Pcal: postscript/c calendar printer
Andrew Rogers
rogers at sud509.ed.ray.com
Tue Jun 5 02:31:44 AEST 1990
OK, I have a few of my own contributions to add to this program...
1) New -s flag to print Saturdays in black instead of gray
2) Holidays print in gray if the date is followed by '*' in the
calendar file (e.g. "7/4* Independence Day")
3) The illegible weekday names on the small calendars are suppressed
4) The code has been revised throughout for tightness and clarity.
The version below also incorporates the recent patch posted by Ed Hand as well
as the revised man page posted by Matthieu Herrb. Enjoy!
Andrew W. Rogers
(PS: send Email if you'd like a VMS version of this...)
---------------------------- cut here -----------------------------
#! /bin/sh
# This is a shell archive, meaning:
# 1. Remove everything above the #! /bin/sh line.
# 2. Save the resulting text in a file.
# 3. Execute the file with /bin/sh (not csh) to create:
# Makefile
# ReadMe
# ReadMe.orig
# pcal.c
# pcal.man
# This archive created: Mon Jun 4 12:10:04 1990
export PATH; PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:$PATH
if test -f 'Makefile'
echo shar: "will not over-write existing file 'Makefile'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'Makefile'
MANDIR=/usr1/jad/man # must change this
pcal: pcal.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) $(COPTS) -o pcal pcal.c
man: pcal.man
nroff -man pcal.man > pcal.1
pack pcal.1
mv pcal.1.z $(MANDIR)
if test -f 'ReadMe'
echo shar: "will not over-write existing file 'ReadMe'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'ReadMe'
This is pcal as posted some time ago. However, the "for" loops didn't always
use their arguments. I found this when I tried to allow a full-year to be
dumped at once. I'd get through 3 months and *wham*: stack overflow.
Anyways, I put in a couple of pop's, modified the command line a little
and hopefully, the man page enough, and here it is. The accompanying file
called "ReadMe.orig" came with the original distribution as README and
states this program is copyrighted but with permission to modify and
Note: if I had the time, I'd pull the PostScript code back out of the
program and include a PS prolog file; as is, this is ugly and a little
more difficult to modify. Ah well. It may be easier sometimes to include
log prolog inside the C program, but it's an awful lot easier to modify
the prolog when it's a separate file. Whatever.
Additional note: This version incorporates several new command-line options
and related features implemented by Ed Hand and myself. Read the 'man' page
for further details.
if test -f 'ReadMe.orig'
echo shar: "will not over-write existing file 'ReadMe.orig'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'ReadMe.orig'
"Pcal" is a program to print PostScript calendars for any month and year.
By default, it looks for a file in the home directory named "calendar"
for entries with leading dates matching dates on the calendar, and prints
any following text under the appropriate day.
The program may be a little System V flavored (getopt, time routines)
but should be easily portable to other vintages of UNIX.
Pcal is the combined effort of several people, most notably Patrick Wood
of Pipeline Associates, Inc. for the original PostScript code and Bill
Vogel of AT&T for the calendar file mechanism. My part was simple
translation to a "C" program, the addition of a couple options and a more
generalized date searching routine (oh yes, and a manual page :-).
The original calendar PostScript was Copyright (c) 1987 by Patrick Wood
and Pipeline Associates, Inc. with permission to modify and redistribute.
Please retain this README file with the package.
Ken Keirnan
Pacific Bell
San Ramon, CA.
if test -f 'pcal.c'
echo shar: "will not over-write existing file 'pcal.c'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'pcal.c'
* pcal.c - generate PostScript file to print calendar for any month/year
* The original PostScript code to generate the calendars was written by
* Patrick Wood (Copywrite (c) 1987 by Patrick Wood of Pipeline Associates,
* Inc.), and authorized for modification and redistribution. The calendar
* file inclusion code was originally written in "bs(1)" by Bill Vogel of
* AT&T. Patrick's original PostScript was modified and enhanced several
* times by others whose names have regrettably been lost. This C version
* was originally created by Ken Keirnan of Pacific Bell; additional
* enhancements by Joseph P. Larson, Ed Hand, and Andrew W. Rogers.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <string.h>
#define PRT (void)printf
#define FPR (void)fprintf
#define HOLIDAY (1 << 6) /* bit set to flag day as holiday */
char *words[100]; /* maximum number of words on a line */
char lbuf[512]; /* maximum line size */
char *months[] = { /* used to match alpha months */
"jan", "feb", "mar", "apr", "may", "jun",
"jul", "aug", "sep", "oct", "nov", "dec",
(char *)0,
* the PostScript routines for pcal.c
/* modified by AWR to skip printing days of week on small calendars */
char *header_1[] = {
"/month_names [ (January) (February) (March) (April) (May) (June) (July)",
"\t\t(August) (September) (October) (November) (December) ] def",
"/prtnum { 3 string cvs show} def",
"/drawgrid {\t\t% draw calendar boxes",
"\tdayfont findfont 10 scalefont setfont",
"\t0 1 6 {",
"\t\t/i exch def",
"\t\tsubmonth 0 eq {",
"\t\t\ti 100 mul 40 moveto",
"\t\t\t[ (Sunday) (Monday) (Tuesday) (Wednesday) (Thursday) (Friday) (Saturday) ] i get",
"\t\t\t100 center",
"\t\t} if",
"\t\ti 100 mul 35 moveto",
"\t\t1.0 setlinewidth",
"\t\t0 1 5 {",
"\t\t\t100 0 rlineto ",
"\t\t\t0 -80 rlineto",
"\t\t\t-100 0 rlineto",
"\t\t\tclosepath stroke",
"\t\t\t0 -80 rmoveto",
"\t\t pop } for",
"\t} for",
"} def",
"/drawnums {\t\t% place day numbers on calendar",
"\tdayfont findfont 30 scalefont setfont",
"\t/start startday def",
"\t/days ndays def",
"\t/n 0 def",
"\tstart 100 mul 5 add 10 rmoveto",
"\t1 1 days {",
"\t\t/day exch def",
"\t\tsubmonth 0 eq {",
(char *)0
/* modified by AWR: choice of black or gray Saturdays now command-line option */
char *header_2[] = { /* set Saturdays to gray */
"\t\t\tday start add 7 mod 0 eq {",
"\t\t\t\t.8 setgray",
"\t\t\t} if",
(char *)0
/* modified by AWR: calculate leap years correctly, print holidays in gray */
char *header_3[] = {
"\t\t\tday start add 7 mod 1 eq {",
"\t\t\t\t.8 setgray",
"\t\t\t} if",
"\t\t\tday holidays n get eq {",
"\t\t\t\t.8 setgray",
"\t\t\t\t/n n 1 add def",
"\t\t\t} if",
"\t\t} if",
"\t\tday prtnum",
"\t\tday start add 7 mod 0 eq",
"\t\t\tcurrentpoint exch pop 80 sub 5 exch moveto",
"\t\t\t100 0 rmoveto",
"\t\t} ifelse",
"\t} for",
"} def",
"/drawfill {\t\t% place fill squares on calendar",
"\t/start startday def",
"\t/days ndays def",
"\t0 35 rmoveto",
"\t1.0 setlinewidth",
"\t0 1 start 1 sub {",
"\t\t.9 setgray",
"\t\t100 0 rlineto ",
"\t\t0 -80 rlineto",
"\t\t-100 0 rlineto",
"\t\tclosepath fill",
"\t\t100 0 rmoveto",
"\tpop } for",
"\tsubmonth 1 eq",
"\t\t/lastday 42 def",
"\t\t600 -365 moveto",
"\t\t/lastday 40 def",
"\t\t400 -365 moveto",
"\t} ifelse",
"\tlastday -1 ndays start 1 add add",
"\t\t/day exch def",
"\t\t.9 setgray",
"\t\t100 0 rlineto ",
"\t\t0 -80 rlineto",
"\t\t-100 0 rlineto",
"\t\tclosepath fill",
"\t\tday 7 mod 1 eq",
"\t\t\t600 -365 80 add moveto",
"\t\t\t-100 0 rmoveto",
"\t\t} ifelse",
"\t} for",
"} def",
"/isleap {\t\t% is this a leap year?",
"\tyear 4 mod 0 eq\t\t% multiple of 4",
"\tyear 100 mod 0 ne \t% not century",
"\tyear 400 mod 0 eq or and\t% or divisible by 400",
"} def",
"/days_month [ 31 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31 ] def",
"/ndays {\t\t% number of days in this month",
"\tdays_month month 1 sub get",
"\tmonth 2 eq\t% Feb",
"\tisleap and",
"\t\t1 add",
"\t} if",
"} def",
"/startday {\t\t% starting day-of-week for this month",
"\t/off year 2000 sub def\t% offset from start of epoch",
"\toff 4 idiv add\t\t% number of leap years",
"\toff 100 idiv sub\t% number of centuries",
"\toff 400 idiv add\t% number of years divisible by 400",
"\t6 add 7 mod 7 add \t% offset from Jan 1 2000",
"\t/off exch def",
"\t1 1 month 1 sub {",
"\t\t/idx exch def",
"\t\tdays_month idx 1 sub get",
"\t\tidx 2 eq",
"\t\tisleap and",
"\t\t\t1 add",
"\t\t} if",
"\t\t/off exch off add def",
"\t} for",
"\toff 7 mod\t\t% 0--Sunday, 1--monday, etc.",
"} def",
"/center {\t\t% center string in given width",
"\t/width exch def",
"\t/str exch def width str ",
"\tstringwidth pop sub 2 div 0 rmoveto str show",
"} def",
"\ttitlefont findfont 48 scalefont setfont",
"\t0 60 moveto",
"\t/month_name month_names month 1 sub get def",
"\tmonth_name show",
"\t/yearstring year 10 string cvs def",
"\t700 yearstring stringwidth pop sub 60 moveto",
"\tyearstring show",
"\t0 0 moveto",
"\t0 0 moveto",
"\t0 0 moveto",
"} def",
"/daytext {",
"\t/Helvetica-Narrow findfont 6 scalefont setfont",
"\t/mytext\texch def /myday exch def",
"\tstartday myday 1 sub add dup 7 mod 100 mul 5 add % gives column",
"\texch 7 idiv -80 mul % gives row",
"\tdup /ypos exch def moveto",
"\t/LM currentpoint pop def /RM LM 95 add def",
" mytext { dup (.p) eq { crlf pop} {prstr ( ) show} ifelse } forall",
"} def",
"/crlf {",
" ypos 8 sub /ypos exch def LM ypos moveto",
"} def",
"/prstr {",
" dup stringwidth pop currentpoint pop",
" add RM gt {crlf} if show",
"} def",
"/printmonth {",
(char *)0,
char *header_4[] = {
"\t/submonth 0 def",
"\tmonth 1 sub 0 eq",
"\t\t/lmonth 12 def",
"\t\t/lyear year 1 sub def",
"\t\t/lmonth month 1 sub def",
"\t\t/lyear year def",
"\t} ifelse",
"\tmonth 1 add 13 eq",
"\t\t/nmonth 1 def",
"\t\t/nyear year 1 add def",
"\t} ",
"\t\t/nmonth month 1 add def",
"\t\t/nyear year def",
"\t} ifelse",
"\t/savemonth month def",
"\t/saveyear year def",
"\t/submonth 1 def",
"\t/year lyear def",
"\t/month lmonth def",
"\t500 -365 translate",
"\t.138 .138 scale",
"\t10 -120 translate",
"\t/submonth 1 def",
"\t/year nyear def",
"\t/month nmonth def",
"\t100 0 translate",
"\t.138 .138 scale",
"\t10 -120 translate",
"\t/month savemonth def",
"\t/year saveyear def",
"\t/submonth 0 def",
"} def",
(char *)0,
FILE *cfp = NULL;
int year;
int cyear;
void exit();
char *getenv();
main(argc, argv)
int argc;
char **argv;
extern char *optarg;
extern int optind;
register struct tm *lt;
register char **ap;
register char *cp;
char *cfile = NULL;
char cbuf[80];
long t, time();
int errflg = 0;
int nocal = 0;
int sat = 0;
char *titlefont = "Times-Bold";
char *dayfont = "Times-Bold";
int rotate = 90;
int month = 0;
int m;
char doyear = 0;
#define DOHEADER(phdr) for(ap = phdr; *ap; ap++) PRT("%s\n", *ap);
while ((m = getopt(argc, argv, "d:ef:m:rst:y:")) != EOF)
switch (m) {
case 'd': /* select font for day names/numbers */
dayfont = optarg;
case 'e': /* print empty calendar */
cfile = NULL;
case 'f': /* use alternate calendar file */
cfile = optarg;
nocal = 0;
case 'm': /* select month */
month = atoi(optarg);
if (!month) doyear = 1;
case 'r': /* generate portrait calendar */
rotate = 0;
case 's': /* print Saturdays in black */
case 't': /* select font for month/year */
titlefont = optarg;
case 'y': /* select year */
year = atoi(optarg);
if (year && year < 1900) year = year % 100 + 1900;
case '?':
errflg = 1;
if (errflg) {
"Usage: pcal [ -r ] [ -s ] [ -e | -f <cal> ] [ -m month] [ -y <year> ]\n");
"\t\t[ -t <title font> ] [ -d <day font> ]\n");
t = time((long *)0);
lt = localtime(&t);
if (!month && !doyear)
month = lt->tm_mon + 1;
if (!year)
year = lt->tm_year + 1900;
* In case we don't encounter any year data in the
* calendar file, assume the current year.
cyear = year;
* Open a supplied calendar file (if any)
if (cfile != NULL) {
if ((cfp = fopen(cfile, "r")) == NULL) {
FPR(stderr, "pcal: can't open file: %s\n", cfile);
* Else see if a calendar file exists in the home directory
else if (nocal == 0 && (cp = getenv("HOME")) != NULL) {
(void)strcpy(cbuf, cp);
(void)strcat(cbuf, "/calendar");
cfp = fopen(cbuf, "r");
* Write out PostScript prolog
PRT("/titlefont /%s def\n/dayfont /%s def\n", titlefont, dayfont);
if (sat == 0)
PRT("\t%d rotate\n", rotate);
if (rotate)
PRT("\t50 -120 translate\n");
PRT("\t0.75 0.75 scale\n\t50 460 translate\n");
if (month)
for (month = 1; month <= 12; month++)
* Browse through the calendar file looking for day info in current month
int m;
register char **s;
register int oldday = -1;
register int day;
int reset;
for (reset = 1; (day = getday(m, reset)) != 0; reset = 0)
if (*words) {
day &= ~HOLIDAY;
if (day != oldday) {
if (oldday == -1)
PRT("%d [ \n", day);
PRT("] daytext\n%d [ \n", day);
oldday = day;
} else
for (s = words; *s; s++)
PRT("(%s)\n", *s);
if (oldday != -1) /* terminate call to daytext */
PRT("] daytext\n");
* Browse through the calendar file looking for holidays in current month
int m;
register int oldday = -1;
register int day;
int reset;
PRT("/holidays ["); /* start definition of list */
for (reset = 1; (day = getday(m, reset)) != 0; reset = 0)
if (day & HOLIDAY) {
day &= ~HOLIDAY;
if (day != oldday) {
PRT(" %d", day);
oldday = day;
PRT(" 99 ] def\n"); /* terminate with dummy entry */
* pmonth - do calendar for month "m"
int m;
PRT("/year %d def\n", year); /* set up year and month */
PRT("/month %d def\n", m);
find_holidays(m); /* first pass - make list of holidays */
find_daytext(m); /* second pass - add text to boxes */
* getday - find next day entry for desired month in the calendar file
int getday(m, reset)
register int m;
int reset;
static eof = 0;
register char *cp;
register c;
if (cfp == NULL) /* whoops, no calendar file */
if (reset) { /* new month, rewind */
eof = 0;
if (eof)
cp = lbuf;
do {
while ((c = getc(cfp)) != '\n' && c != EOF) {
/* ignore leading white space */
if (cp == lbuf && (c == ' ' || c == '\t'))
*cp++ = c;
if (c == EOF) {
eof = 1;
} while (cp == lbuf); /* ignore empty lines */
*cp = 0;
/* examine the line, see if its one we want */
if ((c = parse(m)) == 0)
goto nextline;
* parse - check calendar entry for desired month, break line into fields
register m;
register char *cp;
register i;
int is_holiday = 0; /* '*' after date flags it as holiday */
int valid = 1;
cp = strtok(lbuf, " \t"); /* get first field */
while (*cp) {
if (isupper(*cp))
*cp = tolower(*cp);
cp = lbuf;
* Check for "year" line
if (strcmp(cp, "year") == 0) {
cp = strtok((char *)0, " \t");
if ((i = atoi(cp)) > 0) {
if (i < 100)
i += 1900;
cyear = i;
* If field begins with alpha, try to decode month name
if (isalpha(*cp)) {
if (cyear != year)
for (i = 0; months[i]; i++)
if (strncmp(cp, months[i], 3) == 0) {
if (++i != m)
/* month found, get day */
if ((cp = strtok((char *)0, " \t")) == NULL)
if ((i = atoi(cp)) < 1 || i > 31)
while (isdigit(*cp)) /* skip over day field */
if (*cp == '*') /* holiday? */
is_holiday = 1;
if (loadwords() || is_holiday)
return(i | is_holiday * HOLIDAY);
* Not alpha month, try numeric (parse full date to see if year has changed)
if ((i = atoi(cp)) != m)
valid = 0;
while (isdigit(*cp))
while (*cp && !isdigit(*cp))
/* now get day */
if ((i = atoi(cp)) < 1 || i > 31)
valid = 0;
/* Numeric dates may have a year */
while (isdigit(*cp)) /* skip over day field */
if (*cp == '*') /* holiday? */
is_holiday = 1;
while (*cp && !isdigit(*cp))
if ((m = atoi(cp)) > 0) {
if (m < 100)
m += 1900;
cyear = m;
while (isdigit(*cp)) /* skip over year field */
if (*cp == '*') /* holiday? */
is_holiday = 1;
if (!valid || cyear != year) /* date not applicable - return 0 */
if (loadwords() || is_holiday) /* date of some significance */
return(i | is_holiday * HOLIDAY);
* loadwords - tokenize line buffer into word array, return word count
register char **ap = words;
register i;
for (i = 0; *ap = strtok((char *)0, " \t") ; ap++, i++) ;
if test -f 'pcal.man'
echo shar: "will not over-write existing file 'pcal.man'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'pcal.man'
pcal \- generate PostScript calendars
.B pcal
.BR \-e
.BR \-f <cal>
] [
.B \-m <month>
.B \-y <year>
]] [
.B -r
] [
.B -s
] [
.B -t <titlefont name>
] [
.B -d <dayfont name>
.I Pcal
generates PostScript to produce landscape or portrait calendars for any
month and year. The arguments
.B <month>
.BR <year> ,
if provided, should be numeric. The month should be in the range 1 - 12,
and year should be specified as 1 or 2 digits or as the full 4 digit year.
The defaults for month and year are the current month and year.
If month is provided, but zero, the entire year is printed.
If a file named
.I calendar
resides in the caller's home directory, it will be searched for lines with
leading dates matching the requested month and year (current by default).
Any text following the date will be printed on the calendar under the
appropriate day of the month. Dates in the
.I calendar
file may consist of a numeric or alpha month (at least the first 3 characters
for month names) followed by a numeric day and optionally followed by a
year. Any non-numeric character may separate numeric dates. Holidays may
be flagged by following the date immediately with '*'; this will cause the
date to be printed in gray. Lines in the
.I calendar
file consisting of "year xxxx" (where xxxx is a numeric year) can be used
to set the year for following entries. This assumes that the following
entries do not contain a year; any date entries containing year information
will set the remembered year to that year.
.I Pcal has many options:
.B \-e
Print an empty calendar. Do not print entries from a calendar file.
.BR \-f <cal>
.I pcal
to use the file name <cal> as the input file in place of the default
calendar file in the callers home directory.
.B \-r
This will cause the output to come out in portrait
mode instead of landscape.
.B \-s
This will cause Saturdays to be printed in black instead of gray.
.BR \-t <titlefont name>
This option can be used to change the font the title
is printed in. (ie. pcal -t Times-Roman).
.BR -d <dayfont name>
This option is the same as -t except that the font used
to print the day numbers is changed.
The original PostScript code to generate the calendars was written by
Patrick Wood (Copywrite (c) 1987 by Patrick Wood of Pipeline Associates,
Inc.), and authorized for modification and redistribution. The calendar
file inclusion code was originally written in "bs(1)" by Bill Vogel of
AT&T. Patrick's original PostScript was modified and enhanced several
times by others whos names have regrettably been lost. Ken Keirnan of
Pacific Bell assembled the original "C" version upon which this is based;
additional modifications and enhancements were the work of Joseph P.
Larson, Ed Hand, and Andrew W. Rogers.
exit 0
# End of shell archive
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