RSS for System V -- does it really, really work?

Pim Zandbergen pim at ctisbv.UUCP
Fri Feb 10 08:39:59 AEST 1989

In article <566 at> bauer at loligo (Jeff Bauer) writes:
>Here's a simple hack for System V running on an ETA-10 that shows
>the actual working set of running processs.  It should be somewhat
>adaptable to any System V I'd think.

On an AT&T 3B2/600 with System V release 3.1.1,
make says:

: 	cc ws.c -o ws -O -Dint32=long -Duint32=ulong -s -lc_s
: "ws.c", line 190: RG_SPAGE undefined
: "ws.c", line 194: RG_LPAGE undefined
: "ws.c", line 196: NSPPLP undefined
: "ws.c", line 250: NBPLP undefined
: *** Error code 1
: Stop.

I did...

Pim Zandbergen      | phone: +31 70 542302 | CTI Software BV
pim at ctisbv.UUCP     | fax  : +31 70 512837 | Laan Copes van Cattenburch 70
...!uunet!mcvax!hp4nl!ctisbv!pim           | 2585 GD The Hague, The Netherlands

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