Kill file for mail.
Harald.Eikrem at
Harald.Eikrem at
Thu Nov 8 11:35:02 AEST 1990
Here's another approach to sorting mailboxes. Perl based, what else?
There's no separate man page. It does not pipe messages to programs, because
it is strictly a mail sorter. True improvements are of course welcomed.
--Harald E
++++Perl script follows, save as `mailsort' in your favourite bin directory++++
# Usage "mailsort [ MAILBOX... ]" Requires perl 3.0 patchlevel 4 up.
# Sorts Unix mailbox file(s) into mailbox folders at ~/Mail/<folder>,
# default input file is /usr{/spool,}/mail/<login>.
# Produces two kinds of folder summaries, one building up for each
# folder (~/Mail/.sum/<folder>), and another about all new messages
# from the last sort (~/Mail/.sum/NEW).
# The sorting is based on a sort file (~/Mail/.fsort)
# using the following conventions:
# - Each line should contain a keyword and a folder name.
# - The keyword and folder tokens are separated by one or more <tab>.
# - A blank character in the keyword matches any number of whitespaces.
# - Keyword matches are always case-INsensitive.
# - Regular expressions are valid, but take care. Not everything is
# going to work.
# - Key order might be significant.
# - Mail header reserved words should only be preceeded by a circumflex
# (^) and end in a colon (:). There is no need to insert random string
# matches in beetween the MHRW and the matching string, a single
# space is suitable, e.g. "^From: henry at vcu<tab>henry"
# will match a From: header field with "henry at vcu" anywhere on that
# line, the message is written to the folder named "henry".
# "^To:" will match both To: and Cc: header records.
# - Mail header continuation lines are not recognised on a regular basis.
# - Mail header trace lines are not rendered in the folder decisions.
# - Any other kind of keyword will match *anything* in the mail header.
# - Default folder name is "inbox".
# Written 5. Feb 90 by Harald Eikrem, SINTEF, Trondheim, Norway.
# (Some ideas lent from `from' script by Johan Vromans).
# <Harald.Eikrem at>
# PS. I am sure someone can optimise this algorithm. A perl novice I am.
# Modified 8. Feb 90 -- redesigned key struct
# Modified 21. Mar 90 -- modified "^To:" keyword to match both To: and Cc:.
# Modified 1. Apr 90 -- now handles absolute or relative folder file
# referencing, e.g. /dev/null (this is no joke)
if ( $#ARGV < 0 ) {
if ( ! ($user = getlogin)) {
@a = getpwuid($<);
$user = $a[0];
if ( -r "/usr/spool/mail/$user" ) {
@ARGV = ("/usr/spool/mail/$user");
elsif ( -r "/usr/mail/$user" ) {
@ARGV = ("/usr/mail/$user");
else {
printf STDERR "No mail for $user.\n";
exit 1;
$Maildir = $ENV{"HOME"}."/Mail";
if ( ! -d $Maildir ) {
printf STDERR "No ~/Mail directory.\n";
exit 1;
$fsort = ".fsort";
if ( ! -r "$Maildir/$fsort" ) {
printf STDERR "No sort file ~/Mail/$fsort\n";
exit 1;
# read sort file
open(srt, "<$Maildir/$fsort");
for ($index = 1; $line = <srt>; ++$index ) {
next if $line =~ /^#/ || $line =~ /^\s*$/;
$line =~ /^([^\t]+)\t+(\S+)\s*$/;
$key[$index] = $1;
$val[$index] = $2 ? $2 : "inbox";
$key[$index] =~ s/^\^?([\w-]+\s*:)\s*(.+)/^$1[^\\n]*$2/;
$key[$index] =~ s/\s+/\\s+/g;
$key[$index] =~ s/(\[[^\]]*)\\s+/$1 /g;
$key[$index] =~ s/\\\\s\+?/ /g;
$key[$index] =~ s/^\^/\\n/;
if (/^(\n)To(:.*)/i) { $key[++$index] = s//$1Cc$2/; }
# printf "%3d KEY = %-42s VAL = %-s\n",$index,$key[$index],$val[$index];
$MAXKEY = $index-1;
if ( ! -d "$Maildir/.sum" ) { mkdir("$Maildir/.sum", 0755); }
# go through input file(s)
while ( $line = <> ) {
# scan until "From_" header found
if ( $line !~ /^From\s+(\S+)\s+[^\n]*(\w{3}\s+\d+\s+\d+:\d+)/ ) {
print fld $line if $folder;
$from = $1; $date = $2;
$full_header = $line;
$header = $line;
$Recline = 0;
# get user name from uucp path
$from = $1 if $from =~ /.*!([^\n]+)/;
# now, scan for Subject or empty line
$subj = "";
while ( $line = <> ) {
if ( $line =~ /^$/ ) {
# force fall-though
$subj = "(none)" unless $subj;
$full_header .= $line;
# Skip trace header lines
if ($Recline && $line !~ /^\s/) { $Recline = 0; }
if ($Recline || $line =~ /^Received\s*:/) { $Recline = 1; }
else { $header .= $line; }
$subj = $1 if $line =~ /^Subject\s*:\s*([^\n]*)/;
if ( $line =~ /^From\s*:\s*/ ) {
$line = $';
if ( $line =~ /\(([^\n]+)\)/ ) { $from = $1; }
elsif ( $line =~ /^"?([^<\n"]+)"?\s*<[^\n]+>/ ) { $from = $1; }
elsif ( $line =~ /^<?([^>\n]+)>?/ ) { $from = $1; }
$folder = "";
for ($index = 1; !$folder && $index <= $MAXKEY; ++$index ) {
$folder = $val[$index] if $header =~ /$key[$index]/i;
$folder = "inbox" unless $folder;
$summary{$folder} .=
sprintf(" %-12.12s \"%-17.17s\" %-.45s\n", $date,$from,$subj);
if ($folder =~ m#^[/.]#) {
open(fld, ">>$folder");
} else {
open(fld, ">>$Maildir/$folder");
print fld $full_header,"\n";
open(new, ">>$Maildir/.sum/NEW");
while ( ($folder,$sumtext) = each(%summary) ) {
print new $folder,":\n",$sumtext;
open(sum, ">>$Maildir/.sum/$folder");
print sum $sumtext;
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