awk bug

Marnix van Ammers vanam at pttesac.UUCP
Sun Jan 31 11:42:37 AEST 1988

While trying to install a new program I ran across a bug in our Sys
V, release 2.1.1 (AT&T 3B20) awk.  In our awk the following pattern
always matches (even if there are 5 or less fields on the current

if $6 != ""

This does not happen on the awk on my 3B1 version 3.51 .

Is this a known bug or what?

Marnix (ain't unix!) A.  van\ Ammers		Work: (415) 545-8334
Home: (707) 644-9781				CEO: MAVANAMMERS:UNIX
WORK UUCP: {ihnp4|ptsfa}!pttesac!vanam		CIS: 70027,70
HOME UUCP: pttesac!Marnix!vanam 

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