SHAR - Where is the source ?

Ed Falk falk at peregrine.Sun.COM
Sun Nov 4 12:30:00 AEST 1990

In article <9010311326.AA02589 at> Frank Elsner <elsner at> writes:
>Where can I get the source of "shar" to be used with INTERACTIVE UNIX ?
>Unfortunatly "shar" is missing but I need it .
>Frank Elsner (TUBerlin/ZRZ, Postmaster)

"shar" is not part of standard Unix, it's just a utility people
pass around.  There are at least a dozen variations.

Here's the one I use 90% of the time:  It doesn't do any of the
fancy stuff like compressing binary files or building multi-part
archives, but it works for just packing a bunch of files.  It's
main advantage is that it's a short shell script rather than a
C program.

#! /bin/sh
#	shar <source1> <source2> ... <sourceN> [ > destination ]

echo "#! /bin/sh"
echo "# this is a shell archive, meaning:"
echo "# 1. Remove everything above the #! /bin/sh line"
echo "# 2. Save the resulting text in a file."
echo "# 3. Execute the file with /bin/sh to create the files:"
for i in $* ; do
  echo "#	$i"
echo "# This archive created: `date` by $USER"
echo "#"
echo "#"
echo 'export PATH; PATH=/bin:$PATH'
echo "#"

for i do
  echo a - $i >&2
  echo ""
  len=`wc -c < $i`
  echo "if test -f $i"
  echo "then"
  echo "echo shar: will not over-write existing file $i"
  echo "else"
  echo "echo shar: extracting '$i', $len characters"
  echo "sed 's/^X//' > $i <<'SHAR_EOF'"
  sed 's/^/X/' $i
  echo "SHAR_EOF"
  echo "len=\`wc -c < $i\`"
  echo "if test \$len != $len ; then"
  echo "echo error: $i was \$len bytes long, should have been $len"
  echo "fi"
  echo "fi # end of overwriting check"
echo "exit 0"
	-ed falk, sun microsystems -- sun!falk, falk at
	"What are politicians going to tell people when the
	Constitution is gone and we still have a drug problem?"
			-- William Simpson, A.C.L.U.

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