4.2BSD tty.c bug - (nf)
hosking at convex.UUCP
hosking at convex.UUCP
Sat Jun 16 15:25:00 AEST 1984
convex!hosking Jun 15 00:25:00 1984
In 4.2BSD tty.c, routine "ttwrite", there appears to be a bug with the way
interrupt masking is done. Assuming you reach "ovhiwat:", interrupts are
masked with s = spl5();. However, there are at least 2 ways to leave this
code without a corresponding splx(s). Oops!
s = spl5();
if (tp->t_state&TS_NBIO) {
if (uio->uio_resid == cnt)
return (EWOULDBLOCK); <----------
return (0); <----------
Doug Hosking
Convex Computer Corp.
..{allegra, ihnp4}!convex!hosking
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