The Jargon File v, part 15 of 17
Eric S. Raymond
eric at
Sun Mar 3 04:23:56 AEST 1991
Submitted-by: jargon at
Archive-name: jargon/part15
---- Cut Here and feed the following to sh ----
# this is jargon.15 (part 15 of jargon)
# do not concatenate these parts, unpack them in order with /bin/sh
# file jargon.ascii continued
if test ! -r _shar_seq_.tmp; then
echo 'Please unpack part 1 first!'
exit 1
(read Scheck
if test "$Scheck" != 15; then
echo Please unpack part "$Scheck" next!
exit 1
exit 0
) < _shar_seq_.tmp || exit 1
if test -f _shar_wnt_.tmp; then
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' >> 'jargon.ascii' &&
X using the {TELNET} program. TOPS-10 people used the word IMPCOM
X since that was the program name for them. Sometimes abbreviated to
X TN. "I usually TN over to SAIL just to read the AP News."
Xten-finger interface: n. The interface between two networks which
X cannot be directly connected for security reasons; refers to the
X practice of placing two terminals side by side and having an
X operator read from one and type into the other.
Xtense: adj. Of programs, very clever and efficient. A tense piece of
X code often got that way because it was highly {bum}med, but
X sometimes it was just based on a great idea. A comment in a clever
X display routine by Mike Kazar, a student hacker at CMU: "This
X routine is so tense it will bring tears to your eyes. Much thanks
X to Craig Everhart and James Gosling for inspiring this {hack
X attack}." A tense programmer is one who produces tense code.
Xtenured graduate student: n. One who has been in graduate school for
X ten years (the usual maximum is five or six): a `ten-yeared'
X student (get it?). Students don't really get tenure, of course,
X the way professors do, but a tenth-year graduate student has
X probably been around the university longer than any non-tenured
X professor.
Xtera-: /te'r@/ pref. Multiplier, 10 ^ 12 or 2 ^ 40. See {kilo-}.
Xteraflop club: /ter'a-flop kluhb/ [FLOP = Floating Point Operation]
X n. Mythical group of people who consume outrageous amounts of
X computer time in order to produce a few simple pictures of glass
X balls with intricate ray tracing techniques. Caltech professor
X James Kajiya is said to have been the founding member. See also
X {kilo-}.
Xterminak: /ter'mi-nak`/ [Caltech, ca. 1979] n. Any malfunctioning
X computer terminal. A common failure mode of Lear-Siegler ADM3a
X terminals caused the `L' key to produce the `K' code instead;
X complaints about this tended to look like "Terminak #3 has a bad
X keyboard. Pkease fix." See {sun-stools}, {Telerat}, {HP-SUX}.
Xterminal brain death: n. Extreme form of {terminal illness} (sense
X #1).
Xterminal illness: n. 1. Syn. {raster burn}. 2. The `burn-in'
X condition your CRT tends to get if you don't have a screen saver.
Xterminal junkie: [Great Britain] n. A {wannabee} or early
X {larval stage} hacker who spends most of his/her time wandering
X the directory tree and writing {noddy} programs just to get
X his/her fix of computer time. Variants include `terminal
X jockey', `console junkie', or {console jockey}. The term
X `console jockey' seems to imply more expertise than the other
X three (possibly because of the exalted status of the {{console}}
X relative to an ordinary terminal). See also {twink},
X {read-only user}.
Xterpri: /ter'pree/ [from LISP 1.5 (and later, MacLISP)] vi. To
X output a {crlf}. Now rare as jargon, though still used as
X techspeak in Common Lisp. It is a contraction of `TERminate PRInt
X line'.
Xtest: n. 1. Real users bashing on a prototype for long enough to
X get thoroughly acquainted with it, with careful monitoring and
X followup of the results. 2. Some bored random user trying a
X couple of the simpler features with a developer looking over
X his/her shoulder, ready to pounce on mistakes. Judging by the
X quality of most software, the second definition is far more
X prevalent. See also {demo}.
XTeX: /tekh/ n. An extremely powerful {macro}-based text-formatter
X written by Donald E. Knuth, very popular in the computer-science
X community (it is good enough to have displaced UNIX
X `troff(1)', the other favored formatter, even at many UNIX
X installations). TeX fans insist on the correct (guttural)
X pronunciation and spelling (all caps, with the E depressed below
X the baseline) of the name (the mixed-case `TeX' is considered an
X acceptable kluge on ASCII-only devices). They like to proliferate
X names from the word `TeX' --- such as TeXnician (TeX user),
X TeXhacker (TeX programmer), TeXmaster (competent TeX programmer),
X TeXhax, TeXnique, TeXpert.
Xtext: n. 1. Executable code, esp. a `pure code' portion shared
X between multiple instances of a program running in a multitasking
X OS (compare {English}). 2. Textual material in the mainstream
X sense; data in ordinary {{ASCII}} or {{EBCDIC}} representation
X (syn. {flat-ASCII}). "Those are text files; you can review them
X using the editor." These two contradictory senses confuse
X hackers, too.
Xthanks in advance: [USENET] Conventional net.politeness ending a
X posted request for information or assistance. Sometimes written
X `advTHANKSance' or `aTdHvAaNnKcSe' or abbreviated `TIA'. See
X {net.-}, {netiquette}.
Xtheology: n. 1. Ironically used to refer to {religious issues}. 2.
X Technical fine points of an abstruse nature, esp. those where the
X resolution is of theoretical interest but relatively {marginal}
X with respect to actual use of a design or system. Used esp. around
X software issues with a heavy AI or language design component.
X Example: the deep- vs. shallow-binding debate in the design of
X dynamically scoped LISPs.
Xtheory: n. Used in the general sense of idea, plan, story, or set of
X rules. This is a generalization and abuse of the technical
X meaning. "What's the theory on fixing this TECO loss?" "What's
X the theory on dinner tonight?" ("Chinatown, I guess.")
X "What's the current theory on letting lusers on during the day?"
X "The theory behind this change is to fix the following well-known
X screw...."
Xthinko: /thing'koh/ [by analogy with `typo'] n. A bubble in the
X stream of consciousness; a momentary, correctable glitch in mental
X processing, especially one involving recall of information learned
X by rote. Syn. {braino}. Compare {mouso}.
XThis time, for sure!: excl. Ritual affirmation frequently uttered
X during protracted debugging sessions involving numerous small
X obstacles (as, in for example, attempts to bring up a UUCP
X connection). For the proper effect, this must be uttered in a
X fruity imitation of Bullwinkle the Moose. Also heard: "Hey,
X Rocky! Watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat!". The canonical
X response is, of course, "But that trick *never* works!".
X See {{Humor, Hacker}}.
Xthrash: vi. To move wildly or violently, without accomplishing
X anything useful. Paging or swapping systems that are overloaded
X waste most of their time moving data into and out of core (rather
X than performing useful computation) and are therefore said to
X thrash. Someone who keeps changing his mind (esp. about what to
X work on next) is said to be thrashing. A person frantically trying
X to execute too many tasks at once (and not spending enough time on
X any of them) may also be described as thrashing. Compare
X {multitask}.
Xthread: /thred/ n. [USENET, GEnie] Common abbreviation of `topic
X thread', a more or less continuous chain of postings on a single
X topic.
Xthree-finger salute: n. Syn. {vulcan nerve pinch}.
Xthunk: /thuhnk/ [mythically, the sound made by a result as it hits
X the stack] n. 1. " ... a piece of coding which provides an
X address." --- P. Z. Ingerman, who invented {thunk}s in 1961 as a
X way of binding actual parameters to their formal definitions in
X Algol-60 procedure calls. If a procedure is called with an
X expression in the place of a formal parameter, the compiler
X generates a {thunk} to compute the expression and leave the
X address of the result in some standard location such as a
X designated register. 2. Later generalized into: an expression,
X frozen together with its environment for later evaluation if and
X when needed. The process of unfreezing these {thunk}s is called
X `forcing'. 3. A {stubroutine}, in an overlay programming
X environment, that loads and jumps to the correct overlay. 4.
X People and activities scheduled in a thunklike manner. "It
X occurred to me the other day that I am rather accurately modelled
X by a thunk --- I frequently need to be forced to completion." ---
X paraphrased from a .plan file.
Xtick: n. 1. A {jiffy} (sense #1). 2. In simulations, the
X discrete unit of time that passes `between' iterations of the
X simulation mechanism. In AI applications, this amount of time is
X often left unspecified, since the only constraint of interest is
X that caused things happen after their causes. This sort of AI
X simulation is often pejoratively referred to as
X `tick-tick-tick' simulation, especially when the issue of
X simultaneity of events with long, independent chains of causes is
X {handwave}d.
Xtick-list features: [Acorn Computers] n. Features in software or
X hardware that customers insist on but never use (calculators in
X desktop TSRs and that sort of thing). The American equivalent
X would be `check-list features', but this jargon sense of the
X phrase has not been reported.
Xtickle a bug: vt. To cause a normally hidden bug to manifest
X through some known series of inputs or operations. "You can
X tickle the bug in the Paradise's highlight handling by trying to
X set bright yellow reverse video".
Xtime sink: [poss. by analogy with `heat sink'] n. A project which
X consumes unbounded amounts of time.
Xtime T: /tiem tee/ n. 1. An unspecified but usually
X well-understood time, often used in conjunction with a later time
X T+1. "We'll meet on campus at time T or at Louie's at time T+1."
X means, in the context of going out for dinner, "If we meet at
X Louie's directly, we can meet there a little later than if we meet
X on campus and then have to travel to Louie's." (Louie's is a
X Chinese restaurant in Palo Alto that is a favorite with hackers.
X Had the number 30 been used instead of the number 1, it would have
X implied that the travel time from campus to Louie's is thirty
X minutes; whatever time T is (and that hasn't been decided on yet),
X you can meet half an hour later at Louie's than you could on campus
X and end up eating at the same time. See also {since time T equals
X minus infinity}.
Xtinycrud: /tie'nee-kruhd/ n. Pejorative used by habitues of older
X game-oriented {MUD} versions for TinyMuds and other
X user-extensible {MUD} variants; esp. common among users of the
X rather violent and competitive AberMUD and MIST systems. These
X people justify the slur on the basis of how (allegedly)
X inconsistent and lacking in genuine feel or atmosphere the
X scenarios generated in user extensible muds can be. Other common
X knocks on them are that they feature little overall plot, bad game
X topology, little competitive interaction, etc. --- not to mention
X the alleged horrors of the TinyMud code itself. This dispute is
X one of the MUD world's hardiest perennial {holy wars}.
Xtip of the ice-cube: [IBM] n. The visible part of something small and
X insignificant. Used as an ironic comment in situations where `tip
X of the iceberg' might be appropriate if the subject were actually
X nontrivial.
Xtired iron: [IBM] n. Hardware that is perfectly functional but enough
X behind the state of the art to have been superseded by new
X products, presumably with enough improvement in bang-per-buck that
X the old stuff is starting to look a bit like a {dinosaur}.
Xtits on a keyboard: n. Small bumps on certain keycaps to keep
X touch-typists registered (usually on the `5' of a numeric keypad,
X and on the `F' and `J' of a QWERTY keyboard).
XTLA: /tee el ay/ [Three-Letter Acronym] n. 1. Self-describing
X acronym for a species with which computing terminology is infested.
X 2. Any confusing acronym at all. Examples include MCA, FTP, SNA,
X CPU, MMU, SCCS, DMU, FPU, TLA, NNTP. People who like this looser
X usage argue that not all TLAs have three letters, just as not all
X four-letter words have four letters. One also hears of `ETLA'
X (Extended Three Letter Acronym, pronounced /ee tee el ay/) being
X used to describe four-letter acronyms. The term `SFLA' (Stupid
X Four-Letter Acronym) has also been reported. See also {YABA}.
Xtoast: 1. n. Any completely inoperable system, esp. one that has
X just crashed; "Uh, oh...I think the serial board is toast."
X 2. vt. To cause a system to crash accidentally, especially in a
X manner that requires manual rebooting. "Rick just toasted the
X {firewall machine} again."
Xtoaster: n. 1. The archetypal really stupid application for an
X embedded microprocessor controller; often used in comments which
X imply that a scheme is inappropriate technology (but see
X {elevator controller}). "{DWIM} for an assembler? That'd be
X as silly as running UNIX on your toaster!" 2. A very, very dumb
X computer. "You could run this program on any dumb toaster." See
X {bitty box}, {Get a real computer!}, {toy}, {beige toaster}.
X 3. A peripheral device. "I bought my box without toasters, but
X since then I've added two boards and a second disk drive."
Xtoeprint: n. A {footprint} of especially small size.
Xtoggle: vt. To change a {bit} from whatever state it is in to the
X other state; to change from 1 to 0 or from 0 to 1. This probably
X comes from `toggle switches', such as standard light switches,
X though the word `toggle' actually refers to the mechanism that
X keeps the switch in the position to which it is flipped, rather
X than to the fact that the switch has two positions. There are four
X things you can do to a bit: set it (force it to be 1), clear (or
X zero) it, leave it alone, or toggle it. (Mathematically, one would
X say that there are four distinct boolean-valued functions of one
X boolean argument, but saying that is much less fun than talking
X about toggling bits.)
Xtool: 1. n. A program primarily used to create other programs, such
X as a compiler or editor or cross-referencing program. Oppose
X {app}, {operating system}. 2. [UNIX] An application program
X with a simple, `transparent' (typically text-stream) interface
X designed specifically to be used in programmed combination with
X other tools (see {filter}). 3. [MIT] vi. To work; to study. See
X {hack}. 4. [MIT] n. A student who studies too much and hacks too
X little.
Xtoolsmith: n. The software equivalent of a tool-and-die specialist;
X one who specializes in making the tools with which other
X programmers create applications.
XTOPS-10: /tops-ten/ n. DEC's proprietary OS for the fabled {PDP-10}
X machines, long a favorite of hackers but now effectively extinct.
X A fountain of hacker folklore; see Appendix A. See also {ITS},
X {TOPS-20}, {TWENEX}, {VMS}, {operating system}. TOPS-10 was
X sometimes called BOTS-10 (from `bottoms-ten') as a comment on the
X inappropriateness of describing it as the top of anything.
XTOPS-20: /tops-twen'tee/ n. See {TWENEX}.
Xtoto: n. This is reported to be the default scratch file name among
X French-speaking programmers; in other words, a Francophone {foo}.
Xtourist: [from MIT's ITS system] n. A guest on the system, especially
X one who generally logs in over a network from a remote location for
X games and other trivial purposes. One step below {luser}. Note:
X hackers often spell this `turist', perhaps by some sort of tenuous
X analogy with `luser'. Compare {twink}, {read-only user}
Xtourist information: n. Information in an on-line report that is
X not really relevant to its primary purpose, but contributes to a
X viewer's gestalt of what's going on with the software or hardware
X behind it. Whether a given piece of info falls in this category or
X not partly depends on what the user is looking for at any given
X time. The `bytes free' information at the bottom of an MS-DOS
X `dir' display is tourist information; so is the TIME
X information in a UNIX `ps(1)' display, most of the time.
Xtouristic: adj. Having the quality of a {tourist}. Often used as
X a pejorative, as in the phrase `losing touristic scum'. Often
X spelled `turistic'.
Xtoy: n. A computer system; always used with qualifiers. 1. `nice
X toy': One that supports the speaker's hacking style adequately.
X 2. `just a toy': A machine that yields insufficient {computron}s
X for the speaker's preferred uses. This is not condemnatory as is
X {bitty box}; toys can at least be fun. See also {Get a real
X computer!}.
Xtoy language: n. A language useful for instructional purposes or as
X a proof-of-concept for some aspect of computer science theory, but
X which is inadequate for general-purpose programming. Bad Things
X can result when a toy language is promoted as a general-purpose
X solution for programming (see {bondage-and-discipline language});
X the classic example is {{Pascal}}. Several moderately well-known
X formalisms for conceptual tasks like programming Turing machines
X also qualify as toy languages in a less negative sense.
Xtoy problem: [AI] n. A deliberately simplified or even oversimplified
X case of a challenging problem used to investigate, prototype, or
X test algorithms for the real problem. Sometimes used pejoratively.
X See also {gedanken}.
Xtoy program: n. 1. One that can be readily comprehended; hence, a
X trivial program. 2. One for which the effort of initial coding
X dominates the costs through its life cycle.
Xtrampoline: n. An incredibly hairy technique found in some HLL and
X program-overlay implementations (for example, on the Macintosh)
X involves consing up small pieces of executable object code on the
X fly to do indirection between program segments. These pieces of
X live data are called `trampolines'. It is said by those who use
X this term that the trampoline which can be understood is not the
X true trampoline.
Xtrap: 1. n. A program interrupt, usually used specifically to refer
X to an interrupt caused by some illegal action taking place in the
X user program. In most cases, the system monitor performs some
X action related to the nature of the illegality, then returns
X control to the program. 2. vi. To cause a trap. "These
X instructions trap to the monitor." Also used transitively to
X indicate the cause of the trap. "The monitor traps all
X input/output instructions."
X This term is associated with assembler programming (`interrupt'
X is more common among {HLL} programmers) and appears to be fading
X into history among programmers as the role of assembler continues
X to shrink. However, it is still important to computer architects,
X who use it to distinguish deterministically repeatable exceptions
X from timing-dependent ones (such as I/O interrupts).
Xtrap door: alt. `trapdoor' n. Syn. {back door}.
Xtrash: vt. To destroy the contents of (said of a data structure).
X The most common of the family of near-synonyms including {mung},
X {mangle}, and {scribble}.
Xtree-killer: [Sun] n. 1. A printer. 2. A person who wastes paper.
X This should be interpreted in a broad sense; `wasting paper'
X includes the production of {spiffy} but {content-free} documents.
X Thus, most {suit}s are tree-killers.
Xtrit: [by analogy with `bit'] n. One base-3 digit; the amount of
X information conveyed by a choice of one of three equally likely
X outcomes (see also {bit}). These arise, for example, in the
X context of a {flag} that should actually be able to assume
X *three* values --- yes, no, or unknown. Trits are sometimes
X jokingly called "three-state bits". A trit may be semi-seriously
X referred to as "a bit and a half" though it is properly
X equivalent to 1.58 bits (that is, log to the base 2 of 3 bits).
Xtrivial: adj. 1. In explanation, too simple to bother detailing. 2.
X Not worth the speaker's time. 3. Complex, but solvable by methods
X so well-known that anyone not utterly {cretinous} would have
X thought of them already. Hackers' notions of triviality may be
X quite at variance with those of non-hackers. See {nontrivial},
X {uninteresting}.
Xtroglodyte: [Commodore] n. 1. A hacker who never leaves his cubicle.
X The term `Gnoll' (from D&D) is also reported. 2. A curmudgeon
X attached to an obsolescent computing environment. The combination
X `ITS troglodyte' got flung around some during the USENET and
X email wringle-wrangle attending the 2.x.x revision of the Jargon
X File; at least one of the people it was intended to describe
X adopted it with pride.
Xtroglodyte mode: [Rice University] n. Programming with the lights
X turned off, sunglasses on, and the (character) terminal inverted
X (black on white) because you've been up for so many days straight
X that your eyes hurt (see {raster burn}). Loud music blaring from
X a stereo stacked in the corner is optional but recommended. See
X {larval stage}, {hack mode}.
XTrojan horse: [coined by MIT-hacker-turned-spook Dan Edwards] n. A
X program designed to break security or damage a system that is
X disguised as something else benign, such as a directory lister,
X archiver, or game. See {back door}, {virus}, {worm}.
Xtrue-hacker: [analogy with `trufan' from SF fandom] n. One who
X exemplifies the primary values of hacker culture, esp. competence
X and helpfulness to other hackers. A high compliment. "He spent
X six hours helping me bring up UUCP and netnews on my FOOBAR 4000
X last week --- unequivocally the act of a true-hacker." Compare
X {demigod}, oppose {munchkin}.
Xtty: /tee-tee-wie/ [UNIX], /ti'tee/ [ITS, but some UNIX people say
X it this way as well; this pronunciation is not considered to have
X sexual undertones] n. 1. Terminal of the teletype variety,
X characterized by a noisy mechanical printer, a very limited
X character set, and poor print quality. Usage: antiquated (like the
X TTYs themselves). See also {bit-paired keyboard}. 2.
X [especially UNIX] Any terminal at all; sometimes used to refer to
X the particular terminal controlling a given job.
Xtube: 1. n. A CRT terminal. Never used in the mainstream sense of
X TV; real hackers don't watch TV, except for Loony Toons and Rocky &
X Bullwinkle and Star Trek and the occasional cheesy old swashbuckle
X movie (see Appendix B). 2. [IBM] To send a copy of something to
X someone else's terminal. "Tube me that note?"
Xtube time: n. Time spent at a terminal or console; more inclusive
X than hacking time. Commonly used in discussions of what parts of
X one's environment one uses most heavily. "I find I'm spending too
X much of my tube time reading mail since I started this revision."
Xtunafish: n. In hackish lore, refers to the mutated punchline of an
X age-old joke to be found at the bottom of the man pages of
X `tunefs(8)' in the original {BSD} 4.2 distribution. The joke
X was removed in later releases once commercial sites started
X developing 4.2. Tunefs relates to the `tuning' of file-system
X parameters for optimum performance, and at the bottom of a few
X pages of {black art} writings was a BUGS section consisting of the
X line "You can tune a filing system, but you can't tunafish."
Xtune: [from automotive or musical usage] vt. To optimize a program
X or system for a particular environment, esp. by adjusting numerical
X parameters designed as {hook}s for tuning, e.g. by changing
X #define lines in C. One may `tune for time' (fastest
X execution), `tune for space' (least memory utilization), or
X `tune for configuration' (most efficient use of hardware). See
X {bum}, {hot spot}, {hand-hacking}.
Xturbo nerd: n. See {computer geek}.
Xturist: n. Var. sp. of {tourist}, q.v. Also in adjectival form,
X `turistic'. Poss. influenced by {luser} and `Turing'?
Xtweak: vt. 1. To change slightly, usually in reference to a value.
X Also used synonymously with {twiddle}. If a program is almost
X correct, rather than figuring out the precise problem, you might
X just keep tweaking it until it works. See {frobnicate} and {fudge
X factor}. 2. To {tune} or {bum} a program. This is preferred usage
X in Great Britain.
XTWENEX: /twe'neks/ n. The TOPS-20 operating system by DEC. TOPS-10
X was a typically crufty DEC operating system for the PDP-10, so
X TOPS-20 was the obvious name choice for the DECSYSTEM-20 OS. Bolt,
X Beranek, and Newman (BBN) had developed its own system, called
X *TENEX* (TEN EXecutive), and in creating TOPS-20 DEC copied
X TENEX and adapted it for the '20. The term TWENEX was therefore a
X contraction of `twenty TENEX'. DEC people cringed when they heard
X TOPS-20 referred to as `TWENEX', but the term caught on
X nevertheless. The written abbreviation `20x' was also used.
X TWENEX was successful and very popular; in fact, there was a period
X in the 1980s when it commanded almost as fervent a culture of
X partisans as UNIX or ITS --- but DEC's decision to scrap all the
X internal rivals to the VAX architecture and its relatively stodgy
X VMS OS killed the DEC-20 and put a sad end to TWENEX's brief day in
X the sun.
Xtwiddle: n. 1. Tilde (ASCII #b1111110, `~'). Also called
X `squiggle', `sqiggle' (sic---pronounced /skig'l/), and
X `twaddle', but twiddle is the most common term. 2. A small and
X insignificant change to a program. Usually fixes one bug and
X generates several new ones. 3. vt. To change something in a small
X way. Bits, for example, are often twiddled. Twiddling a switch or
X knob implies much less sense of purpose than toggling or tweaking
X it; see {frobnicate}. To speak of twiddling a bit connotes
X aimlessness, and at best doesn't specify what you're doing to the
X bit; by contrast, toggling a bit has a more specific meaning (see
X {toggle}).
Xtwink: /twink/ [UCSC] n. Equivalent to {read-only user}.
Xtwo pi: quant. The number of years it takes to finish one's thesis.
X Occurs in stories in the form: "He started on his thesis; two pi
X years later...".
Xtwo-to-the-n: quant. An amount much larger than {N}, but smaller
X than {infinity}. "I have two-to-the-N things to do before I can
X go out for lunch" means you probably won't show up.
Xtwonkie: n. The software equivalent of a Twinkie; a useless
X `feature' added to look sexy and placate a {marketroid}. This
X may be related to the `Twonky' in a classic SF short story by Henry
X Kuttner.
X= U =
XUBD: /yoo-bee-dee/ [abbreviation for `User Brain Damage'] An
X abbreviation used to close out trouble reports obviously due to
X utter cluelessness on the user's part. Compare {PBD}; see also
X {brain-damaged}.
XUN*X: n. Used to refer to the UNIX operating system (a trademark of
X AT&T) in writing, but avoiding the need for the ugly (tm)
X typography. Also used to refer to any or all varieties of Unixoid
X operating systems. Ironically, lawyers now say (1990) that the
X requirement for superscript-tm has no legal force, but the asterisk
X usage is entrenched anyhow. It has been suggested that there may
X be a psychological connection to practice in certain religions
X where the name of the deity is never written out in full, e.g., YHWH
X or G-d is used. See also {glob}.
Xundefined external reference: excl. [UNIX] A message from UNIX's
X linker. Used in speech to indicate loose ends in an argument or
X discussion.
Xunder the hood: prep. [hot-rodder talk] 1. Used to introduce the
X underlying implementation of a product (hardware, software, or
X idea). Implies that the implementation is not intuitively obvious
X from the appearance, but the speaker is about enable the listener
X to {zen} it. "Let's now look under the hood to see how
X ...." 2. Can also imply that the implementation is much
X simpler than the appearance would indicate, as in "Under the hood,
X we are just fork/execling the shell." 3. Inside a chassis, as in
X "Under the hood, this baby has a 40MHz 68030!"
Xundocumented feature: n. See {feature}.
Xuninteresting: adj. 1. Said of a problem that, while
X {nontrivial}, can be solved simply by throwing sufficient
X resources at it. 2. Also said of problems for which a solution
X would neither advance the state of the art nor be fun to design and
X code.
X Hackers regard uninteresting problems as an intolerable waste of
X time, to be solved (if at all) by lesser mortals. *True*
X hackers (see {toolsmith}) generalize uninteresting problems
X enough to make them interesting and solve them --- thus solving
X the original problem as a special case and, incidentally, creating
X massive (but usually temporary) technological unemployment among
X lesser mortals. See {WOMBAT}, {SMOP}; compare {toy problem},
X oppose {interesting}.
XUNIX: /yoo'niks/ [In the authors' words, "A weak pun on Multics"]
X n. (also `Unix') A popular interactive time-sharing system
X originally invented in 1969 by Ken Thompson after Bell Labs left
X the Multics project, mostly so he could play {SPACEWAR} on a
X scavenged PDP-7. Dennis Ritchie, the inventor of C, is considered a
X co-author of the system. The turning point in UNIX's history came
X when it was reimplemented almost entirely in C in 1974, making it
X the first source-portable operating system. Fifteen years and a
X lot of changes later, UNIX is the most widely used multiuser
X general-purpose operating system in the world. Many people
X consider this the single most important victory yet of hackerdom
X over industry opposition (but see {UNIX weenie} for an opposing
X point of view). See {Version 7}, {BSD}, {USG UNIX}.
XUNIX conspiracy: [ITS] n. According to a conspiracy theory long
X popular among {ITS} and {TOPS-20} fans, UNIX's growth is the
X result of a plot hatched during the 1970s at Bell Labs, whose
X intent was to hobble AT&T's competitors by making them dependent
X upon a system whose future evolution was to be under AT&T control.
X This would be accomplished by disseminating an operating system
X that is seemingly inexpensive and easily portable, but relatively
X unreliable and insecure. This theory was lent a substantial
X impetus in 1984 by the paper referenced in the {back door} entry.
X In this view, UNIX was designed to be one of the first computer
X viruses (see {virus}), but a virus spread to computers indirectly
X by people and market forces, rather than directly through disks and
X networks. Adherents of this `UNIX virus' theory like to cite the
X fact that the well-known quotation "UNIX is snake oil" was
X uttered by DEC president Kenneth Olsen shortly before DEC began
X actively promoting its own family of UNIX workstations (Olsen now
X claims to have been misquoted).
XUNIX weenie: [ITS] n. 1. A derogatory pun on `UNIX wizard', common
X among hackers who use UNIX by necessity but would prefer
X alternatives. The implication is that while the person in
X question may consider mastery of UNIX arcana to be a wizardly
X skill, the only real skill involved is the ability to tolerate (and
X the bad taste to wallow in) the incoherence and needless complexity
X that are alleged to infest many UNIX programs. "This shell script
X tries to parse its arguments in 69 bletcherous ways. It must have
X been written by a real UNIX weenie." 2. A derogatory term for
X anyone who engages in uncritical praise of UNIX. Often appearing
X in the context "stupid UNIX weenie". See {Weenix}, {UNIX
X conspiracy}. See also {weenie}.
Xunixism: n. A piece of code or coding technique that depends on
X the protected multi-tasking environment with relatively low
X process-spawn overhead that exists on UNIX systems. Common
X {unixism}s include: gratuitous use of `fork(2)'; the assumption that
X certain undocumented but well-known features of UNIX libraries like
X `stdio(3)' are supported elsewhere; reliance on {obscure}
X side-effects of system calls (use of `sleep(2)' with a zero argument
X to clue the scheduler that you're willing to give up your
X time-slice, for example); the assumption that freshly allocated
X memory is zeroed; the assumption that it's safe to never free()
X memory; etc. Compare {vaxocentrism}; see {New Jersey}.
Xunwind the stack: vi. 1. During the execution of a procedural
X language one is said to `unwind the stack' from a called
X procedure up to a caller when one discards the stack frame and any
X number of frames above it, popping back up to the level of the
X given caller. In C this is done with longjmp/setjmp, in LISP with
X THROW/CATCH. This is sometimes necessary when handling exceptional
X conditions. See also {smash the stack}. 2. People can unwind the
X stack as well, by quickly dealing with a bunch of problems: "Oh
X heck, let's do lunch. Just a second while I unwind my stack."
Xunwind-protect: [MIT, from the name of a LISP operator] n. A task you
X must remember to perform before you leave a place or finish a
X project. "I have an unwind-protect to call my advisor."
Xup: adj. 1. Working, in order. "The down escalator is up."
X Oppose {down}. 2. `bring up': vt. To create a working
X version and start it. "They brought up a down system."
Xupload: /uhp'lohd/ v. 1. To transfer code or data over a digital
X comm line from a smaller or peripheral `client' system to a larger
X or central `host' one. A transfer in the other direction is, of
X course, called a `download'. 2. [speculatively] To move the
X essential patterns and algorithms which make up one's mind from
X one's brain into a computer. Only those who are convinced that
X such patterns and algorithms capture the complete essence of the
X self view this prospect with aplomb.
Xupthread: adv. Earlier in the discussion (see {thread}). "As Joe
X pointed out upthread...." See also {followup}.
Xurchin: n. See {munchkin}.
XUSENET: /yoos'net/ or /yooz'net/ [from `Users' Network'] n. A
X distributed {bboard} (bulletin board) system supported mainly by
X UNIX machines, international in scope and probably the largest
X non-profit information utility in existence. As of early 1990 it
X hosts over 700 {newsgroup}s and distributes up to 15 megabytes
X (the equivalent of several thousand paper pages) of new technical
X articles, news, discussion, chatter, and {flamage} every day.
Xuser: n. 1. Someone doing `real work' with the computer, who uses a
X computer as a means rather than an end. Someone who pays to use a
X computer. See {real user}. 2. A programmer who will believe
X anything you tell him. One who asks silly questions. (This is
X slightly unfair. It is true that users ask questions (of
X necessity). Sometimes they are thoughtful or deep. Very often
X they are annoying or downright stupid, apparently because the user
X failed to think for two seconds or look in the documentation before
X bothering the maintainer.) See {luser}. 3. Someone who uses a
X program from the outside, however skillfully, without getting into
X the internals of the program. One who reports bugs instead of just
X going ahead and fixing them.
X The general theory behind this term is that there are two classes of
X people who work with a program: there are implementors (hackers)
X and users (losers). The users are looked down on by hackers to a
X mild degree because they don't understand the full ramifications of
X the system in all its glory. (The few users who do are known as
X `real winner's.) The term is a relative one: a consummate hacker
X may be a user with respect to some program he himself does not
X hack. A LISP hacker might be one who maintains LISP or one who
X uses LISP (but with the skill of a hacker). A LISP user is one who
X uses LISP, whether skillfully or not. Thus there is some overlap
X between the two terms; the subtle distinctions must be resolved by
X context.
Xuser-friendly: adj. Programmer-hostile. Generally used by hackers in
X a critical tone, to describe systems which hold the user's hand so
X obsessively that they make it painful for the more experienced and
X knowledgeable to get any work done. See {menuitis}, {drool-proof
X paper}, {Macintrash}, {user-obsequious}.
Xuser-obsequious: adj. Emphatic form of {user-friendly}. Connotes
X a system so verbose, inflexible, and determinedly simple-minded
X that it is nearly unusable. "Design a system any fool can use and
X only a fool will want to use it". See {WIMP environment},
X {Macintrash}.
XUSG UNIX: /yoo-ess-jee yoo'niks/ n. Refers to AT&T UNIX commercial
X versions after {Version 7}, especially System III and System V
X releases 1, 2 and 3. So called because at that time AT&T's support
X crew was called the `UNIX Support Group'. See {BSD}, {UNIX}.
XUUCPNET: n. The store-and-forward network consisting of all the
X world's UNIX machines (and others running some clone of the UUCP
X (UNIX-to-UNIX CoPy) software). Any machine reachable via a
X {bang path} is on UUCPNET. See {network address}.
X= V =
Xvadding: /vad'ing/ [from VAD, a permutation of ADV (i.e.
X {ADVENT}), used to avoid a particular {admin}'s continual
X search-and-destroy sweeps for the game] n. A leisure-time activity
X of certain hackers involving the covert exploration of the `secret'
X parts of large buildings --- basements, roofs, freight elevators,
X maintenance crawlways, steam tunnels, and the like. A few go so
X far as to learn locksmithing in order to synthesize vadding keys.
X The verb is `to vad' (compare {phreaking}).
X The most extreme and dangerous form of vadding is `elevator
X rodeo', aka `elevator surfing', a sport played by wrasslin'
X down a thousand-pound elevator car with a three-foot piece of
X string, and then exploiting this mastery in various stimulating
X ways (such as elevator hopping, shaft exploration, rat-racing, and
X the ever-popular drop experiments). Kids, don't try this at home!
Xvanilla: [from the default flavor of ice cream in the U.S.] adj.
X Ordinary flavor, standard. See {flavor}. When used of food,
X very often does not mean that the food is flavored with vanilla
X extract! For example, `vanilla-flavored wonton soup' (or simply
X `vanilla wonton soup') means ordinary wonton soup, as opposed to
X hot and sour wonton soup (suan la chow show). Applied to hardware
X and software. As in "Vanilla Version 7 UNIX can't run on a
X vanilla 11/34." Also used to orthogonalize chip nomenclature; for
X instance, a 74V00 means what TI calls a 7400, as distinct from a
X 74LS00, etc. This word differs from {canonical} in that the
X latter means `the thing you always use (or the way you always do
X it) unless you have some strong reason to do otherwise', whereas
X vanilla simply means `ordinary'. For example, when hackers go
X on a {great-wall}, hot-and-sour wonton soup is the {canonical}
X wonton soup to get (because that is what most of them usually
X order) even though it isn't the vanilla wonton soup.
Xvannevar: /van'@-var/ n. A bogus technological prediction or
X foredoomed engineering concept, esp. one which fails by implicitly
X assuming that technologies develop linearly, incrementally, and in
X isolation from one another when in fact the learning curve tends to
X be highly nonlinear, revolutions are common, and competition is the
X rule. The prototype was Vannevar Bush's prediction of "electronic
X brains" the size of the Empire State Building with a
X Niagara-Falls-equivalent cooling system for their tubes and relays,
X at a time when the semiconductor effect had already been
X demonstrated. Other famous vannevars have included magnetic-bubble
X memory, LISP machines, videotex, and a paper from the late 1970s
X that computed a purported ultimate limit on areal density for ICs
X which was in fact less than the routine densities of five years
X later.
Xvaporware: n. Products announced far in advance of any shipment
X (which may or may not actually take place).
Xvar: /veir/ or /vahr/ n. Short for `variable'. Compare {arg},
X {param}.
XVAX: /vaks/ n. 1. [from Virtual Address eXtension] The most
X successful minicomputer design in industry history, possibly
X excepting its immediate ancestor, the PDP-11. Between its release in
X 1978 and eclipse by {killer micro}s after about 1986 the VAX was
X probably the favorite hacker machine of them all, esp. after the
X 1982 release of 4.2BSD UNIX (see {BSD}). Esp. noted for its
X large, assembler-programmer-friendly instruction set, an asset
X that became a liability after the RISC revolution following about
X 1985. 2. A major brand of vacuum cleaner in Britain. Cited here
X because its alleged sales pitch, "Nothing sucks like a VAX!"
X became a sort of battle-cry of RISC partisans. Ironically, the
X slogan was actually that of a rival brand called Electrolux.
XVAXectomy: n. A VAX removal. DEC's microvaxen, especially, are
X much slower than newer RISC-based workstations like the SPARC.
X Thus, if one knows one has a repacement coming, VAX removal can be
X cause for celebration.
XVAXen: /vak'sn/ [from `oxen', perhaps influenced by `vixen'] n.
X (alt. `vaxen') The plural standardly used among hackers for the DEC
X VAX computers. "Our installation has four PDP-10s and twenty
X vaxen." See {boxen}.
Xvaxism: n. A piece of code that exhibits {vaxocentrism} in critical
X areas. Compare {PC-ism}, {unixism}.
Xvaxocentrism: /vak`soh-sen'trizm/ [analogy with `ethnocentrism'] n.
X A notional disease said to afflict C programmers who persist in
X coding according to certain assumptions valid (esp. under UNIX) on
X {VAXen}, but false elsewhere (this can create substantial
X portability problems). Among these are:
X 1. The assumption that dereferencing a null pointer is safe because
X it is all bits zero, and location 0 is readable and zero (it may
X instead cause an illegal-address trap on non-VAXen, and even on
X VAXen under OSs other than BSD UNIX).
X 2. The assumption that pointer and integer types are the same size,
X and that pointers can be stuffed into integer variables and drawn
X back out without being truncated or mangled.
X 3. The assumption that a data type of any size may begin at any
X byte address in memory (for example, that you can freely construct
X and dereference a pointer to a word-sized object at an odd
X address). On many (esp. RISC) architectures better optimized for
X {HLL} execution speed this is invalid and can cause an illegal
X address fault or bus error.
X 4. The (related) assumption that there is no `padding' at the end
X of types and that in an array you can thus step right from the last
X byte of a previous component to the first byte of the next one.
X 5. The assumption that memory address space is globally flat and
X that the array reference foo[-1] is necessarily valid. This is not
X true on segment-addressed machines like Intel chips (yes,
X segmentation is universally considered a {brain-damaged} way to
X design, but that is a separate issue).
X 6. The assumption that objects can be arbitrarily large with no
X special considerations (again, not true on segmented
X architectures).
X 7. The assumption that the parameters of a routine are stored in
X memory, contiguously, and in strictly ascending or descending order
X (fails on many RISC architectures).
X 8. The assumption that bits and addressable units within an object
X are ordered in the same way and that this order is a constant of
X nature (fails on {big-endian} machines).
X 9. The assumption that it is meaningful to compare pointers to
X different objects not located within the same array, or to objects
X of different types (the former fails on segmented architectures,
X the latter on word-oriented machines or others with multiple
X pointer formats).
X 10. The assumption that a pointer to any one type can freely be cast
X into a pointer to any other type (fails on word-oriented machines
X or others with multiple pointer formats).
X 11. The assumption that an `int' is 32 bits (fails on 286-based
X systems and even on 386 and 68000 systems under some compilers), or
X (nearly equivalently) the assumption that `sizeof(int) ==
X sizeof(long)'.
X 12. The assumption that argv[] is writable (fails in some
X embedded-systems C environments).
X 13. The assumption that characters are signed.
X 14. The assumption that all pointers are the same size and format,
X which means you don't have to worry about getting the types correct
X in calls (fails on word-oriented machines or others with multiple
X pointer formats).
X Note that a programmer can be validly be accused of vaxocentrism
X even if he/she has never seen a VAX. The terms `vaxocentricity'
X and `all-the-world's-a-VAX syndrome' have been used synonymously.
Xvdiff: /vee'dif/ v.,n. Visual diff. The operation of finding
X differences between two files by {eyeball search}. See {diff}.
Xveeblefester: /vee'b at l-fes`tr/ [from the `Born Loser' comix via
X Commodore; prob. originally from Mad Magazine's `Veeblefetzer' c.
X 1960] n. Any obnoxious person engaged in the alleged professions
X of marketing or management. Antonym of {hacker}. Compare {suit},
X {marketroid}.
XVenus flytrap: [after the insect-eating plant] n. See {firewall
X machine}.
Xverbage: /ver'b at j/ n. Deliberate misspelling/mispronunciation of
X {verbiage} that assimilates it to the word `garbage'. Compare
X {content-free}. More pejorative than `verbiage'.
Xverbiage: n. When the context involves a software or hardware
X system, this refers to {{documentation}}. This term borrows the
X connotations of mainstream `verbiage' to suggest that the
X documentation is of marginal utility, and that the motives from
X which it is produced have little to do with the ostensible subject.
XVersion 7: alt. V7 /vee se'vn/ n. The 1978 unsupported release of
X {UNIX} ancestral to all current commercial versions. Before
X the release of the POSIX/SVID standards, V7's features were often
X treated as a UNIX portability baseline. See {BSD}, {USG UNIX},
X {UNIX}. Some old-timers impatient with commercialization and
X kernel bloat still maintain that V7 was the Last True UNIX.
Xvgrep: /vee'grep/ v.,n. Visual grep. The operation of finding
X patterns in a file {by hand}. See {grep}; compare {vdiff}.
Xvi: /vee ie/, *not* /vie/ and *never* /siks/ [from
X `Visual Interface'] n. A screen editor crufted together by Bill Joy
X for an early {BSD} version. Became the de-facto standard UNIX
X editor and a nearly undisputed hacker favorite until the rise of
X {EMACS} after about 1984. Tends to frustrate new users no end,
X as it will neither take commands while accepting input text nor
X vice versa, and the default setup provides no indication of which
X mode one is in (one correspondent accordingly reports that he has
X often heard the editor's name pronounced /viel/). Nevertheless it
X is still widely used (about half the respondents in a 1991 USENET
X poll preferred it), and even EMACS fans often resort to it as a
X mail editor and for small editing jobs (mainly because it starts up
X faster than bulky EMACS). See {holy wars}.
Xvideotex: n.obs. An electronic service offering people the
X privilege of paying to read the weather on their television screens
X instead of having somebody read it to them for free while they brush
X their teeth. The idea bombed, because by the time videotex was
X practical the installed base of personal computers could hook up to
X timesharing services and do the things videotex might have been
X worthwhile for better and cheaper. Videotex planners badly
X overestimated both the appeal of getting information from a
X computer and the cost of local intelligence at the user's end.
X Like the {gorilla arm} effect, this has been a cautionary tale to
X hackers ever since.
Xvirgin: adj. Unused, in reference to an instantiation of a program.
X "Let's bring up a virgin system and see if it crashes again."
X Esp. useful after contracting a {virus} through {SEX}. Also, by
X extension, unused buffers and the like within a program.
Xvirtual: [via the technical term `virtual memory', prob. fr.
X the term `virtual image' in optics] adj. 1. Common alternative
X to {logical}. 2. Simulated; performing the functions of
X something that isn't really there. An imaginative child's doll may
X be a virtual playmate. Usage: never used with compass directions.
Xvirtual Friday: n. The last day before an extended weekend, if that
X day is not a `real' Friday. For example, the U.S. holiday
X Thanksgiving is always on a Thursday. The next day is often also
X taken as a holiday or extra day off, in which case Wednesday of
X that week is a virtual Friday (and Friday is a virtual Saturday).
X There are also `virtual Mondays' that are actually Tuesdays,
X after the three-day weekends associated with many U.S. national
X holidays.
Xvirtual reality: n. 1. Computer simulations that involve OB3D graphics
X and use devices such as the Dataglove to allow the user to interact
X with the simulation. See {cyberspace}. 2. A form of network
X interaction incorporating aspects of role-playing games,
X interactive theater, improvisational comedy, and `true
X confessions' magazines. In a virtual reality forum (such as
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