vi(1) bug - defunct processes

WU SHI-KUEI skwu at boulder.Colorado.EDU
Sat Aug 26 06:54:36 AEST 1989

In article <10861 at mybest.UUCP> paddock at mybest.UUCP (pri=-10 Steve Paddock) writes:
>>The symptom:  Every time you pass a piece of an open file through a
>>filter (e.g., 'spell', 'filter' etc) using the ! <cursor-move> operator,
>>'vi' leaves the process it used hanging <defunct> in the system,

On a 3B2/400 running 5.3.1 this happens only when running 'ksh' and the
bang command invokes ksh.  If one escapes to 'sh', everything seems to be OK.
This at least on 'ksh' from Aspen Technologies.

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