Trouble with generic 2.10BSD

Robert Wilhite wilhite at usceast.UUCP
Tue Sep 13 12:00:39 AEST 1988

I'm having a bit of trouble getting 2.10 to work on our PDP.  Our
system is:

	a PDP 11/44 with 1 meg of memory,
	two CDC 9762 disk drives
	a TS11 tape drive
	two DH11 tty boards

The story so far:  The generic kernel we got from the distribution tape
will boot.  (It doesn't recognise our DH11's, tho, so no multi-user.)
We've been thru the "Config & Recompile" loop a number of times, trying to
get the kernel tailored to our system.  Some resulted in a non-bootable
system (base segment too large, I think); others resulted in a bootable
system that would "panic" for some reason or another.  (All from mistakes
in our configuration file, I'm sure.)  The most successful attempt
resulted in a system that would boot and hang:

	>>> b db

	boot: 44boot
	: xp(0,0)unix

	2.10 BSD UNIX #1: Fri Aug 26 01:47:47 PDT 1988

	phys mem  = 1048576
	avail mem = 204800
	user mem  = 204800


Finally, as a sanity-check, we tried to recompile the generic distribution
kernel.  It compiled okay (with a couple of pointer warnings) and...
it hangs, too.

To be more specific, here's what happened:

[after booting from generic unix]

	# cd /usr/src/sys/conf
	# cp GENERIC G44
	# ./config G44
		[normal stuff]
	# cd ../G44
	# make sunix
		[lotsa output, 45 minutes elapse]
	# cp unix /csunix
	# cp /csunix /unix
	# sync;sync
		[reboot, hang]

I'm not sure what to try next.  I'd appreciate any comments or advice.  If
more info is needed, let me know.  Thanks!	--Robert

Robert Wilhite, sys. admin.	..ncrcae!usceast!wilhite
University of South Carolina	wilhite at

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