Bug in csh (system 5 and system 3)

Tom Neff tneff at bfmny0.UU.NET
Sun Oct 22 07:02:40 AEST 1989

In article <2551 at auspex.auspex.com> guy at auspex.auspex.com (Guy Harris) writes:
>Well, AT&T didn't supply "csh" with S3, nor with any S5 release prior to
>S5R4, so "system 5 and system 3" really means "somebody's S3-based and
>S5-based releases, with a 'csh' from somewhere".  

AT&T 6386E running Sys V/386 3.2 out of the box:

	$ what /bin/csh
		/bin/csh.sl 1.1 3.2 06/24/88 63059 AT&T-SF

"Take off your engineering hat   | "The filter has      | Tom Neff
and put on your management hat." | discreting sources." | tneff at bfmny0.UU.NET

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