Looking for source...

Donald Burr dburr at headcrash.berkeley.edu
Fri Apr 19 01:42:34 AEST 1991

I'm looking for Unix source code for the following:

(1) Implementations of Life and Star Trek (the classic "grid" Star Trek),
text implementations, not X or anything like that

(2) a "Jive" translator, that takes standard input and converts it into
"Ghetto speak"

If anyone would point me to FTP sites (include what directory and file
they are, if possible), I would greatly appreciae this.


- don
Donald Burr; Univ of California, Berkeley | America Online: DonaldBurr
INTERNET: dburr at ocf.Berkeley.EDU          |_Compu$erve:_72540,3071____________
      or: 72540.3071 at compuserve.COM       |    "Send flames to /dev/null."

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