CONQUEST source wanted

Matthew J. Stum 00mjstum at bsu-ucs.uucp
Fri Feb 22 00:27:25 AEST 1991

If anyone has the source to CONQUEST (VMS version, if there are any others)
or knows where it can be obtained __PLEASE__ contact me via E-Mail...


   .                  /                | Matt Stum
  . .                /                 | 00MJSTUM at BSUVAX1.BITNET
|/-\/-\ |/-\ |/-\   /    |/-\ |/-\/-\  | 00MJSTUM at
|  /  / |  / |  /   \__/ |  / |  /  /  |
        |    |           |             | Ball State University, Muncie IN USA
        |    |           |/\/          | VAX Systems Programmer

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