A bug in "patch". Looking for the patch.

KONSTANTAS Dimitri dimitri at cui.UUCP
Sat Jun 4 05:58:35 AEST 1988

I run into a bug in the "patch" program.
(Patch Kit version 2.0 by Lary Wall)
The bug comes up with patches like

*** 627,639 ****
                    XAllocColor(dpy, DefaultColormap(dpy, scr), &ml->bg))) {
                  ml->fg.pixel = MTextForground;
                  ml->bg.pixel = MTextBackground;
- 		alternateGC = False;
              } else {
- #ifdef broken
- 		alternateGC = FALSE;
- #endif
--- 650,658 ----

The error message is something like:
assertion failed in pch.c line 636

The question is obvious: Is there a new release of the patch program?
Where can I find a patch for the bug?

Please reply directly. (if possible!) I hate all those messages
in the net replying to silly questions (like mine!) and overloading it!


Dimitri Konstantas 			| UUCP : mcvax!cernvax!cui!dimitri
Centre Universitaire d'Informatique 	| EARN : dimitri at cgeuge51.bitnet
Univeristy of Geneva			| MHS  : dimitri at cui.unige.ch

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