Patch to find(1) to find large files.

Jerry Aguirre jerry at oliveb.UUCP
Fri Jun 14 05:57:40 AEST 1985

> 	find dir \( -size n -o -size n+1 -o -size n+2 ... \)
> How big can a file get?
> 			David Elliott
> 			tektronix!tekecs!dce

This is not really necessary, all the numeric arguments can have an
optional plus or minus sign in front of them.  Thus "-size +n" is

I agree with your comments about the granularity of find on time and
size arguments.  It is silly to restrict the user to increments of
86,400 times the basic unit being compared. (That's one day in seconds.)

If the designer wanted to make it easier to specify units more useful
than a second or a byte then using a afix multipler such as s, h, d, m,
or y to indicate seconds, hours, days, months, or years would have been
much more flexable.  The same scheme could be used for sizes using c, k,
b, or w (as in the dd command).

Perhaps an added option to find that would allow afixes to numeric
arguments but retain the default units of days and blocks could solve
this problem.

				Jerry Aguirre @ Olivetti ATC

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