4.[123]bsd man (really more) misdoes "man sort" (with workaround)
Arthur David Olson
ado at elsie.UUCP
Tue Jul 8 04:57:21 AEST 1986
Index: man/man1/sort.1 Fix
The "sort" manual page is misdisplayed on terminals such as VT100s
due to a bug in the "more" command.
Hop on a VT100 or equivalent and use the command
man sort
Rather than wasting more time dealing with more more bugs, change
the line in the file "man1/sort.1" that reads:
.if n -mubdfinrt^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H_________x
(where "^H" represents a backspace character) to read:
.if n -_^Hm_^Hu_^Hb_^Hd_^Hf_^Hi_^Hn_^Hr_^Htx
Bug/s is a Volkswagen/Warner Brothers trademark.
More is some tobacco company's trademark.
VT100 is a Digital Equipment Corporation trademark.
UUCP: ..decvax!seismo!elsie!ado ARPA: elsie!ado at seismo.ARPA
DEC, VAX, Elsie & Ado are Digital, Borden & Ampex trademarks.
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