OF filters question : 4.2BSD LP Spooler

James P. Kiely kiely at lownlab.UUCP
Fri Mar 14 10:41:30 AEST 1986

In the "4.2BSD Line Printer Spooler Manual" it states  that  "The
output  filter  of  is ... started only once ... [with] no provi-
sion ... [for] identifying the beginning and end of jobs  ...  ".
I  originally thought that this meant that OF was started up once
for the entire duration of the life of  the  lpd  Master  Daemon.
But  as  far  as  I  can   tell  from  the sources  (specifically
printjob.c) OF is started (in the routine openpr) each  time  the
print  queue  starts  up,  i.e. each  time  the print  queue  was
empty and now has something to print.  This is the only time  the
OF  filter is started.  It is not restarted  for every  job.  For
instance, if there are five jobs in the queue at the  same  time,
they  will  all  be  processed  by  the same  OF  filter process.
Therefore the OF filter should not exit upon seeing  EOF  on  the

The question is: how does OF know when to exit?

The only time it receives a signal other than SIGCONT  is  during
abortpr()  which  is only called if printjob() receives a signal.
Under normal printing conditions, printjob() simply exit's(0)  if
there  is  no more work to do.  The IF filter is started for each
job and is waited for and as such does  not  have  this  problem.
Therefore,  one  can avoid the OF exiting problem by using IF and
not OF as long as the banner page does not have to go  through  a
filter.  But I would like to run the banner page through a filter
and I would also like to know the correct solution to this  prob-

Please respond directly to me by email.   I  will  summarize  the
responses  to the net.  If I am doing something stupid, please be
kind; after all I was raised on hardware.
NAME:     James P. Kiely                USPS:   Lown Cardiovascular Laboratory
USENET:   ...!harvard!lownlab!kiely             Harvard School of Public Health
PHONE:    +1 617 732 1307                       665 Huntington Avenue
                                                Boston, MA 02115-9915

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