differences between a 4/300 and 4/400

Rob Logan rob at phoenix.erc.clarkson.edu
Wed Feb 6 09:03:10 AEST 1991

I was trying to figgure out why someone would pay so much for a sun
4/400 cpu over a sun 4/300 cpu card.  So I started a table:

		SLC	IPC	SS2	300	400	s4000
cpu		?	?	cy601	cy601	?	mn10501 (64 bits)
cpu MHz		20	25	40	25	33	33
FPU type	?	?	ti8847	ti8847	ti8847	built in
FPU MHz		20	25	40	25	33	33
HW context	8	8	16	16	64	?
PMEG		?	128	256	?	?	?
cache		64 wt	64 wt	64 wt	128 wt	128 wb	8*3
IO cache	-	-	-	-	4	-
Max easy ram	16	48	64	32	32	40
bit simms	36	9	9	9	ECC	9

I don't know what to call the old fujitsu sparc in the IPC and SLC (s20
{4/200?} or s25).  I know they also use weitek FPUs, but I think they
are different models.. 

if anyone can fill in the holes, (or has the answer to my question), send
me mail and I will repost an updated table. (if enough intrest)


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