Ummm, isn't this alt.*sources*?

George Ferguson ferguson at
Fri Oct 5 23:55:33 AEST 1990

You know, I usually don't like those "Hey you guys, get off that bandwagon"
postings, but things seem to be a bit out of control. Is there any reason
why the discussion about "Fast strcmp()", "Shamus Windows", "GENERAL
WARNING" and the like couldn't be carried out on alt.sources.d? Can't
we try to have alt.sources for *sources* only?

Your indulgence is appreciated in advance. Sorry, no refunds.

George Ferguson			ARPA: ferguson at
University of Rochester		UUCP: {decvax,rutgers}!rochester!ferguson
Rochester  NY  14627		VOX:  (716) 275-2527

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