
Robert Dinse nanook at rwing.UUCP
Tue Nov 13 19:08:54 AEST 1990

     A while back someone posted source for a Z80 emulator including
"upm", CP/M of sorts. I've been trying to get this running, but seem to
be missing some of the files. For instance, ubg.c and initdisk.c seem
not to have been in the shar files or else they didn't unshar properly
on my system.

     At any rate, I am without those, so I've got an emulator compiled,
with some hacking (to get it running on a Tandy 6000), got makedisk, but
now all I can get is no directory or binaries exist if I try to run upm.
I >assume< (this often proves to be a mistake) that initdisk is also

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