Subject: bug in and fix to crypt(3C)

rcj at moss.ATT.COM rcj at moss.ATT.COM
Sun Apr 3 11:19:02 AEST 1988

In article <64 at kenobi.UUCP> ford at kenobi.UUCP (Mike Ditto) writes:
}There is a bug in the crypt(3C) library function in most (if not all)
}System V libraries which completely prevents proper encryption/
}decryption of data using the DES algorithm.  The routines affected are
}setkey() and encrypt(), the crypt() function works as it is.

I ran the test on our Vax running AT&T SVR2 and got the correct
result, so it isn't in all SV libraries.

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The MAD Programmer -- 201-386-6409 (Cornet 232)
alias: Curtis Jackson	...![ ihnp4 ulysses ucbvax allegra ]!moss!rcj
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