yagcsp (Yet Another GIF Contact Sheet Program)

Daniel A. Glasser dag at gorgon.uucp
Mon May 6 13:36:38 AEST 1991

# This is a shell script.  It's not important, really, but if you strip
# off everything that comes before these shell comments and feed the
# result to sh (not csh) you should get the file csheet.c.  Note
# that this is a hand-made shell archive and it will not protect you
# against overwriting a file by the same name.  Use at your own risk.
echo Extracting csheet.c
cat >csheet.c <<EndOfTerribleCProgram
/* Csheet -- A program to make contact sheets out of .gif files.

	Version:	0.01
	Author:		Daniel A. Glasser (dag%gorgon at persoft.com or
					   dag at persoft.com)
	Date:		May 5, 1991

	The author hereby places this program in the public domain.

	Anybody can do anything with this code, even clean it up and
	call it h{er,is} own (though I'd appreciate some little credit
	somewhere).  There is no warrenty expressed or implied in this
	program.  The author assumes no liability for damage caused by
	this program or by programmers who go berzerk after trying to
	read this program.  You are on your own.

	The author admits that this program is awful.  Don't judge
	his programming talent by the junk that's here.  I used to be
	a competition programmer in college.  You learn to code fast
	when maintainability and style don't matter.  I program for
	a living, and what I write for work bears little or no
	resemblence to this mess.  Please don't show this junk to
	any beginning C programmer.  It's bad for their teeth.


	This program is a translation into C of the Bourne shell
	script called "contact", posted to alt.sex.pictures.d
	by Ron Schnell and modified by rekers at cwi.nl.  I had problems
	with the original because I run on a Sys-V system with a
	14 character file name limit.  The posted scripts immediately
	ran afowl of this limit.  My modifications to the shell script
	made it almost work, but things were still strange.  I hacked
	this together in about an hour, and touched it up after some
	debugging.  I'm posting it about 4 hours old.

	Note that this program differs from the original shell script
	in several important ways --

	1)	It takes file name parameters rather than having a
		hard coded source directory.
	2)	The output and work directories can be changed without
		recompiling through shell variables.
	3)	ditto for the output file name
	4)	ditto for the maximum image height
	5)	It should take care of non-full last pages.

	This code is blecherous, uncommented garbage!  It doesn't catch
	signals, have command line options, or create its own pipes.  It
	uses "system()" for everything, and does not protect the user's
	temporary files against other users' temporary files.  All of these
	things could be added without too much difficulty, but I'm lazy.

	Usage:	csheet <gif_file_list>

	where <gif file list> is a space separated list of the files
	(including paths if not in the current directory) to be included
	in the contact sheet.  These files are expected to have the
	extension ".gif", and if they don't, .gif is _not_ appended.

	A recent version of the PBMplus utility package (or at least
	part of said package) must be accessable through the user's
	search path (PATH) for system() to do its stuff.

	The program looks in the environment for four symbols,

		SHEETWORK	(defaults to /tmp)
			The directory the work gets done in.  It
			is a good idea to set this environment variable
			to something other than /tmp, just in case someone
			else is trying to run this program at the same
			time you are.  There should be several megabytes
			free in the file system containing this directory.

		SHEETDEST	(defaults to .)
			The directory in which the resulting .gif file
			will be placed.

		SHEETNAME	(defaults to sheet)
			The first part of the name of the contact sheet
			file.  It will have a two-digit sequence number
			appended to it, followed by ".gif".

		SHEETHEIGHT	(defaults to 768)
			This specifies the maximum height of the contact
			sheet (in scan lines).

	You can override the default default values at compile time
	by defining DEFWORK, DEFDEST, DEFPREFIX, and DEFHEIGHT, respectively.

	bugs:	If the files names are not in wildcard expansion order
		in the argument list to the program, the labels on the
		images might be wrong.

		I'm sure there are many more, I've not seen them yet.

	todo:	The program should take switches to override both the
		defaults and the environment.  Someone who cares should
		add this.

		It's rather difficult to interrupt this program...
		Appropriate signals should be caught and the return
		status from 'system()' should be examined so the
		program can tell when a child has been interrupted
		rather than just failed.  Some cleanup of the work
		directory should be done.

		There is no need to use the basename of the .gif
		file as part of the temporary file names.  A unique
		prefix should be generated for each instance of this
		program along with the sequence number of the file
		in the command line, thereby eliminating a bunch of
		problems with wild-card expansion order and conflicts
		between concurrent executions of this program.


#include <stdio.h>

#ifndef	DEFWORK
#define	DEFWORK	"/tmp"

#ifndef	DEFDEST
#define	DEFDEST	"."

#define	DEFPREFIX "sheet"

#define	DEFHEIGHT 768

char command[257];
int atoi();
char *strchr();
char *strrchr();
char *getenv();
int strlen();

char *workdir;
char *destdir;
char *prefix;
int  maxheight;

void panic(str)
char *str;
	fprintf("Panic on command\n%s\nPlease clean up %s yourself.\n",
		str, workdir);

int basename(dest, src, len)
char *dest;
char *src;
int len;
	char *x;
	int l;

	while (x = strchr(src, '/'))
		src = x + 1;

	if ((x = strrchr(src, '.')) == NULL)
		x = src + strlen(src);

	for (l=0; l < len; ++l)
		if ((src == x) || (*src == '\0'))
		*dest++ = *src++;
	*dest = '\0';
	return l;

int getval(str, fld)
char *str;
int fld;
		while ((*str != ' ') && (*str != '\t'))
			if (*str == '\0')
				return 0;
		while ((*str == ' ') || (*str == '\t'))
	if (*str == '\0')
		return 0;
		return atoi(str);

void linedone(row, page)
int row;
int page;
	printf("Compiling row %d of contact sheet %d\n", row, page);
		"pnmcat -white -lr %s/*.s* | ppmquant 256 > %s/row%d.ppm",
			workdir, workdir, row * 2 - 1);
	printf("%s\n", command);
	if (system(command)) panic(command);
		"pnmcat -white -lr %s/fname? > %s/row%d.ppm",
			workdir, workdir, row * 2);
	printf("%s\n", command);
	if (system(command)) panic(command);
		"rm -f %s/*.s* %s/fname?", workdir, workdir);
	printf("%s\n", command);
	if (system(command)) panic(command);

void pagedone(row, page)
int row;
int page;
	char result[128];
	FILE *fp;
	int height;

	printf("Assembling contact sheet %d\n", page);
		"pnmcat -white -tb %s/row?.ppm > %s/page%02d.ppm",
			workdir, workdir, page);
	printf("%s\n", command);
	if (system(command)) panic(command);

	sprintf(command, "rm -f %s/row?.ppm", workdir);
	printf("%s\n", command);
	if (system(command)) panic(command);

	sprintf(command, "pnmfile %s/page%02d.ppm > %s/size",
				workdir, page, workdir);
	printf("%s\n", command);
	if (system(command)) panic(command);
	sprintf(command, "%s/size", workdir);
	if ((fp = fopen(command, "r")) == NULL)
		fprintf(stderr, "Fatal error, you'll have to clean %s up\n",
	fgets(result, 128, fp);
	printf("rm %s\n", command);
	height = getval(result, 6);

	if (height == 0) height = maxheight + 1;

	printf("Page height is %d\n", height);
	if (height > maxheight)
		printf("Scaling down to %d scans.\n", maxheight);
"pnmscale -ysize %d < %s/page%02d.ppm | ppmquant 256 | ppmtogif > %s/%s%02d.gif",
			maxheight, workdir, page, destdir, prefix, page);
		"ppmquant 256 < %s/page%02d.ppm | ppmtogif > %s/%s%02d.gif",
			workdir, page, destdir, prefix, page);
	printf("%s\n", command);
	if (system(command)) panic(command);

	sprintf(command, "rm -f %s/page%02d.ppm", workdir, page);
	printf("%s\n", command);
	if (system(command)) panic(command);

	printf("++++  file %s/%s%02d.gif is complete!\n",
			 destdir, prefix, page);

main(argc, argv)
int argc;
char **argv;
	char base[32];
	char workfile[64];
	char *tmp;
	int curfile;
	int curpage;
	int currow;
	int i;

	if (argc <= 1)
		fprintf(stderr, "useage: %s list-of-gif-files\n",
	if ((workdir = getenv("SHEETWORK")) == NULL)
		workdir = DEFWORK;
	if ((destdir = getenv("SHEETDEST")) == NULL)
		destdir = DEFDEST;
	if ((prefix = getenv("SHEETNAME")) == NULL)
		prefix = DEFPREFIX;

	if (tmp = getenv("SHEETHEIGHT"))
		if ((maxheight = atoi(tmp)) <= 0)
			maxheight = DEFHEIGHT;
		maxheight = DEFHEIGHT;
	curfile = 0;
	currow = 0;
	curpage = 0;

	for (i=1; i<argc; ++i)
		printf("Processing %s\n", argv[i]);
		basename(base, argv[i], sizeof(base));
		strcpy(workfile, workdir);
		strcat(workfile, "/");
		strcat(workfile, base);
		strcat(workfile, ".spm");

"giftoppm < %s | pnmscale -xsize 102 | ppmquant 256 > %s",
				argv[i], workfile);
		printf("%s\n", command);
		if (system(command) != 0)
			printf("Error processing %s, skipping...", argv[i]);
"pbmtext %s.gif | pnmscale -xsize 102 -ysize 20 > %s/fname%d",
				base, workdir, curfile);
		if (system(command)) panic(command);

		if (curfile >= 5)
			curfile = 0;
			linedone(currow, curpage);

			if (currow == 4)
				pagedone(currow, curpage);
				currow = 0;
			} /* end of page done */
		} /* end of row done */
	} /* end of for () */
	if (currow != 0 || curfile != 0)
		if (curfile != 0) linedone(currow, curpage);
		pagedone(currow, curpage);
	printf("All done, %d pages produced from %d image files.\n",
			curpage, argc - 1);
echo done extracting csheet.c
exit 0
Daniel A. Glasser                       One of those things that goes
dag%gorgon at persoft.com                  "BUMP! (ouch!)" in the night.

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