Bug in curses package
Lorien Y. Pratt
lorien at dartvax.UUCP
Thu May 24 05:45:18 AEST 1984
When I saw Mike Laman's bug fix for lack of scrolling in Curses,
I thought it was just the thing to help us avoid an anticipated need to
hack our C program to get around curses so that scrolling worked at a
decent rate. Problem is, the bug fixes he proposes *don't work* at our
(4.2bsd) installation. As it's not documented in the curses manual,
perhaps I simply don't know how to get the screen to scroll.
All I want to do is to display pages of data to users without clearing
the screen between pages but rather to begin scrolling in a new page
when they press some character indicating they want to go on.
Here's the program I wrote to test if introducing Laymen's bug
fix worked (only #1 on his list was not already fixed). *Tell me* how
to modify Curses so that it uses the built-in scrolling facilities of
my terminal instead of redrawing it all.
/* Start of curtest.c */
#include <stdio.h>
char temp[256];
char t;
int i;
scrollok( stdscr, TRUE );
sprintf( temp, "This is the line numbered %d", i );
mvaddstr( i, 0, temp );
t = getch();
scroll( stdscr );
sprintf( temp, "Line %d", i );
mvaddstr( 23, 0, temp );
/* End of curtest.c */
Compile by:
cc curtest.c -lcurses -ltermlib
Run by:
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