DES software package.

Stig Ostholm ostholm at
Wed Oct 24 05:16:06 AEST 1990


A DES package is available through anonymous ftp on the host <>:

	-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel    836 Oct 23 15:20 COPYRIGHT.1.0
	-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel   3675 Oct 23 15:53 README.1.0
	-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel   5413 Oct 23 17:31 des.1.0.list
	-rw-r--r--  1 root  staff  89355 Oct 23 16:04 des.1.0.tar.Z

The package contains:

	* A DES library with functions conforming to the functions
	  described in the DES_CRYPT(3) manual page from MIT.

	* Additional library functions not in the MIT library.

	* File encryption/decryption program and random key 
	  generation program.

The additional functions includes handling of encrypted data and keys as
pure text (64-bit hexadecimal numbers), key schedule test (weak keys,
semi-weak keys, ...).

The encryption/decryption program supports multiple encryption modes
(electronic code book, cipher block chaining, modified cipher block
chaining, 8-bit cipher feedback and 8-bit output feedback) and checksum
calculation. Encrypted data can be represented as ordinary text (64-bit
hexadecimal numbers).

Fetch the file README.1.0 for more information.

If you find any bugs or porting problems, please send fixes or a
description of the problem.

					Stig Ostholm
					Chalmers University of Technology
					Department of Computer Engineering
					<ostholm at>

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