reposting: sockets problem
aoki at trwspp.UUCP
aoki at trwspp.UUCP
Thu Jun 7 06:23:09 AEST 1984
[are you hungry?????]
Here a problem for all you 4.2 wizards :::::
The problem is this. We have been playing with sockets, and
have been experiencing very slow response time.
(taking the code from the IPC Primer)
When a single link to the server was created, communications
seems to work properly. However, when multiple links were made to
the server (4 to be exact), after several iterations of send and
receive between server and clients, the client seems to hang. We
only think that the problem is in the client, we're not sure.
Include here a portion of the code:
int sd;
int nsd1, nsd2, nsd3, nsd4;
struct sockaddr_in from;
char msg[100],
listen(sd, 4);
nsd1 = accept(sd, &from, &len);
nsd2 = accept(sd, &from, &len);
nsd3 = accept(sd, &from, &len);
nsd4 = accept(sd, &from, &len);
while (1) {
cntr = recv(nsd1, msg, sizeof(msg), 0);
if (cntr != ERROR) {
cntr = send(nsd1, ack, sizeof(ack), 0);
.(repeated for other links)
Any experiences with sockets you would like to share with me
would be greatly appreciated. (any other experiences with
sockets other than the problem mentioned would also appreciated)
Before you say it, I have been reading net.unix-wizards.
As they say, thanks in advance...
::::: Dean K. Aoki :::::
UUCP: { ucbvax | decvax } !trwrb!trwspp!aoki
ARPA: !trwrb!trwspp!aoki at BERKELEY
USPS: T R W Defense Systems Group
One Space Park MS: 119-2142F
Redondo Beach, CA 90278
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