gas-1.36 patches for COFF generation

Loic Dachary loic at adesign.uucp
Tue Oct 16 18:35:56 AEST 1990

*** struc-symbol.h	Fri May 12 19:45:21 1989
--- /lasvegas/spare/usenet/port/gas-1.36/struc-symbol.h	Mon Oct 15 08:41:38 1990
*** 17,31 ****
  along with GAS; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
  the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.  */
- #ifndef		VMS
- #include "a.out.h"		/* Needed to define struct nlist. Sigh. */
- #else
- #include "a_out.h"
- #endif
  struct symbol			/* our version of an nlist node */
!   struct nlist	sy_nlist;	/* what we write in .o file (if permitted) */
    long unsigned sy_name_offset;	/* 4-origin position of sy_name in symbols */
  				/* part of object file. */
  				/* 0 for (nameless) .stabd symbols. */
--- 17,25 ----
  along with GAS; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
  the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.  */
  struct symbol			/* our version of an nlist node */
!   symbol_type   sy_symbol;      /* what we write in .o file (if permitted) */
    long unsigned sy_name_offset;	/* 4-origin position of sy_name in symbols */
  				/* part of object file. */
  				/* 0 for (nameless) .stabd symbols. */
*** 34,54 ****
  				/* Symbol numbers start at 0 and are */
  				/* unsigned. */
    struct symbol * sy_next;	/* forward chain, or NULL */
    struct frag *	sy_frag;	/* NULL or -> frag this symbol attaches to. */
    struct symbol *sy_forward;	/* value is really that of this other symbol */
  typedef struct symbol symbolS;
! #define sy_name		sy_nlist .n_un. n_name
  				/* Name field always points to a string. */
  				/* 0 means .stabd-like anonymous symbol. */
! #define sy_type 	sy_nlist.	n_type
! #define sy_other	sy_nlist.	n_other
! #define sy_desc		sy_nlist.	n_desc
! #define sy_value	sy_nlist.	n_value
  				/* Value of symbol is this value + object */
  				/* file address of sy_frag. */
  typedef unsigned valueT;	/* The type of n_value. Helps casting. */
--- 28,71 ----
  				/* Symbol numbers start at 0 and are */
  				/* unsigned. */
    struct symbol * sy_next;	/* forward chain, or NULL */
+ #ifdef coff
+   struct symbol * sy_previous;	/* backward chain, or NULL */
+ #endif /* coff */
    struct frag *	sy_frag;	/* NULL or -> frag this symbol attaches to. */
    struct symbol *sy_forward;	/* value is really that of this other symbol */
+ #ifdef coff
+   unsigned int sy_flags;	/* Internal use only flags (see coff.h) */
+   AUXENT sy_auxent;		/* Auxiliary entry. */
+ #endif /* coff */
  typedef struct symbol symbolS;
! #ifdef coff
! #define sy_name		sy_symbol.n_name	/* Symbol name */
! #define sy_zeroes	sy_symbol.n_zeroes	/* All 0 if pointer to str. */
! #define sy_offset	sy_symbol.n_offset	/* Offset in string table */
! #define	sy_value	sy_symbol.n_value	/* Symbol 0 or ptr in file */
! #define sy_scnum	sy_symbol.n_scnum	/* Section number */
! #define sy_type		sy_symbol.n_type	/* Type and derived type */
! #define sy_sclass	sy_symbol.n_sclass	/* Storage class */
! #define sy_numaux	sy_symbol.n_numaux	/* Number of aux. entries */
! #else /* coff */
! #define sy_name		sy_symbol.n_un.n_name
  				/* Name field always points to a string. */
  				/* 0 means .stabd-like anonymous symbol. */
! #define sy_strx		sy_symbol.n_un.n_strx
! #define sy_type 	sy_symbol.n_type
! #define sy_other	sy_symbol.n_other
! #define sy_desc		sy_symbol.n_desc
! #define sy_value	sy_symbol.n_value
  				/* Value of symbol is this value + object */
  				/* file address of sy_frag. */
+ #endif /* coff */
  typedef unsigned valueT;	/* The type of n_value. Helps casting. */
*** subsegs.c	Wed Mar  1 23:48:46 1989
--- /lasvegas/spare/usenet/port/gas-1.36/subsegs.c	Wed Sep 12 09:28:57 1990
*** 21,26 ****
--- 21,27 ----
   * Segments & sub-segments.
+ #include "oformat.h"
  #include "as.h"
  #include "subsegs.h"
  #include "obstack.h"
*** 33,40 ****
--- 34,95 ----
  	*	data0_frchainP;
+ #ifdef coff
  int				/* in: segT   out: N_TYPE bits */
  seg_N_TYPE[] = {
+ };
+ char *				/* in: segT   out: char* */
+ seg_name[] = {
+   "absolute",
+   "text",
+   "data",
+   "bss",
+   "unknown",
+   "absent",
+   "pass1",
+   "bignum/flonum",
+   "difference",
+   "debug",
+   "transfert vector preload",
+   "transfert vector postload",
+   ""
+   };				/* Used by error reporters, dumpers etc. */
+ /* Add 4 to the real value to get the index and compensate the negatives */
+ segT N_TYPE_seg [32] =
+ {
+   SEG_PTV,			/* C_PTV_SECTION	== -4	*/
+   SEG_NTV,			/* C_NTV_SECTION	== -3	*/
+   SEG_DEBUG,			/* C_DEBUG_SECTION	== -2 	*/
+   SEG_ABSOLUTE,			/* C_ABS_SECTION	== -1	*/
+   SEG_UNKNOWN,			/* C_UNDEF_SECTION	== 0 	*/
+   SEG_TEXT,			/* C_TEXT_SECTION	== 1	*/
+   SEG_DATA,			/* C_DATA_SECTION	== 2	*/
+   SEG_BSS,			/* C_BSS_SECTION	== 3	*/
+ };
+ #else /* coff */
+ int				/* in: segT   out: N_TYPE bits */
+ seg_N_TYPE[] = {
*** 78,83 ****
--- 133,139 ----
+ #endif /* coff */
*** symbols.c	Fri Apr  6 17:51:22 1990
--- /lasvegas/spare/usenet/port/gas-1.36/symbols.c	Mon Oct 15 10:30:08 1990
*** 18,23 ****
--- 18,24 ----
  the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.  */
+ #include "oformat.h"
  #include "as.h"
  #include "hash.h"
  #include "obstack.h"		/* For "symbols.h" */
*** 38,43 ****
--- 39,49 ----
  symbolS * symbol_rootP;
  symbolS * symbol_lastP;
  symbolS	abs_symbol;
+ symbolS*		dot_text_symbol;
+ symbolS*		dot_data_symbol;
+ symbolS*		dot_bss_symbol;
  struct obstack	notes;
*** 84,90 ****
    symbol_rootP = NULL;		/* In case we have 0 symbols (!!) */
    sy_hash = hash_new();
    bzero ((char *)(& abs_symbol), sizeof(abs_symbol));
!   abs_symbol . sy_type = N_ABS;	/* Can't initialise a union. Sigh. */
    bzero ((char *)(local_label_counter), sizeof(local_label_counter) );
    local_bss_counter = 0;
--- 90,96 ----
    symbol_rootP = NULL;		/* In case we have 0 symbols (!!) */
    sy_hash = hash_new();
    bzero ((char *)(& abs_symbol), sizeof(abs_symbol));
!   S_SET_ABS(&abs_symbol);	/* Can't initialise a union. Sigh. */
    bzero ((char *)(local_label_counter), sizeof(local_label_counter) );
    local_bss_counter = 0;
*** 157,162 ****
--- 163,237 ----
   * Changes since 1985: Symbol names may not contain '\0'. Sigh.
+ #ifdef coff
+ symbolS *
+ symbol_new (name, segment, value, sclass, frag)
+ char*		name; 	/* It is copied, the caller can destroy/modify */
+ segT		segment;/* Segment identifier (SEG_<something>) */
+ long		value;  /* Symbol value */
+ short		sclass; /* Symbol storage class */
+ fragS*		frag;	/* Associated fragment */
+ {
+     register unsigned int	name_length;
+     register char*		name_copy;
+     register symbolS*		symbolP;
+     register char		underscore = 0;      /* Symbol has leading _ */
+     /* Remove leading underscore at the beginning of the symbol.
+      * This is to be compatible with the standard librairies.
+      */
+     if(*name == '_') {
+ 	underscore = 1;
+ 	name++;
+     } else
+ 	underscore = 0;
+ #endif /* STRIP_UNDERSCORE */
+     name_length = strlen(name) + 1; /* +1 for \0 */
+     obstack_grow(&notes, name, name_length);
+     name_copy = obstack_finish(&notes);
+     symbolP = (symbolS *)obstack_alloc(&notes, sizeof(symbolS));
+     /* Effective symbol */
+     /* Store the pointer in the offset. */
+     symbolP->sy_offset		= (long unsigned)name_copy;
+     symbolP->sy_zeroes		= 0L;
+     symbolP->sy_value		= value;
+     symbolP->sy_scnum		= seg_SEG(segment);
+     symbolP->sy_type		= T_NULL;
+     symbolP->sy_sclass		= sclass;
+     symbolP->sy_numaux		= 0;
+     /* Additional information */
+     symbolP->sy_next		= NULL;
+     symbolP->sy_frag		= frag;
+     symbolP->sy_forward		= NULL;
+     symbolP->sy_name_offset	= ~0;
+     symbolP->sy_number		= ~0;
+     symbolP->sy_flags		= 0;
+     /* Auxiliary entries */
+     memset((char*)&symbolP->sy_auxent, '\0', AUXESZ);
+     if(S_IS_STRING(symbolP))
+ 	SF_SET_STRING(symbolP);
+     if(!underscore && S_IS_LOCAL(symbolP))
+ 	SF_SET_LOCAL(symbolP);
+     /*
+      * Link to end of symbol chain .
+      */
+     if (symbol_lastP) {
+ 	symbol_lastP->sy_next = symbolP;
+ 	symbolP->sy_previous = symbol_lastP;
+     } else {
+ 	symbol_rootP = symbolP;
+     }
+     symbol_lastP = symbolP;
+     return (symbolP);
+ }
+ #else /* coff */
  symbolS *
  symbol_new (name, type, other, desc, value, frag)
       char *		name;	/* We copy this: OK to alter your copy. */
*** 165,171 ****
       short int		desc;	/* As in <a.out.h>. */
       valueT		value;	/* As in <a.out.h>, often an address. */
  				/* Often used as offset from frag address. */
!      struct frag *	frag;	/* For sy_frag. */
    register symbolS *		symbolP;
    register char *		preserved_copy_of_name;
--- 240,246 ----
       short int		desc;	/* As in <a.out.h>. */
       valueT		value;	/* As in <a.out.h>, often an address. */
  				/* Often used as offset from frag address. */
!      fragS*	 	frag;	/* For sy_frag. */
    register symbolS *		symbolP;
    register char *		preserved_copy_of_name;
*** 177,184 ****
    /* obstack_1done( &notes, name, name_length, &p ); */
    preserved_copy_of_name = p;
!   p=obstack_alloc(&notes,sizeof(struct symbol));
!   /* obstack_1blank( &notes, sizeof(struct symbol), &p ); */
    symbolP			= (symbolS *) p;
    symbolP -> sy_name		= preserved_copy_of_name;
    symbolP -> sy_type		= type;
--- 252,259 ----
    /* obstack_1done( &notes, name, name_length, &p ); */
    preserved_copy_of_name = p;
!   p=obstack_alloc(&notes,sizeof(symbolS));
!   /* obstack_1blank( &notes, sizeof(symbolS), &p ); */
    symbolP			= (symbolS *) p;
    symbolP -> sy_name		= preserved_copy_of_name;
    symbolP -> sy_type		= type;
*** 207,212 ****
--- 282,289 ----
    return (symbolP);
+ #endif /* coff */
   *			colon()
*** 222,228 ****
       register char *  sym_name; /* symbol name, as a cannonical string */
  				/* We copy this string: OK to alter later. */
!   register struct symbol * symbolP; /* symbol we are working with */
    /* Sun local labes go out of scope whenever a non-local symbol is
--- 299,305 ----
       register char *  sym_name; /* symbol name, as a cannonical string */
  				/* We copy this string: OK to alter later. */
!   register symbolS * symbolP; /* symbol we are working with */
    /* Sun local labes go out of scope whenever a non-local symbol is
*** 264,270 ****
         *	If the new symbol is .comm AND it has a size of zero,
         *	we ignore it (i.e. the old symbol overrides it)
!       if ((seg_N_TYPE [(int) now_seg] == (N_UNDF | N_EXT)) &&
  	  ((obstack_next_free(& frags) - frag_now -> fr_literal) == 0))
--- 341,347 ----
         *	If the new symbol is .comm AND it has a size of zero,
         *	we ignore it (i.e. the old symbol overrides it)
!       if ((seg_SEG((int) now_seg) == (N_UNDF | N_EXT)) &&
  	  ((obstack_next_free(& frags) - frag_now -> fr_literal) == 0))
*** 275,281 ****
  	  (symbolP->sy_value == 0)) {
  	      symbolP -> sy_frag  = frag_now;
  	      symbolP -> sy_value = obstack_next_free(& frags) - frag_now -> fr_literal;
! 	      symbolP -> sy_type |= seg_N_TYPE [(int) now_seg]; /* keep N_EXT bit */
  #endif	/* VMS */
--- 352,358 ----
  	  (symbolP->sy_value == 0)) {
  	      symbolP -> sy_frag  = frag_now;
  	      symbolP -> sy_value = obstack_next_free(& frags) - frag_now -> fr_literal;
! 	      symbolP -> sy_type |= seg_SEG((int) now_seg); /* keep N_EXT bit */
  #endif	/* VMS */
*** 282,297 ****
         *	Now check for undefined symbols
!       if ((symbolP -> sy_type & N_TYPE) == N_UNDF)
! 	  if(   symbolP -> sy_other == 0
! 	     && symbolP -> sy_desc  == 0
! 	     && symbolP -> sy_value == 0)
  	      symbolP -> sy_frag  = frag_now;
! 	      symbolP -> sy_value = obstack_next_free(& frags) - frag_now -> fr_literal;
! 	      know( N_UNDF == 0 );
! 	      symbolP -> sy_type |= seg_N_TYPE [(int) now_seg]; /* keep N_EXT bit */
--- 359,382 ----
         *	Now check for undefined symbols
!       if (!S_IS_DEFINED(symbolP))
! 	  if(
! #ifdef aout
! 	     S_GET_OTHER(symbolP) == 0 &&
! 	     S_GET_DESC(symbolP)  == 0 &&
! #endif /* aout */
! 	     S_GET_VALUE(symbolP) == 0)
  	      symbolP -> sy_frag  = frag_now;
! 	      S_SET_VALUE(symbolP, obstack_next_free(& frags) - 
! 			           frag_now -> fr_literal);
! 	      switch(now_seg) {
! 		case SEG_TEXT: S_SET_TEXT(symbolP); break;
! 		case SEG_DATA: S_SET_DATA(symbolP); break;
! 		case SEG_BSS: S_SET_BSS(symbolP); break;
! 		case SEG_ABSOLUTE: S_SET_ABS(symbolP); break;
! 	      }
*** 303,309 ****
  	       *		A .comm/.lcomm symbol being redefined with
  	       *			a larger size is also OK
! 	      char New_Type = seg_N_TYPE [(int) now_seg];
  	      if (((symbolP->sy_type == (N_UNDF | N_EXT)) ||
  		   (symbolP->sy_type == N_BSS)) &&
  		  (((New_Type & ~N_EXT) == N_DATA) ||
--- 388,394 ----
  	       *		A .comm/.lcomm symbol being redefined with
  	       *			a larger size is also OK
! 	      char New_Type = seg_SEG((int) now_seg);
  	      if (((symbolP->sy_type == (N_UNDF | N_EXT)) ||
  		   (symbolP->sy_type == N_BSS)) &&
  		  (((New_Type & ~N_EXT) == N_DATA) ||
*** 331,345 ****
  				symbolP -> sy_frag  = frag_now;
  				symbolP -> sy_value = obstack_next_free(& frags) - frag_now -> fr_literal;
! 				symbolP -> sy_type |= seg_N_TYPE [(int) now_seg]; /* keep N_EXT bit */
  	      } else {
  #endif	/* VMS */
  	      as_fatal( "Symbol \"%s\" is already defined as \"%s\"/%d.%d.%d.",
! 		      seg_name [(int) N_TYPE_seg [symbolP -> sy_type & N_TYPE]],
! 		      symbolP -> sy_other, symbolP -> sy_desc,
! 		      symbolP -> sy_value);
  #ifdef	VMS
  #endif	/* VMS */
--- 416,437 ----
  				symbolP -> sy_frag  = frag_now;
  				symbolP -> sy_value = obstack_next_free(& frags) - frag_now -> fr_literal;
! 				symbolP -> sy_type |= seg_SEG((int) now_seg); /* keep N_EXT bit */
  	      } else {
  #endif	/* VMS */
+ #ifdef coff
+ 	      as_fatal( "Symbol \"%s\" is already defined as \"%s\"/%d.",
+ 		      sym_name,
+ 		      segment_name((int)SEG_seg(S_GET_SEGMENT(symbolP))),
+ 		      S_GET_VALUE(symbolP));
+ #else /* coff */
  	      as_fatal( "Symbol \"%s\" is already defined as \"%s\"/%d.%d.%d.",
! 		      segment_name((int)SEG_seg(S_GET_SEGMENT(symbolP))),
! 		      S_GET_OTHER(symbolP), S_GET_DESC(symbolP),
! 		      S_GET_VALUE(symbolP));
! #endif /* coff */
  #ifdef	VMS
  #endif	/* VMS */
*** 352,363 ****
        symbolP = symbol_new (sym_name,
! 			    (unsigned char)(seg_N_TYPE [(int) now_seg]),
        symbol_table_insert (symbolP);
--- 444,461 ----
+ #ifdef coff
+       symbolP = symbol_new (sym_name, now_seg, 
+ 			    (valueT)(obstack_next_free(&frags)-frag_now->fr_literal),
+ 			    0, frag_now);
+ #else /* coff */
        symbolP = symbol_new (sym_name,
! 			    (unsigned char)(seg_SEG((int) now_seg)),
+ #endif /* coff */
        symbol_table_insert (symbolP);
*** 372,387 ****
  symbol_table_insert (symbolP)
!      struct symbol *	symbolP;
    register char *	error_string;
!   know( symbolP );
!   know( symbolP -> sy_name );
!   if ( * (error_string = hash_jam (sy_hash, symbolP -> sy_name, (char *)symbolP)))
        as_fatal( "Inserting \"%s\" into symbol table failed: %s",
! 	      symbolP -> sy_name, error_string);
--- 470,487 ----
  symbol_table_insert (symbolP)
!      symbolS *	symbolP;
    register char *	error_string;
!   know(symbolP);
!   know(S_GET_NAME(symbolP));
!   if ( * (error_string = hash_jam (sy_hash, S_GET_NAME(symbolP),
! 				   (char *)symbolP)))
        as_fatal( "Inserting \"%s\" into symbol table failed: %s",
! 	      S_GET_NAME(symbolP), error_string);
*** 392,409 ****
   * it into the symbol table. Return a pointer to it.
  symbolS *
! symbol_find_or_make (name)
!      char *	name;
!   register symbolS *	symbolP;
!   symbolP = symbol_table_lookup (name);
!   if (symbolP == NULL)
!     {
!       symbolP = symbol_new (name, N_UNDF, 0, 0, 0, & zero_address_frag);
!       symbol_table_insert (symbolP);
!     }
!   return (symbolP);
--- 492,514 ----
   * it into the symbol table. Return a pointer to it.
  symbolS *
!     symbol_find_or_make (name)
! char *	name;
!     register symbolS *	symbolP;
!     symbolP = symbol_table_lookup (name);
!     if (symbolP == NULL)
! 	{
! #ifdef coff 
! 	    symbolP = symbol_new (name, SEG_UNKNOWN, 0, 0, &zero_address_frag);
! #else /* coff */
! 	    symbolP = symbol_new (name, N_UNDF, 0, 0, 0, & zero_address_frag);
! #endif /* coff */
! 	    symbol_table_insert (symbolP);
! 	}
!     return (symbolP);
*** 417,426 ****
  symbolS *
  symbol_find (name)
!      char *	name;
!   return ( (symbolS *) hash_find( sy_hash, name ));
  /* end: symbols.c */
--- 522,539 ----
  symbolS *
  symbol_find (name)
! char* name;
!     return symbol_find_base(name, STRIP_UNDERSCORE);
+ symbolS *
+ symbol_find_base (name, strip_underscore)
+      char *	name;
+ int strip_underscore;
+ {
+     if(strip_underscore && *name == '_') name++;
+     return ( (symbolS *) hash_find( sy_hash, name ));
+ }
  /* end: symbols.c */
*** symbols.h	Wed Mar  1 23:48:43 1989
--- /lasvegas/spare/usenet/port/gas-1.36/symbols.h	Mon Oct 15 10:29:43 1990
*** 30,36 ****
--- 30,41 ----
  extern symbolS	abs_symbol;
+ extern symbolS*		dot_text_symbol;
+ extern symbolS*		dot_data_symbol;
+ extern symbolS*		dot_bss_symbol;
  symbolS *	symbol_find();
+ symbolS *	symbol_find_base();
  void		symbol_begin();
  char *		local_label_name();
  void		local_colon();
Loic Dachary 	loic at adesign.uucp or loic at afp.uucp 
Voice		+33 1 40 35 20 20

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