the Version 1.35 sources are combined with the rest of the
package posted earlier as Version 1.34, I discovered it wouldn't
compile under Sys V, stopping at edit.c with 'grp' being undefined.

The problem is the order in which lush.h includes defs.h and config.h.
The present order of including defs.h before config.h prevents defs.h
from seeing if MULTIUSER is defined in config.h, preventing the struct
group *grp from being defined.  The fix is to simply reverse the order
of the includes in lush.h from

#include "defs.h"			/* old directives	*/
#include "config.h"


#include "config.h"			/* fixed directives	*/
#include "defs.h"

The package will now compile under Sys V the same as Version 1.34.
Hopefully this will save someone the time of figuring out why the
structure wasn't defined in this version when it was OK in the the
previous one.

pat at rwing                                       (Pat Myrto),  Seattle, WA
WISDOM:    "Travelling unarmed is like boating without a life jacket" 

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