X11R4 patch for SCO XENIX (part10)

Chain Lee chain at paul.rutgers.edu
Mon Jan 7 13:28:32 AEST 1991

*** X11R4.ORIG/mit/config/sun.cf	Wed Sep 26 17:19:02 1990
--- X11R4/mit/config/sun.cf	Sat Dec 23 16:10:11 1989
*** 8,18 ****
  #define OSName            SunOS 4.0.3
  #define OSMajorVersion    4
  #define OSMinorVersion    0
! #define HasSaberC	  NO		/* for machines that have it */
  #define HasNdbm		  YES
  #define XsunServer Xsun
! #define HasGcc YES	/* VERY USEFUL for server on Sun3 */
  #define SystemV           NO
  #define HasPutenv YES
--- 8,18 ----
  #define OSName            SunOS 4.0.3
  #define OSMajorVersion    4
  #define OSMinorVersion    0
! #define HasSaberC	  YES		/* for machines that have it */
  #define HasNdbm		  YES
  #define XsunServer Xsun
! /* #define HasGcc YES */	/* VERY USEFUL for server on Sun3 */
  #define SystemV           NO
  #define HasPutenv YES
*** 55,61 ****
  #define OptimizedCDebugFlags /* as nothing */
! #define UseSunWindowsInServer	YES	/* link in SunWindows support? */
  #if UseSunWindowsInServer
  #define SunWindowsDefines -DSUN_WINDOWS
--- 55,61 ----
  #define OptimizedCDebugFlags /* as nothing */
! #define UseSunWindowsInServer	NO	/* link in SunWindows support? */
  #if UseSunWindowsInServer
  #define SunWindowsDefines -DSUN_WINDOWS
*** 73,81 ****
  #define ServerDefines -DXDMCP SunWindowsDefines ExtensionDefines AllocateLocalDefines
- #define SHAPE
- #define MITSHM
  #if OSMajorVersion >= 4 && OSMinorVersion >= 0
  #define SetTtyGroup YES
--- 73,78 ----
*** X11R4.ORIG/mit/config/site.def	Fri Sep 28 09:32:38 1990
--- X11R4/mit/config/site.def	Sun Sep  9 14:36:01 1990
*** 66,72 ****
   * so to get to contrib, go up from TOP:
  #ifndef ContribDir
! #define ContribDir /home/datacube/disk1/X11R4/contrib
--- 66,72 ----
   * so to get to contrib, go up from TOP:
  #ifndef ContribDir
! #define ContribDir $(TOP)/../contrib
*** 86,91 ****
--- 86,93 ----
  #define HasXcuWidgets NO
   *                                                                           *
   *			       Build Parameters                              *
*** 105,111 ****
  #ifdef UseInstalled		/* if outside the tree */
  #define CcCmd gcc -DNOSTDHDRS -fstrength-reduce -fpcc-struct-return -fwritable-strings -traditional
  #else				/* server won't compile with -traditional */
! #define CcCmd gcc -DNOSTDHDRS -fstrength-reduce -fpcc-struct-return -fcombine-regs
--- 107,113 ----
  #ifdef UseInstalled		/* if outside the tree */
  #define CcCmd gcc -DNOSTDHDRS -fstrength-reduce -fpcc-struct-return -fwritable-strings -traditional
  #else				/* server won't compile with -traditional */
! #define CcCmd gcc -DNOSTDHDRS -fstrength-reduce -fpcc-struct-return -traditional
*** X11R4.ORIG/mit/config/xenix.cf	Sun Jan  6 01:40:33 1991
--- X11R4/mit/config/xenix.cf	Sat Jan  5 19:52:17 1991
*** 0 ****
--- 1,47 ----
+ /*
+  * SET VERSION NUMBERS BEFORE MAKING MAKEFILES; also, you'll need to install
+  * util/scripts/bsdinstall.sh before doing a "make install"
+  */
+ /*
+  * undefine it if you are not using socket emulator
+  */
+ #define	SocketEmulationDefines	-DBSD_SOCKET_EMULATION
+ #define	SunOSPlatform		NO
+ #define	HasNdbm			NO
+ #define SystemV			YES
+ #define OSName			SCO Xenix System V Release 2.3.2
+ #define OSMajorVersion		2
+ #define OSMinorVersion		3
+ #define RemoveTargetProgramByMoving YES
+ #define BootstrapCFlags		-Dxenix
+ #define StandardDefines		-Dxenix -DSYSV -DUSG
+ #define StandardCppDefines	-Dxenix -DSYSV -DUSG
+ #define	ServerDefines		StandardDefines SocketEmulationDefines \
+ 				ExtensionDefines
+ #define	LibraryDefines		StandardDefines SocketEmulationDefines
+ #define ExecableScripts		NO
+ #define BuildServer		YES
+ #define	XxenixServer		Xxenix
+ #define	HasPutenv		YES
+ #define	HasBsearch		YES
+ #define	HasVoidSignalReturn	YES
+ #define	ExtraLibraries		-lsocket -ldir -levent -lmalloc -lx
+ #define ExtraLoadFlags
+ #define NeedBerklibInXlib	YES
+ #define HasSockets		YES
+ #define ConnectionFlags		-DUNIXCONN
+ #define	RanlibCmd		ranlib
+ #define	HasGcc			YES
+ #define	LibraryCcCmd		CcCmd
*** X11R4.ORIG/mit/include/Xos.h	Mon Dec 18 16:14:36 1989
--- X11R4/mit/include/Xos.h	Wed Jan  2 15:52:37 1991
*** 43,48 ****
--- 43,57 ----
  #include <sys/types.h>
  #endif /* USG */
+ #ifdef xenix
+ #ifndef __IOVEC__
+ #define __IOVEC__
+ struct iovec {
+ 	caddr_t iov_base;
+ 	int iov_len;
+ };
+ #endif
+ #endif
   * Just about everyone needs the strings routines.  For uniformity, we use
*** 63,70 ****
  #ifdef SYSV
  #include <string.h>
- #define index strchr
- #define rindex strrchr
  #include <strings.h>
  #endif /* SYSV */
--- 72,77 ----
*** 140,145 ****
--- 147,163 ----
  #ifdef hpux
  #define sigvec sigvector
+ #endif
+ #ifdef xenix
+ #define	EWOULDBLOCK	35
+ #endif
+ #ifndef	FIONREAD
+ #define	FIONREAD	(1 << 5)
+ #endif
+ #define	MAXPATHLEN	128
+ #define u_char		uchar_t
  #endif /* _XOS_H_ */
*** X11R4.ORIG/mit/include/Xmd.h	Tue Aug 15 14:38:59 1989
--- X11R4/mit/include/Xmd.h	Sun Nov 11 21:24:17 1990
*** 36,41 ****
--- 36,44 ----
  #define UNSIGNEDBITFIELDS		/* bit fields do not honor sign */
+ #if defined(xenix) && !defined(__GNUC__)
+ #define UNSIGNEDBITFIELDS		/* bit fields do not honor sign */
+ #endif
   * Stuff to handle large architecture machines; the constants were generated
*** X11R4.ORIG/mit/Imakefile	Thu Aug 30 13:55:34 1990
--- X11R4/mit/Imakefile	Sat Dec 15 18:13:39 1990
*** 17,23 ****
  EXAMPLESDIRS = examples
          SUBDIRS = config include lib extensions $(SERVERDIRSTOMAKE) \
! 			clients demos $(EXAMPLESDIRS) util doc
--- 17,23 ----
  EXAMPLESDIRS = examples
          SUBDIRS = config include lib extensions $(SERVERDIRSTOMAKE) \
! 			clients demos $(EXAMPLESDIRS) util /* doc */
*** X11R4.ORIG/README.XENIX	Sun Jan  6 01:43:13 1991
--- X11R4/README.XENIX	Sun Jan  6 01:29:06 1991
*** 0 ****
--- 1,157 ----
+ 		 ---  X11R4 for Xenix 386 ---
+ 		     It's NEW! It's FAST!
+ The mit directory contains patched sources that you can use to build 
+ your own complete X Window System Version 11 Release 4 server and
+ clients for Xenix SysV. It is quite a fast, stable X11R4 with all the
+ source and libraries available that you can use as an X window application
+ and development environment for Xenix; and provides instant access to a
+ large user contributed windowing software base.
+ The server currently supports standarded VGA 640x480 monochrome mode.
+ It also supports 800x600, 1024x600, and 1024x768 interlaced mode for
+ Trident VGA card. A device driver is used to handle high resolution
+ mode (1024x600 and 1024x768) memory mapping (Xenix VGA driver only maps
+ first 64K of the video memory). The port to Xenix was NOT done with 
+ network support in mind. More specifically, I use BSD socket emulator
+ device driver to handle all network related stuff on a local machine 
+ only. This presents no problem in most cases. However, if you want to 
+ run clients remotely, and if you have TCP/IP, you will need some changes
+ (should be minimal) of your own under mit/server/os/4.2bsd directory;
+ if you are using STREAM, a lot more work will be needed.
+ Note that you need GCC to compile the source. Server compiled by Microsoft
+ CC runs slower therefore I dropped any changes made for MSCC.
+ 	  ----	Procedures for Building the System  ----
+ 1.  Get GCC and ranlib.c and install them on your system.
+ 2.  Decide how you are going to have network support.
+     a. If you want to run clients remotely and you have TCP/IP package,
+        you will have to make changes under directory mit/server/os/4.2bsd.
+        and mit/lib/X. Changes should be minimal.
+     b. If you want to run clients remotely and you have STREAM package,
+        you will have to make changes under directory mit/server/os/4.2bsd.
+        and mit/lib/X. This might not be trivial. You will probably want
+        to use connection code found in port of X11R4 to SCO UNIX or ESIX
+        or ISC UNIX.
+     c. If you only need to run everything on your own machine, you can
+        write your own connection code, which is definitely not trivial.
+        Or you can get my BSD socket emulation driver for a small fee. Get
+        the driver, extract the driver files into drivers/xenix directory.
+        Then become super user, run
+ 		make install
+        [ See drivers/xenix/INFO for more detailed description of the
+        device driver and how to get it ].
+        Before you get and install the driver, you can also cd to
+        drivers/xenix, become super user, then run
+ 		make install
+        By doing so, necessary header and library files will be properly
+        installed so you can continue to build the system. It is good 
+        to check first to see whether the whole source will compile
+        sucessfully.
+ 3.  Configure the soure for your system. You may need to change files
+     under mit/config directory for definitions such as installation
+     directory (default is /usr/local/X11). Edit mit/server/Imakefile,
+     set variable VGA to the one you have. If you are using trident VGA,
+     also edit file mit/server/ddx/xenix/trident/xenix/xenixDevInfo.h 
+     to chose desired resolution definitions (default is for 1024x600
+     non-interlaced mode).
+ 4.  Cd to X11R4/mit, run following
+ 		make World
+ 		make install
+     or
+ 		make Makefile
+ 		make Makefiles
+ 		make clean
+ 		make includes
+ 		make
+ 		make install
+     This may take from a few hours to almost a day, depending on the
+     hardware configuration you have.
+     Ignore any warning messages given by the C compiler.
+     Make sure you have 20Meg disk space reserved for /usr/local/X11
+     runtime directory for installation. If you run out of disk space
+     while building the system, you may choose to delete mit/doc
+     directory, and/or, build, install then clean directories under
+     X11R4/mit by hand one at a time.
+ 5.  Check and make sure you have mouse driver installed.
+ 6.  If you chosed to use the socket emulation driver and have not 
+     installed it. It is time to do so. Reboot the machine after intalling
+     the driver. Make sure device 'socket', 'bell' and 'fb' all signed on
+     when booting.
+ 7.  Create .xinitrc, .twmrc, .Xdefault, etc.. Put following in ~/.login
+     or $HOME/.profile file of your X server machine.
+ 		setenv DISPLAY	unix:0
+     Relogin and run xinit to start Xxenix.
+ 8.  Enjoy it.
+         ----   Xenix Specific Features and Misfeatures   ----
+ Both standard VGA and Trident
+   * Keyboard LED control is built in for the server.
+   * Keyboard should be in XT mode (kernel default configuration).
+   * Screen can be changed into text mode for multi-screen switching by
+     pressing all three mouse buttons down, similar to what I did for MGR.
+   * Client authorization machanism is disabled for local connection.
+   * kbd_mode program is provided in case the server crashes messing up
+     the keyboard. (Never happened to me when the server is up, BTW.)
+     You can login from another serial terminal and run
+ 		kbd_mode -a < /dev/tty??
+     where /dev/tty?? is the multiscreen you started Xxenix.
+     Don't try 'kbd_mode -r' unless you have a serial terminal at hand,
+     otherwise you will have to power down the machine. There is a bug
+     in Xenix preventing you from getting current keyboard mode.
+   * The Xxenix server uses the Xenix Event Manager. Therefore you may have 
+     problem running Xenix version of MGR window (ported by myself) using
+     bus mouse once Xxenix has been run.
+   * Some floating-point computational intensive programs such as 'ico'
+     run quite slow when you are using the FP software emulator. This is
+     normal for a low end PC. (Don't believe what you have seen of the
+     same program running on some versions of commercial X. They fake the
+     performance by precalculating all the data points. Have you watched
+     When Harry Met Sally? :-)
+ Standard VGA
+   * Screen saver blank mode is not supported. Use noblank mode instead.
+ Trident
+   * Screen saver blank mode is supported.
+   * Black and white pixel color can be customized by setting environment
+     variable XBACKGROUND and XFOREGROUND to the desired RGB value. Try
+ 	setenv XBACKGROUND 80:100:150
+ 	setenv XFOREGROUND 240:255:180
+ Chain Lee 12/30/90
+ chain at paul.rutgers.edu
*** X11R4.ORIG/drivers/xenix/Slibsocket.uue	Sun Jan  6 12:36:24 1991
--- X11R4/drivers/xenix/Slibsocket.uue	Sun Jan  6 12:34:44 1991
*** 0 ****
--- 1,193 ----
+ begin 644 Slibsocket.a
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